Dirty Little Secret

Dirty Little Secret

At the beginning of the school term everyone was called in to see the Guidance Counsellor, separately of course. It happened every year and all that happened was a short five minute interview so the school could claim they were looking after their pupil’s mental health. It's really just a big farce. The Guidance Counsellor was an old sixty year old man that wouldn't know if there was something wrong because he wouldn't hear you tell him. At least he was, now he had somehow magically morphed into a twenty year old woman who gleaned with clinical neatness. Baekhyun wondered if her s were one of the ways she conned pupils into confiding in her, she wasn't doing a good job keeping them confined. As he sat down at the mahogany desk she smiled at him in what he assumed was meant to a comforting way. Her cheeks looked like they were untrained for such a strain. He inhaled deeply preparing himself for a mind numbing two to five minutes of mundane interrogation. His expectations were not met.

"Baekhyun, I would like you to take this envelope, complete everything inside tonight, and then post it back to me in the black box outside my office tomorrow. If not you will have to spend the next month running laps after school for an hour with Coach Seunghyun. Understand?"

Her words were oddly clipped and robotic, like it wasn't she who was saying them. He had to check was moving several times to assure himself that she was. He nodded. Grasping the pristine white envelope he left the stuffy office and headed off to meet his best friend out front. He wondered why the school had decided to pick his last year there to actually care about the students, it made his life complicated. Maybe, he hoped, whatever the envelope contained would disprove his theory. Perhaps they couldn't even be bothered to conduct the interviews in person anymore and now the students had to write out the answers? He opened the envelope and read the instructions. His hope had been in vain. The instructions told him he would have to write down is begging secret a piece of card enclosed and design the card accordingly. He had no idea what point this had, but as he saw Chanyeol waving from the front door he knew exactly what he would write.


"The entrance way of the school was wallpapered with their little cards, blown up to huge sizes for all to see. And everyone did see them. Some people laughed at them, others just glanced over them, but everyone speculated about who wrote what.">

Baekhyun had quickly forgotten about his card after posting it on the second day of term. It was a new school year; there were things to do, people to see. Even more so now they were seniors. This was their last year of being young. Change was lurking on the horizon; waiting.

However on Monday morning he quickly remembered. He and Chanyeol were walking into school as they did every day - its part of the whole best friend business - when they say it. The entrance way of the school was wallpapered with their little cards, blown up to huge sizes for all to see. And everyone did see them. Some people laughed at them, others just glanced over them, but everyone speculated about who wrote what. There were some interesting ones like the one where someone wrote they like the smell of their own poop. Everyone was dying to know who the successful compulsive liar was. Theories lived on the tongues of all. They spread like wildfire within the first half hour of the cards being up. Baekhyun could see his in the corner, it didn't attract much attention for it only said 'I'm in love with my best friend.' it wasn't very newsworthy, but if they knew it was he who wrote it they would be. Shock would shake the school because everyone knew exactly who his best friend was; Chanyeol the boy now running widely towards Baekhyun's card. Baekhyun was the most popular boy in school, and he was in love with his best friend. His male best friend.

Reluctantly he followed Chanyeol as he bound towards his corner of truth.

"Baekhyun," he called, "Look at this! There are two cards that say exactly the same thing."

Baekhyun followed the wild gestures of his hands to find that next to his large card was another that read exactly the same as his. His secret apparently wasn't very original. He swallowed.

"Imagine if they were talking about each other? Like there are these two people in love with each other and they don't even know it! It's so beautiful."

Baekhyun winced because he knew it wasn't true. He was the one who made one of the cards, but he couldn't tell that to Chanyeol. Never would he be able to. But he smiled and agreed wholeheartedly with Chanyeol's idea. No need to make things awkward.

Half an hour later the seniors were told that on Friday they would all gather at school early in the entranceway and would be given a chance to reveal which card was there's by going to standby it - only if you wanted to. Baekhyun felt Chanyeol shift next to him. He knew his secret would follow him to the grave.


It was 8am on a Friday morning and a bleary eyed senior year occupied the school's entranceway. Their faces gave away the array of emotions towards the coming revelations: anxiety, fear and an undeniable curiosity. People wanted to know who was hiding what, who loved who, who was cheating on whom and who was just plain weird. Darting eyes showed everything from suspicion to accusation. Baekhyun couldn't see how this was meant to help anyone; it was just dividing them in their last year together. Dynamics would be tilted that should've never been touched.

The new Guidance Counsellor strode down the corridor, heels clack with each step, and stood before them. From his fellow students faces he could tell he wasn't the only one who detested her already.

"Everyone this is your chance to free yourself from your own restraints."

The words could have possibly been inspiring if they hadn't entered the world from her lips. Instead they mocked.

"You may now walk to your card, if you want."

No one moved. The room was doused in a frozen inactivity as everyone waited with baited breath for the first student to move. Chanyeol exhaled loudly and everyone turned to look at him for he had disturbed to ringing silence. His face was determined and set, but Baekhyun could see the nerves that permeated his body. He started to walk. All eyes followed his journey. He walked, and walked, and walked to the furthest corner of the room where Baekhyun's card was. He stopped. The room burst into exclamations of shock, hurried whispers and some judging laughs. Everyone's reactions were different, but all in the room stared at Baekhyun. Baekhyun was too busy trying to start his heart again to care. Chanyeol had stopped in front of the card next to his own; the one that read: 'I'm in love with my best friend.' Everyone knew exactly who that was. If they didn't they knew now, Chanyeol hadn't stopped staring directly into his eyes. It didn't help him continue pumping blood round his body in any way.

Baekhyun let his breath rush from his body before he started walking. The closer he got to Chanyeol the wider and more fearful his best friend's eyes became, and the louder the whispers of "Is he going to beat him up" became. As he walked past Chanyeol he could see the way his body seemed to cave in on himself in disappointment, and the room exploded with taunts, condolences and some groans of disappointment. Silence fell again once they realised where he had stopped. He was standing in front of his card. They all knew what that meant.

Chanyeol turned to stare down at his, eyes wide in childish shock. Baekhyun couldn't help but chuckle with endearment. He would never forget the smile that conquered Chanyeol's face when the implications of the situation dawned on him. His lips spread to their full potential, revealing Chanyeol's usually hidden full-on-creeper-mode smile. Baekhyun wouldn't help but match it.

After that a few more people moved to their cards but no one cared. They were all too preoccupied with the passionate making out that was going on in the corner. Many boys were disgusted, some found it sweet, some found it hot and Baekhyun chuckled when he could hear them friend Kai wolf whistle from the back of the crowd.

No one even noticed when Changmin stood in front of the card stating that he loved the smell of his poop.


A/N - wrote this quite quickly so not my best :)! Leave a comment please & read some of my other fanfics :)

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Moomintroll #1
Chapter 1: oho, it was short but very good :D at first i thought the fic would be boring but then i did not even notice how i found my self grinning like an idiot :d :D
iluvbubbles_yay #2
Chapter 1: Aww that's so cute^-^ and oh Changmin...
Chapter 1: Gosh this is so cute - squeals -
Chapter 1: haha~ I really really LOVE the way you ended this!! ^-^ <3
AlicePark #5
Chapter 1: loved this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean.. that was so sweet... and cute...
it was a great idea...
I actually put the music to listen it,
I has been a while, i have forgotten how much I like that music xD
this is just so damn adorable<3
HaruSun #7
Chapter 1: *love