Drunk Night

Raising Eighteen


A week past since the whole Minho imitates the hyungHOAR and Heechul oppa saying that he’ll teach Thanh how to draw ty pictures has passed and I finally got a day to spend time with my two best friends Amy and Jonah. Amy’s Hyukjae oppa’s wife and Jonah’s Yesung oppa’s wife. I don’t know why they rarely came before when Eunhyuk oppa and Yesung oppa came over to babysit. But then again today… Amy unnie, Jonah unnie and I are having a girls’ night out while all the Super Junior members take care of the twins. Oh how I worry that they’ll end up messing something up. I got ready and smiled at Donghae oppa.


He smiled and kissed me. “Don’t worry, Hyuk hyung and Yesung hyung will take care of all of them and not lose them…” he said. Smiling, he picked Shaye up since she wanted another piggyback ride. “Be good…” I said to all eighteen of my children. But first I had to count them to see if all of them were there. Alright… I looked at all of them and thought of their names while looking at them. Jona, Alex, Thanh, Kim, Hon, Shaye, Jenny, Tian Kong, Ji Hoo, Haneul, Min Ho, Bada, Justin, Eevee, Wookchun, Michele, Han Young, HeeDong. They’re all there.


The door bell rang and I ran to the door and saw Amy unnie and Jonah unnie there. “Ready to go?” Amy asked. I smiled and nodded. Jonah waved to Donghae and we left while Hyuk oppa and Yesung oppa went inside.


We went to a bar and ordered drinks. I ordered an Apple Martini, Amy ordered a Screwdriver and Jonah ordered on the Beach. I drank my drink happily and started talking to my two friends. “So how’s life been for the two of you?” I asked them. Amy smiled. “Good… should we go shopping after?” she asked. I nodded. “Maybe we should have went shopping before we drank…” Jonah said. Amy and I shrugged and drank the rest of our drinks. “We’ll drink more after shopping,” Amy said. I clapped my hands in excitement. Jonah finished her drink and the three of us went shopping.


MEANWHILE AT THE HOME…. (this is going to be in third person since I’m actually not supposed to be at the scene…)


All of the children didn’t know what to do once their umma left and they were stuck with Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Yesung. They all sat there not knowing what to do. Just as they were about to give up, Shaye walked up to Donghae and tugged on his pants. “Yes Shaye-ah?” he asked. She smiled. “Appa… can we go out and play soccer?” she asked in her adorable sweet voice. Donghae’s eyes started to glisten as he heard his daughter suggest that they go and play his favorite game. “Yes!!!” he exclaimed before Yesung and Eunhyuk had any say.


All of them went out with the children, some food, and the soccer ball and brought them to the soccer field. They broke up into teams and Yesung ended up being the referee for the game while Donghae had Jona, Alex, Hon, Thanh, Kim, Jenny, Shaye, Kim, and Bada on his team while Eunhyuk had the rest of their team. They only played for fun so there was not competition unless Donghae or Eunhyuk were head to head.




Jonah, Amy unnie, and I ended up going back to the bar to have another drink and we stayed there longer than we thought. And Jonah unfortunately got drunk that she started slurring everything. “Ya! Hee-Rin, you know that… *hiccup* your husband is really good in beddd?” she said. Amy and I looked at her surprised at what she’s saying. “What?” I asked. “He’s really good in bed….” “What?” “I can’t decide who’s better… him or Jongwoon oppa….” “WHAT?!” This went on for an hour or two and Amy said that we better go home before causing a scene plus she wanted to have some alone time with Hyukjae oppa.


We arrived back to my apartment and Donghae oppa has already put our children to bed but I couldn’t help but walk up to him. “Ya! Lee Donghae!” I yelled at him. Eunhyuk oppa looked at his wife and Amy told them it’s best that they leave quickly. The couple said their goodbyes and I looked at my husband. “You. *hiccup* Jonah. Bed,” I said, not exactly thinking of what that it could be taken out of context. “Jonah… bed… you…” I stammered and then groaned in frustration. “Yeobo, you’re drunk…” Donghae said. I shook my head. “Donghae… tell me if you slept with Jonah…..” I said. His eyes widened and so did Yesung oppa’s. He looked at me and then looked at Jonah. “I dated her in the past but it’s over…” he said. “She’s married to hyung…” Yesung just looked at us and then touched Jonah’s philtrum to pass the time.


Alex woke up and walked into the living room where all of us were arguing. “Umma… Appa… are you fighting?” she asked. I quickly looked at Alex and sighed. “No, Alex… we aren’t… go back to sleep….” I took a deep breath and sat on the couch.


Yesung looked at Donghae and then me and then Jonah. “Jonah’s drunk as well…” Yesung said. Donghae let a sigh out and then sat on the couch next to me, where I was curled up into a ball. “Jonah… let’s go home…” Yesung said, kissing her, getting her to come along.


Donghae hugged me and kissed my forehead. “I only see Jonah as a friend… besides she’s one of your best friends… what’s past is past… though I think she’s eyeing me at times but I doubt she’d try to leave hyung…” he started rambling. I looked up at him and kissed the corner of his lips. “It’s okay oppa… but I think I want to sleep now…” I said. He laughed, picked me up and then carried me to our bed and tucked me in before laying next to me and sleeping.


I know there was rarely any shine for the children... I had to introduce Amy and Jonah. LOL!

Jonah!!! Don't get made at me!!! LOL! But hey... Yeye's your husband in here.

I promise for more shine on the children next chapter....that is if my eldest daughter feeds at least one idea to me.

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lol "I'll teach you how to draw Eunhae !" i cracked up on that one, and did you know one of the kids are named after Eevee, the POKEMON??? seriously, I love you for that~
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK LOL!!!!!! I've read your turn of fate and its sequel no matter what fics and it was an awesome story! Good job! I'm sorry I was just a silent reader before, but I can't help but comment when you made this fic! ahahahahaah.... 18 KIDS!!!!! this is utterly insane!!!! But it's cool nonetheless!!! ^^ Looking forward to the next chapters!! Please update soon! Thanks!
lol yup! The only place I know that calls it soccer is here in the US. But LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I blame my friend who had one of the children named after her. It was her idea to get me pregnant with 18 children.
EunhaeLove #5
Lmao, Football team^^ Donghae likes soccer unless you mean the Latin version....meaning football=soccer.<br />
Lol what would having 18 twins be called?<br />
jkaskjbdjkasfbjsab...can't think of it. *off to google*