I'm Flaming Charisma!!!

Raising Eighteen




The past three years have been a toll on my sleeping pattern. But after their second birthday, everything seemed fine. It’s just that all of them have different personalities. But today… Donghae oppa and all the Super Junior oppas… and Henry are going to be helping to take care of them. Even Hankyung oppa’s going to come over and help. Actually to be honest, I think this is going to be his first time meeting them too. I hope they don’t scare him.


All the Super Junior members came in after Donghae oppa was yelling at Hyuk oppa on the phone. Honestly, I still think even though I’m with Hae oppa… Hyuk oppa and him are more like an old married couple than best friends. Especially when they bicker. Sitting in my chair, I played with Eevee and Haneul while watching Jona and Thanh walk to Donghae oppa.


“Appa! I want a piggyback ride!” Jona exclaimed. “I want one too!!!” Thanh chimed in. Normally I’d see Shaye fighting to have a piggyback ride from Donghae but it looked like she was sleeping. Sungmin oppa came in and Thanh then decided to just go and bother Sungmin oppa instead. I laughed to myself as I saw the scene.


“Uncle Heechul!! Can you teach me to draw?” Thanh asked. Heechul grinned. “I’ll teach you to draw Eunhae !” he said. “NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” everyone including myself (excluding the children) exclaimed. “Not my children, hyung!” Donghae said. “You do that, Heechul oppa… I’ll beat you up…” I plainly said to him. Heechul put his hands up in a surrendering motion. “I was kidding!” he said. “Good!” I said, putting Eevee and Haneul down for their naps.


Ryeowook oppa was cooking food for all of them so I was happy that none of them noticed he was cooking yet. I lost track of where Hon, Kim, Alex, and Jenny were. Great! Justin, Wookchun, Michael, Ji Hoo, Min Ho, and Bada were watching the TV and HeeDong was arguing with Shindong oppa on why twinkies were better than devil dogs. I’m pretty sure HeeDong’s actually my child but sometimes… I wonder whether he is really Shindong oppa’s child.


“Hon! Alex! Kim! Jenny! Where are you?” I asked looking around the room. But then I saw Jenny getting teased by Kyuhyun oppa. Not a big surprise there. Kim was sitting on the floor, hugging her pink unicorn doll, and singing. Hon had her little camera and was taking pictures of everyone. And Alex was trying to hide from Hon because she didn’t want her picture to be taken. I guess I’m okay with them doing their own thing for now.


I walked back and Min Ho went missing again. Why does this ALWAYS happen? No one was watching Min Ho, and Henry was playing his violin for Jenny so she wouldn’t cry about Kyuhyun oppa teasing her. Something smelt like it was… burning. I looked over and saw Min Ho with a paper that was on fire. “Umma! Appa! Uncles! Look! I’m the flaming charisma!” my son exclaimed. I quickly ran to him and snatched the flaming paper out of his hands and quickly put it out. Donghae looked at him and checked to see if he was hurt in any sort of way. “Why did you do that, Min Ho-ah?” he asked. “I wanted to be flaming charisma, appa….” he replied. I let out a sigh. “Min Ho…” I kneeled in front of him. “That’s what Uncle HyungHOAR is… not you… don’t be like Uncle HyungHOAR… PLEASE!!!!!” I shuddered at the thought of Min Ho growing up to be like Choi Min Ho.


“Food’s ready!” Ryeowook oppa exclaimed. HeeDong heard that and ran to the table, wanting to be the first one to eat. I shook my head at him. “HeeDong-ah… be nice…” I said, waking Eevee, Shaye, and Haneul up to eat.


HAHA! Jona was the one who fed me this whole chapter idea. OTL My eldest child is insane! There's a second half to this one but I'll write it when I have time. :)

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lol "I'll teach you how to draw Eunhae !" i cracked up on that one, and did you know one of the kids are named after Eevee, the POKEMON??? seriously, I love you for that~
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK LOL!!!!!! I've read your turn of fate and its sequel no matter what fics and it was an awesome story! Good job! I'm sorry I was just a silent reader before, but I can't help but comment when you made this fic! ahahahahaah.... 18 KIDS!!!!! this is utterly insane!!!! But it's cool nonetheless!!! ^^ Looking forward to the next chapters!! Please update soon! Thanks!
lol yup! The only place I know that calls it soccer is here in the US. But LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I blame my friend who had one of the children named after her. It was her idea to get me pregnant with 18 children.
EunhaeLove #5
Lmao, Football team^^ Donghae likes soccer unless you mean the Latin version....meaning football=soccer.<br />
Lol what would having 18 twins be called?<br />
jkaskjbdjkasfbjsab...can't think of it. *off to google*