Not A Dream Yet Truth

Love path

Eric's POV

"Okay, cut! Good take! Eric Shi, lets take a short rest. "

"But, I....." "I know you very hardworking,but, your health is very important too... Think so, our director group members also need to take some rest too.." "Okay, I'm sorry"

The movie director, Roy, who is also my best friend too slap slightly on my shoulder...

Hyesungie, I very miss you... Where are you!?

"Eric Hyung, you have an appointment dinner with Mr. Shin tonight at Love Dine... Don't forget to get ready early..." BoGun check my schedule and tell me.

"Is there an appointment for tonight? Why don't I remember? "

"Yes. Maybe this few days schedule make you felt tired and forget about it. This is an very important appointment. " BoGun's words block my confusion. Maybe he is right, I'm too tired these days...

"Help me to tell Roy that today movie filming schedule delay... I wanna get some rest..." I put on my jacket and throw my car key to BoGun.

"Wanna do some facial? You looks kinda terrible and messy with those looks..." BoGun automatically help me book some facial...

Well, although I know I'm still handsome with those looks, but I don't wanna leave this kind of first impression to my important client...

"Thanks,kid." I rest my arm on his shoulder.

"You're welcome, dad."he tease me back.

"Haha..." Well, we two, dad and son laugh happily till we reach home.

[07:00 p.m. Love Dine...]

"BoGun ah, is tonight client a lady?" I ask confusedly.

"Nope, how many times I told you that today's important client is Mr.Shin... It's quite sure is a gentleman." BoGun leave a fed up expression to me.

Since when this kid are not afraid of me anymore? What I can said is times passes fast.

Love Dine is a well known romantic restaurant. The feel, setting even the menu are purposely made for love couple. Quite confused why a man will choose this kind of place to meet...

If Hyesungie is here, then everything will be perfect.. We two ever plan to visit here, but our schedule time is too much... Never ending regret ness are now deeply hide in my heart.. If just time stop by, even just for a while....

While I awake from my emotion, suddenly all the lights switch down...

No electricity? Romantic purpose? I have no idea at all.. I just know that I wish to have Hyesungie by my side now...

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..." Sounds like our members's voices....

"Happy Birthday to my hubby, Eric Moon..." I can't stop... Tears falling down, I felt.. God, even if it just a dream, please never let it awake... I swear I didn't heard wrong. It's Hyesungie, my beloved's voices... What happen?

"Happy Birthday to you... Let's make a wish..."

"God, if wish will really come true, I wish that this is not a dream. I wish nothing but Hyesungie is there always be by my side... He is my one and only beloved, God.. I beg you.." When I finish my wishing, I struggle a bit not to awake..

I scared the truth is just as cruel as what I think.. But I know, I need to face it... If Hyesungie is here by my side today, he'll for sure want me to be brave..

"Your wish granted... My one and only beloved.." I know I'm not dreaming. Hyesungie is really here by my side... He's awake.. He'll never leave me... When the temperature of his lips touch mine, I know everything were true.. This is the truth... Not just a dream..

"Eric Shi, Happy Birthday! Saranghaeyo... En.. Would you marry me as your....husband? " Hyesungie kneel down and take out the marriage rings that I left by his side... His shy face... How could he be so cute...

"No, I don't want to marry you as my husband... But I absolutely want to marry you as my one and only beloved wife.. I love you..." I leave a kiss on his lips.

. "I do.. You can't regret anymore... " Hyesungie shyly hug me back...

"I won't regret.. I love you.." I said full with loveness...

" I love you ...too" He's sure too..

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czarheyda92 #1
Chapter 9: What do you mean Eric is the author for the fics? Author as in the first person POV or he's the one writing the fics?
InfiniteSJ #2
Chapter 9: @tanishi2992
A very different ending fics.. Eric is the author for the fics.. (^_−)−☆
Thanks for your support too...thinking to write a continuos fics... So don't dis scribe because maybe I put some sequal on it .. Hehe ><* once again thank you for your support and wish you happy Chinese New Year !!
tanishi2992 #3
Chapter 9: What?Is it a Eric's fanfic??????????? Eric ah,you are so .... =..= and author thanks to give we this loely fic. :*
tanishi2992 #4
Chapter 8: thanks for update but i don't know this is real or just a dream?OMG,if it is true,i will really happy ;((/Please comeback soon
ramyunfave #5
Chapter 8: Too short...but loved it still. Thanks For the update!
tanishi2992 #6
Chapter 6: OMG OMG can't wait to see the meetting =((
Chapter 7: omo... they gonna meet soon... awwwwwwww i cant wait to read the rest... update soon... <3
Chapter 5: is he dreaming..???????????????????
new reader here... <3 subscribed... <3
Chapter 5: Ah~~now i get the story~~~when hyesungie says Yes,I do..i was almost crying~~~..