This is your cousin, Cindy

Raising Eighteen




I looked at Donghae, who was sleeping and wouldn’t let go of my waist. I smiled and tapped him on the shoulder again. “Donghae…” I whispered. He still didn’t wake up. “We have to get all of them ready for school…” He stayed asleep. I knew that he would wake up with one simple act that I’m known for. I looked at his neck and put my face closer to it and his apple. (A/N: YESSS!!! I HAD TO PUT MY WELL KNOWN OBSESSION INTO THIS!!!! DO NOT STEAL MY HAEAPPLE ACTION… IT’S SOMETHING THAT I GOT WELL KNOWN FOR ON TUMBLR!!! AND I WILL GET UPSET IF I SEE SOMEONE USING MY ACTION….) His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. “Hey baby…” he said, kissing me. “We have to get all the children ready…” I simply told him, giving him a peck on the cheeks.


Donghae nodded and got up. “Oh! Donghwa hyung’s daughter is coming with us too,” he said. My eyes widened. “Donghwa oppa has a daughter?” I asked, surprised. He nodded. After all the years I’d been married to him, I didn’t know I had a niece or even that Donghwa oppa had a wife or daughter.


“I haven’t met her yet either, jagiya,” he said. “Hyung only called me last week telling me if it would be okay if his daughter attended school with our children.” I sighed and nodded. “Is Donghwa oppa going to bring her here then?” I asked. He nodded.


There was a knock on the door and I went to see who it was while Donghae went to change into some clothes. I already had one of his shirts on and my shorts so I was good for opening the door. It was Donghwa oppa and his daughter. “HeeRin-ah! I haven’t seen you for years!!” he exclaimed,  hugging me. I hugged him in return. “And this is my daughter, Cinderella, but she’ll answer to her nickname more which is Cindy.” I bent down and smiled. “Hello Cindy. I’m your auntie…” I said. She quickly hid behind Donghwa and I smiled. “She’s a little shy…” he explained. “Where are my nieces and nephews?” he asked.


That just made me remember that I had to wake all of them up and get them ready. Maybe I’ll just wake Jona up and ask her to help me get everyone ready. I walked over to one of the rooms to find all of them already awake and dressed. “How did…?” I began.


Donghae walked out of the other room and smiled. “I woke them up…” he said. He looked at his older brother and smiled. “Hyung!” he exclaimed. “And this must be Cindy…” I looked at Donghae, surprised that he knew our niece’s name. I was about to ask but then I shook it off.


“Okay here’s your lunches… get the one with your name and HeeDong-ah… the red one is yours,” I said. Each of them ran to get their lunches and hugged me. I watched as they looked at Cindy, who was hiding behind Donghwa. Donghae laughed and said, “This is your cousin Cindy. She’s going to be going to school with all of you. She’s a little younger than all of you… so take care of her okay?” he said. All of them nodded and I went to quickly change my clothes and walked out with all of them to the bus that Donghae bought just so we would have enough room.


Before he started driving, I stood up and looked at the seats, counting to see if all eighteen were there. I didn’t have to worry about Cindy because she was sitting next to Donghwa. “They’re all here…” I simply said before sitting down.


“Jona unnie… what did umma give you?” Thanh asked. Jona looked into her packed lunch and said that I gave her rice and fish cakes. Thanh smiled. I then heard Hon looking into her lunch. “Noodles!!!!!!!!” she exclaimed.


I looked at them and shook my head. “Don’t eat your lunch yet…” I told them. We got to the school and we all went inside and brought them to their kindergarten classroom before Donghae, Donghwa and I went to talk to the principal. “So you promise that our children won’t have any media on them?” I asked. The principal nodded to us. I sighed in relief and so did Donghae and Donghwa. “Oppa… can I drive the bus?” I asked.


He looked at me with wide eyes and shook his head. “No…” he said. Although I knew that Donghae was a horrible driver… whenever anyone but our children or any child in general are with him, he knew I would probably be worse.


Next chapter will be them in their first day in kindergarten. But anyways I actually made a cousin for them because well... one of my dongsaengs wanted to be their cousin. So I made her Donghwa's child. ^_^

Oh! Also... if you guys want your RATED fic reviewed by me or even get posters for your fics.... It's my shared site with EunhaeLove.

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lol "I'll teach you how to draw Eunhae !" i cracked up on that one, and did you know one of the kids are named after Eevee, the POKEMON??? seriously, I love you for that~
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK LOL!!!!!! I've read your turn of fate and its sequel no matter what fics and it was an awesome story! Good job! I'm sorry I was just a silent reader before, but I can't help but comment when you made this fic! ahahahahaah.... 18 KIDS!!!!! this is utterly insane!!!! But it's cool nonetheless!!! ^^ Looking forward to the next chapters!! Please update soon! Thanks!
lol yup! The only place I know that calls it soccer is here in the US. But LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I blame my friend who had one of the children named after her. It was her idea to get me pregnant with 18 children.
EunhaeLove #5
Lmao, Football team^^ Donghae likes soccer unless you mean the Latin version....meaning football=soccer.<br />
Lol what would having 18 twins be called?<br />
jkaskjbdjkasfbjsab...can't think of it. *off to google*