think before you say

it's good to be your enemy


At the school

Chaerin’s POV

“At last, done dealing with the kids. I’m tired.”

“You always tired. Are you a grandma?” Hyerin laughs.

“Grandma? Hmm… You can consider me as great grandma too.” I giggle.

“We arrived safely. One more thing before I forget, about the folio, you’ll be making it with your couple. The best 3 folio will win a prize each.” The teacher said.

“But teacher, you said that it was a class project? Most of the couples were not in the same class.” I raise my hand and said.

“Yes Chaerin, I know most of you were not in the same class. So, this means that it’s not a class project anymore. I’ve changed it. Why do you bother? You and Gikwang look fine together. So, you’ll be okay to make the folio together with him.” The teacher said.

“Hmm… Yes teacher, whatever you want.” I’m disappointed. I don’t want to make the folio with him. Even though I love him… Argh!

Hyerin’s POV

It was a long day. I was shocked when Gikwang really did run after Chaerin. He seems so worried too at that time. Is something going on between both of them? Maybe it’s just me thinking too much about them. Now, we reached our house. Relief…

“Hyerin, I want to say something to you. Actually… I… I love Gikwang! Argh! I hate confessing thing!!! You won’t mad at me right? He’s our enemy, but I love him. Is that okay? I mean, really really okay? He hugs me just now, when I’m crying” Chaerin said.

“Hmm… I knew it! I’m a great guesser right? Okay, it’s okay with me. I know, love can’t be predicted. At least it’s Gikwang. If you love Junhyung, I might laugh crazily at you!” I laugh. Chaerin laughed too.

I’m her friend, so, I need to support her. She needs to be happy!

The day of making the folio

Junhyung’s POV

“Do we really need to do the folio with them? Hey, where’s Yoseob?”

“Yes yes! Yoseob went to Yunmi’s house to finish up the folio. Chaerin and Hyerin will come in few more minutes.” Gikwang looks so happy.

“Ya, you like Chaerin right? Don’t you ever dare having a relationship with her!” I said seriously.

“Huh? No, of course not! How can I love a devil like her? It will ruin my image! That piece of junk just not suitable for me.” Gikwang said.

“Ya! You are the piece of junk! How dare you say that to Chaerin?!” Hyerin shouted from the door.

Chaerin and Hyerin standing at our door. Chaerin looks so surprised. Then Gikwang’s face seems to be so disappointed. Then, Hyerin come near us.

“Gikwang-ah! Don’t you know Chaerin loves you?! I just know it this will happen!” Hyerin shouted.

“Hyerin-ah, it’s okay. Let’s go home. We’ll make the folio later.” She pulls Hyerin but Hyerin didn’t want to go so she walks away by herself.

“Gikwang, you really need to apologize to her! It’s okay that you don’t love her but you can’t say bad things about her!” Hyerin grab Gikwang’s collar.

“Hey! Let go of him! Gikwang doesn’t need to apologize. What Gikwang said was true! She’s a piece of junk, a brat, naughty, dangerous, shameful, useless, disgusting and rude! She really doesn’t deserve to be with Gikwang. Not even deserve to be friend. I knew it! Being coupled with you guys really give bad luck to us! I heard that Chaerin has been dumped by her parents since she was a kid. Huh, that’s why she’s such a rude and don’t have any ethics!” suddenly, Hyerin punched me on my face and kick my stomach.

“By saying all this, aren’t you being a rude person too? Actually, she’s just too perfect to be friend with any of the three of you! You just don’t know her very well! Yes she looks like a brat but at least, she never talks bad about people. Not like you, acting cool and nice but the fact is, you always curse people as you wish to!” Hyerin shouted and punch my face again before she went out.

Everything turns awkward in the house. Gikwang is so solemn now. He’s acting like the dumbest person in the world. I’m enduring the pain. Yoseob must be pissed off if he knows what happen. Am I really a bad guy? But, what I said was true right? It’s obvious. She always beating people, cursing people and even sometimes she did fight the teachers back. Argh! Silly things like this just make me headache!

Few hours later

Yoseob’s POV

Ahh… At last, the folio has been completed. I wonder how Junhyung and Gikwang make the folio with Hyerin and Chaerin. They must be fighting all the time and at last, they haven’t done anything with the folio. Huh?! That’s looks like Chaerin. What is she doing down here? She drinks Soju?

“Chaerin-ah.” I call her name and patted her shoulder.

“Are you crying? Why? Isn’t you should be doing the folio with them?” I asked her. But she just won’t reply. She seems to be very sad. She has already drunk 5 bottles of Soju. She’s really sad now.

“Chaerin-ah, you shouldn’t drink this. We’re not allowed to drink this at our age. Why are you being sad like this?” I asked her.

“Yoseob-ah, am I really a bad person in you and your friends’ eyes? Am I really that bad? Am I a piece of junk? Am I…”

“No. Of course not. You’re not a piece of junk for me. You’re naughty, but for me, you are not a bad person. You are nice in your own style. I don’t know about what Junhyung and Gikwang think about you. But, I don’t really hate you. Now, stop drinking and go back to your house. Come, I’ll walk with you.” I grab her hand.

“Thanks for saying that. I think I would like to sit here for a while.” She said.

“Do you want me to be with you?” I asked.

“No, it’s okay. I want to be alone for now. They would be mad at you if you stay here with me.” She smiled.

“Okay, but I need to get rid of this before you continue drinking it. It’s not good for you. Okay?” I take all the Soju. She laughs while nodded. Then, I wave her good bye and heads to my house.

I walk into my house. “Guys! Let’s eat! I’m hungry.” No one is answering me. I walk to our room. I can see Gikwang listening to his iPod so I won’t disturb him. I enter the bathroom. Junhyung is putting some medicine at his cheek.

“Junhyung, what are you doing?”

“That punched me!” Junhyung said. “Who?” I asked. “Hyerin!” he shouts.

“There must be a reason why she punched you. Hah! You guys have a fight? So, that’s why Chaerin drinking Soju while crying? What happened? You know I hate people fighting especially my friends.” I said.

 “I said that Chaerin was a piece of junk and a devil. Then, they both heard about that. Hyerin get angry about that. Junhyung say bad things about Chaerin so, Hyerin punched and kicked Junhyung.” Gikwang suddenly appears and tell me the true story.

“No wonder she asked me if we really thinks that she is a bad person. But, why your eyes looks like you cried?” I pointed to Gikwang.

“Because… Because I regret saying harsh words about her. Actually, I love her. I said like that just because I want to convince Junhyung that I didn’t love her.” Gikwang said.

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hee~~thanks ^^
wow~! A really good story ^.^
A cool plot too :)
thanks..^^ i'll be posting more story next month..i'm quite busy this month..:) thank you again :) <3
sorry for commenting so late..>!!!Your story was great..!!!luv it..!!!!hope you write more story like this...!!!!