How We Met

I'm Happy That I Met You


You always go to the park near your house at night everytime you feel sad.

Then one night, you were seating on the park bench wondering why he chooses that girl instead of yourself. When you were about to exit the park, you bump into someone. He was holding a drink in a can, and it was spilled to your clothes.

He apologized, "I'm sooo sorry. I will wipe it off your clothes."

You just looked at him blankly. After a few seconds, you just realized what happened.  "Ah, its okay." You said with a warm smile.


He pulled you to the bench and make you sit. When he was about to wipe it for you, you gently take the handkerchief from his hand and wipe it by yourself. While you were wiping it, he stared and realized how red your eyes is from crying.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

You were confused once again.

"Were you crying just now ?" He asked again. He had this urge to ask you, even himself don't know why.

"Yea I was." You let out an awkward laugh.

"Umm. Why are you crying ? Are you hurt ?" He was shocked that words are coming from his mouth. "I'm sorry. I'm not supposed to say that. But I will listen if you would tell me though." He awkwardly said and turn his head away to hide his blushed face.

You just giggled at him. He said " Why are you laughing ?" .  You answer while smiling at him, " You are funny." 

He instantly got that strange 'tingling' feeling. He blushed again.

Just then, you let out a sigh. You started to tell him what had happened. Tears started to form.

He panicked when he saw you cry and said "D-don't cry. I believe that he is just not worth your tears. H-h-he is stupid to leave someone like you. You deserve someone better. Even though I never really fall in love before, but believe me that there's someone special for you out there. "

You laughed at him again because he stutter alot. You felt alot better and said to him, "Thanks alot. I think that your words are true. Maybe there's someone better for me out there. Thanks again". You smiled warmly at him.

He blushed again. Then he bravely said while stuttering, "I-I-I'm Jong Up. Its good to know you. I hope we can be good friends from now on." 

You smiled and said, "I'm ~~~~~~. Its good to know you too. Yea, let's be friends Jongup-ssi."


After that day, you always met him in the park. Weeks passed, you had become good friends with him. You already called him 'oppa' now since he's older than you and he asked you to call him that.

Whenever you had problems, you always share it to him and so did he. Little did you know that he already had fallen for you.

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MinjiLee #1
Chapter 3: awwwww so sweeeetttt :3333
MinjiLee #2
Chapter 3: awwwww so sweeeetttt :3333
Chapter 3: awwwwww soo sweeeeeett~!!!!!!!!!!!!