
Raising Eighteen


Eighteen children? How on earth is this even possible? Donghae oppa is one crazy guy when he said that he wanted to have a soccer team and have a lot of children… but little did I know was that I really was going to have enough children to be part of a soccer team. An Australian Football Rules team. I felt fat even though I knew that it was just my pregnancy.


And it didn’t help that I had to stay in the hospital constantly because eighteen kids is just like a supernatural being came into me and gave me eighteen children. Is Donghae oppa even sure that his ing has magical powers? Wait why did I just think that? Ugh! They put me on so many drugs for the pain because I’m in labor right now.


How long I’ve been here you might ask? Umm… let’s just say I’ve been here for more than a day already. It isn’t fun. Not fun at all. Even though Donghae oppa is here with me. And Heechul oppa came with him as well…  it still didn’t feel right because.. I’ve been here for more than a day and my contractions aren’t feeling any better. Ugh! Can’t I just die now?


The doctor finally came in and smiled at me. I sat here, silently praying that it would be C-Section but unfortunately I would have to give birth the natural way for the first nine before doing C-Section with the last nine. Why?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!


-FOURTEEN HOURS LATER [Just because I do not want to go into detail with how babies come out…]-


I sat there pouting at Donghae who was holding our oldest children, Jona and Alex. I felt EXHAUSTED!!! I should make a note to myself later to smack the hell out of Donghae oppa’s head and make him wear a next time we have . But seeing him smile at our children makes me feel happy. I can’t say the same thing for my body though. I feel like I need to live in the gym for a while. And why on earth are my s still the same size from before being pregnant?


“Hee-Rin…” Donghae said. “What?” I answered. “I promise I’ll take care of you and our children…” he said. I smiled at him. “And I think you should figure out if your ing has magical powers…” I said. I was still a little out of it from the painkillers.


I looked at all eighteen of my children. Even though it was a pain having them in me… I couldn’t help but find them utterly adorable. Each of them having different features of Donghae oppa and my physical traits. If you’re curious about their names… I’ll tell you their names from the eldest to the youngest. They are: Jona, Alex, Thanh, Kim, Hon, Shaye, Jenny, Tian Kong, Ji Hoo [blame my Boys Over Flowers obsession for that one], Haneul, Min Ho [he begged us to name a child after him… that hyungHOAR!], Bada [Donghae oppa insisted on this one], Justin, Eevee, Wookchun, Michael, Han Young, and HeeDong.


So now starts my life raising Donghae oppa’s children. This is going to be one crazy journey….


Dear god! I can't believe I actually wrote the first chapter. As I said this was more like a random thing that my friend who goes by the same name as one of the children did when she went that I should have all eighteen children at the same time! OTL OTL OTL

But hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'm always open to suggestions and scenarios for this since honestly... this is one of the fics that I'll just do in my free time if I have writer's block on my other Hae fics.

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lol "I'll teach you how to draw Eunhae !" i cracked up on that one, and did you know one of the kids are named after Eevee, the POKEMON??? seriously, I love you for that~
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK LOL!!!!!! I've read your turn of fate and its sequel no matter what fics and it was an awesome story! Good job! I'm sorry I was just a silent reader before, but I can't help but comment when you made this fic! ahahahahaah.... 18 KIDS!!!!! this is utterly insane!!!! But it's cool nonetheless!!! ^^ Looking forward to the next chapters!! Please update soon! Thanks!
lol yup! The only place I know that calls it soccer is here in the US. But LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I blame my friend who had one of the children named after her. It was her idea to get me pregnant with 18 children.
EunhaeLove #5
Lmao, Football team^^ Donghae likes soccer unless you mean the Latin version....meaning football=soccer.<br />
Lol what would having 18 twins be called?<br />
jkaskjbdjkasfbjsab...can't think of it. *off to google*