
I'm Happy That I Met You

In a few hours you will be meeting him at the park again. And since its Friday night you would get to meet him longer since you have no school the next day. You were super excited.

Lately you always get those strange feeling around him, a strange, jumpy, happy feeling (you know what i mean), and you don't know why. You never think about your ex again, but think about him instead.

Sometimes, when you get random texts from him, you would smile like some idiot while staring at your phone.



You were seating on the park bench and suddenly someone called you "Hey ~~~~~ !!"

Its him, you greeted him back "Hey oppa !"

You talked with him a few minutes then suddenly he said in a serious tone, "Uhmm, can I ask you something ?".

"Of course. What's that you wanted to ask ?"

"So, I like this one girl. No, more like love. But I'm not sure if she will love me back. What do you think I should do ?".

You felt like your heart break into million pieces. In that exact moment, you realized that you love him. You want him to be always with you. You don't want him to be with other girls other than you.

Trying to hide that feeling, you said in a normal tone, "Well, you should confess to her. Its better than not try and always wonder what will happen. Don't worry oppa, I'm sure she will love you back. You are a great guy."  Trying to act normal, you asked, "But who is that girl oppa ?"

He asked while smilling warmly, "You will find out soon."

You hit his arm playfully and said, "You always make me curious."

He laughed and said, "I promise you will know about it soon."

"Promise oppa?", you said while showing him your pinky.

"Promise.", he smiled warmly and held out his pinky to interlace it with yours. You heart skipped a beat when you saw him smilling warmly at you.




You woke up by a sudden 'beep' your phone made. You took your phone and saw a message from him.

From : Jongup Oppa <3

'Hey ~~~~ ! want to hang out at the mall next week ?'

To Jongup Oppa <3

'Sure. What time oppa ?'

From : Jongup Oppa <3

'11 a.m would be great. I will pick you up okay."

To : Jongup Oppa <3

'Okay. Can't wait for next week :)"

From : Jongup Oppa <3

'Me too ;) Don't get too excited, and if you get too excited, you will keep thinking about me You must concentrate in your studies you know ;P'

To : Jongup Oppa<3

'Arraso oppa ;b'

With that you said to yourself *silly oppa* and smiled like an idiot.

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MinjiLee #1
Chapter 3: awwwww so sweeeetttt :3333
MinjiLee #2
Chapter 3: awwwww so sweeeetttt :3333
Chapter 3: awwwwww soo sweeeeeett~!!!!!!!!!!!!