The Mission

A Mission To Love

"HYUNG-NIMMM!!!!!!PPALIIIII" Jongup shouted cutely to Daehyun.

"Nae arraseo" Daehyun reply, annoyed.

Jongup had been a very annoying person that Daehyun ever met but finds him very cute. People might think that Daehyun was just playing around with Jongup but actually, only Daehyun knows his true feeling. Maybe Daehyun doesn't know that all this while Jongup had been acting cute to him, being 'extra' nice to him just because Jongup likes him, secretly. The rest of the members thought that Jongup was just being childish, even Zelo is not like that.


Today, their manager gave them a mission and they need to complete it IN.ONE.MONTH. and they must be back ON.TIME. so that they won't need to do forfeit as there will be a forfeit to the couple who is the last.

"Yah Yongguk, you need to take care of Zelo so you will go with him." The manager says to Yongguk.

"Nae, arraseo hyung-nim" He reply.

"Kim Himchan, since you are the second oldest, you need to take care of Youngjae who is sick. Make sure he won't be sicker."

Himchan just nod showing that he understands what their manager told him. He than look at Youngjae who keeps on sneezing and coughing non-stop.

"Aish, pity him." Says Himchan.

"And you Daehyun, you will go with Jongup." Daehyun's eyes widen.

"WHAT?! ME AND JONGUP?!" Daehyun talk in a high pitch tone to their manager.

"Yes. You don't want to go alone right." Their manager smirk at him.

"Tsk. What a luck." Says Daehyun while looking at Jongup.

After receiving their mission, all of them took their own sweet time into their room.

So, Zelo and Yongguk together. Himchan and Youngjae together. Daehyun and Jongup together. Each of them discuss with their partner and they will need to have a 'couple name' and they name themselves; BangZel, HimJae and DaeJong. Obviously everyone love their couple including Daehyun who acted up like he doesn't want to be with Jongup but actually... You know*smirk*

All of them were given a different mission, different destination. BangZel were assign to go to Malaysia. They need to promote BAP by having a 'BangZel' showcase and through that, they will promote BAP. So, they need find their own money to organize their showcase, they need to find their fan by themselves by advertising it around Malaysia. They will need to find money on their own. So they have a strategy on how to do their showcase. They plan that half of the month they will work and the other half they will complete their mission. Without delay, they quickly pack their things that they need for the one month and they left together.

Meanwhile, HimJae was also planning what to do for their mission. Oh ya, their mission is to promote BAP's MATOKI at Singapore and hold a fanmeet. Shishimato, Tatsmato, Kekemato, Jokomato, Dadamato and lastly Totomato. Despite being sick, Youngjae was the one who thinks for the whole plan while Himchan just stare at the mission paper blankly. Well, who doesn't knows that BRAIN-YOUNGJAE.

Youngjae's plan is to produce their MATOKI product by doing it themselves. But they will need to find someone at Singapore who knows how to do it. And about the fanmeet, they will do it around 1hour and they will gather their own fans by advertise it around Singapore and they will even walk at streets using megaphone and say "PLEASE SHOW US SOME SUPPORT BY COMING TO OUR FANMEET. ITS A FREE FANMEET AND WE HOPE YOU GUYS WILL COME. IT WILL BE HELD ON (place) AT (place) AT (time). THANK YOU." Yea, Youngjae had prepare that script to say when they reach Singapore. Himchan just follow his plan as he dont even know what to do. They quickly packed their stuffs to be brought there and left their dorm for Singapore. Youngjae didn't forget to bring his medicine.

The last couple which is DaeJong's mission is to go to Australia and do a flashmob. They will need to search for their own fans to do the flashmob. They will need to dance to their own song but they need to rearrange the song and choreograph a new dance move. Cannot be the same. This is the way DaeJong is going to promote BAP. When it comes to dance, Jongup is the one.

"Jongup-ah, you will do the choreo. You are good in it. You are our group dancer" Daehyun says to Jongup.

"Nae..." Jongup replied in a way that, even if Daehyun didn't ask him to do it, he already knew that he will do it.

"But hyung, what about the song? We need to rearrange our songs." Jongup ask.

"Yongguk hyung taught me how to compose song before and I help him a little bit in composing songs for our album. So, I guess I will give it a try." Daehyun answered.

"OK LET'SEU GOWWWWWWW!" Jongup says while packing his stuffs excitedly.

*End of flashback*

"HYUNG-NIMMM!!!!!!PPALIIIII" Jongup shouted cutely to Daehyun.

"Nae arraseo" Daehyun reply, annoyed.

Daehyun took his own sweet time packing his stuff and Jongup had been waiting for him for the past 15 minutes. Actually Daehyun did nothing, he just stare into space blankly. Jongup shook him and he is back from his 'wonder-land'. Knowing that they are the last one to leave the dorm, they quickly run out and went straight to their car.

Each team were given a camerman, coordi-noona, self-cam and a car each. Their flight ticket will be sponsored back and fourth. They were given 1000won to start off their mission and slowly they will need to find the money themselves in any way. So throughout their whole journey from their dorm to Airport, they continue to discuss with each others also not forgetting, planning to shop. They quickly went to the airport and check-in and off for flight~

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muso-ka_sonyeo #1
Chapter 6: Wahhh what a nice story!! ^^
I really like it especially the daeup part..
Maybe if you have time you can make the himjae part that happen after this story.. :)
lee_jongki #2
Chapter 6: Can't stop laughing when Dae thought Jongup was possessed. I can picture he looked like in Stop It MV. That hilarious/handsome WTF look xD
Out of all members I never thought Jongup was capable of pedo smile. That kid. What happened to his angelic smile? o_O
Absolutely love your MAMA, No Mercy and It's War reference. Lol.
Zelo 'fainted' from Bang's confession. I think I might faint for real if Bang's shouting right to my face with that deep y voice of his ㅋㅋ So hawt~ ^^
OMG OMG BangLo making out in the back of the van unnoticed! BangLo is my ultimate OTP ♥﹏♥Thank you :3 *gives you internet hugs*
Himchans96 #3
Hey there lovely readers, thank you for all your comment!<3<3
Chapter 6: awwww Daejup and Banglo =]

If only Himjae followed their lead lol

great story =]
Chapter 5: OOOOOOOOOO leaving memories here in the hotel... lol Daeup =]
Chapter 4: =] awww this Daeup couple is way too cute... it's all FLUFFY =]
Chapter 3: awwwww =] too cute this Daeup couple =]
Chapter 2: everyone's progressing =] that's a good thing
Chapter 1: OOooOOO it's like Running Man... but with the B.A.P OTP's =] SUPER SWOON =]
Chapter 6: You should continue with Himjae couple! Sequel sequel! Lol XD