Chapter Five

Alone In Seoul... [HIATUS]

Jong Up was running... again. But this time, he wasn't running away from anything. In fact, he was running to what he hoped would be Zelo's saviour. His treadmill. Yes, he was aware of the fact that it sounded ridiculous and he knew that if the others saw, he'd be laughed at and called a clueless idiot. But this was no comedy show and it was his only hope. He was sure of it.

The 'machine' had rejected Zelo because he was beneath 10%, right? So all Jong Up had to do was find another source of power that would save Zelo as he had 2% left. Right now, that power of source was him. He told Zelo that, as his hyung, he would protect him, no matter what - today was most definitely not an exception. So he ran, he ran home in hope of connecting Zelo to his treadmill and powering him with 'green energy.' He smiled at his thought, he was sure it was going to work.

It had to.

His heart told him so.


Himchan opened the door to his apartment and Youngjae followed him as he entered. They'd spent the entire morning together, in the perfect union of happiness. Now, they had come to Himchan's shared apartment to pack his stuff so that he could move in with Youngjae. It was entirely Youngjae's idea. That was the part of the deal that made Himchan the happiest, the fact that he was being accepted and welcomed into Youngjae's home... and his heart.

He led Youngjae, by hand, upstairs to his room. Resembling a little kid, Youngjae took in every corner of the house and gasped at it's beauty. Youngjae was aware that this wasn't a palace but it was covered in Himchan - and he loved it. He would have gladly moved here, with or without Himchan's consent, but he knew that Jong Up lived here too and that he needed to get rid of the traces that Yongguk left around his home. He realised that the only way to do that was to allow someone who was more dominant than Yongguk in his heart: that was Himchan. This was the first time he had seen his hyung's apartment and he was surprised that he'd never seen it before. He wished he had the chance of being able to spend at least one night in the place that had 'Himchan' written all over it.

Maybe it wasn't too late to do so.

"Himchan, do you want to spend one last night, tonight, here?"




"Because it's your house and you might feel like you-"

"You want to stay here, don't you?"


"It's okay if you want to, Youngjae. I don't mind."

"So, can we?"

"Yes, we can." Himchan laughed and lightly kissed Youngjae's forehead.

Suddenly, the front door opened with a loud bang. Himchan ran to the banister, and Youngjae followed. It was Jong Up carrying, what seemed to be, the almost-lifeless Zelo. He seemed unaware of Himchan's and Youngjae's presence and headed towards his room.

Once he was in there, he gently placed Zelo next to his treadmill. He tried connecting one of Zelo's wires to his treadmill, but his hands kept trembling and couldn't do it properly. But then he felt a hand next to his. He looked up and saw Himchan, with a deep look of concern and confusion.

"Jong Up, what are you doing?"

"I-I'm t-trying t-to s-save Z-Zelo."

"What happened to him?!"

"H-He's o-on 1%. I-I can do this. I k-know t-that I can." His hands fumbled more. "HELP ME, HIMCHAN!" He cried out. Himchan connected all of the wires to the treadmill.

"This is ridiculous." Himchan muttered.

"I know, but it's his only chance. I'm sure it'll work."

The wires were now fully connected and the treadmill was . Jong Up got onto the treadmill and began running. This was what he was best at and he was convinced it would help Zelo come back. He felt the memory card in his pocket and faintly smiled because he knew that he didn't need it anymore. He'd soon have Zelo back and he wouldn't have a need for the memory card - only so that Zelo would remember him and his hyungs.

Himchan watched Jong Up intensely. He knew his donsaeng better than anyone, better than Jong Up knew himself. And he knew that it was best not to stop him. Jong Up was doing what his heart was telling him to do and Himchan was proud. For so long, Jong Up would make the wrong decisions and then later look back with regret saying: "I knew I should have listened to my heart." This broke Himchan every time as he loved Jong Up as if he was his real brother. But now he wasn't broken - he was content and determined.

Soon, Youngjae came over and slipped his hand into Himchan's. Youngjae looked up at Himchan, his eyes full of concern. Himchan squeezed his hand and Youngjae felt more relaxed. Since Himchan was calm in this situation, he should be too. Youngjae wrapped both of his arms around Himchan's arm and rested his head on Himchan's shoulder. He, along with Himchan, would just have to wait and see whether or not Jong Up had saved Zelo from permanent shut down.


He inhaled and exhaled. Inhaled and exhaled. He'd been doing that for the past ten minutes. Every now and then he'd have the sudden urge to throw himself over the barrier, the after effect seemed to please him. But every single time there was the feeling of his heart holding him back and keeping him attached to his spot. He wanted to jump. He wanted to stay. He couldn't decide. Yongguk wasn't coming, he finally realised. Surely, Yongguk could see what Daehyun was doing, he had the best view. But there was no attempt made by the hyung to help the younger. Daehyun thought about it. Various thoughts and emotions were pulsating through this head and heart. He inhaled and exhaled. Then lifted himself onto the barrier.

He called himself an 'idiot' and cursed himself for becoming like those 'idiots who were stupid romantics and pathetic enough to want to kill themselves over love'.

He looked down one last time. Inhaled one last time. Exhaled one last time. Thought about Yongguk one last time.

He closed his eyes and just as he was about to jump, he felt two strong arms around his waist. Yongguk finally came.

Yongguk called Daehyun an 'idiot' and cursed Daehyun for turning their relationship into something like those 'stupid romantic films where idiots are stupid and pathetic enough to want to kill themselves over love and then their stupid and pathetic partners come at last minute to rescue them'. Just like a stupid and pathetic, but romantic, film. Daehyun sighed deeply in relief and relaxed. He leaned back into Yongguk, who tightened his hold and refused to let go.

"Take me back." Daehyun whispered. Yongguk was unsure of whether he meant to take him back to the bed, or into his heart. But as he carried Daehyun into the room, he made sure that the younger was fully aware that he had never left his hyung's heart. Yongguk hated himself for not acting quickly and for tiring Daehyun, who was torn with confusion and loneliness - but he had been paralysed. With shock of how deeply Daehyun loved him and fear that he was about to lose him. He was glad that the realisation of the last fact kicked him on the backside and told him to move. He was relieved. He gently placed Daehyun onto the bed and kissed him gently on the head.

"I'm sorry, Daehyun."

"You should be." He was glad when he heard a response and grinned in happiness. He also promised Daehyun (and himself) that this would never, ever happen again.


Jong Up's body slammed against the treadmill again. He lifted himself up, marvelling at how his body - almost limp - managed to remain in an 'okay' condition. Well, it was okay for him. Himchan and Youngjae had a different opinion. They would constantly tell him to get off and have a break and to let one of them take over. But he knew that they shouldn't. Neither of his hyungs were in a good condition to even run for twenty minutes straight. Jong Up had been running for five hours. Youngjae would come with drinks and Himchan would offer supportive words. They were trying to make themselves useful. But they knew better than their donsaeng that this depended entirely on Jong Up.

It was working though. Jong Up's moment of brilliance had proved to be the right solution. Zelo's battery levels had now been raised to 28%. If they had been using the machine that normally charged Zelo, then he would have been fully charged in four hours. But Jong Up refused to stop, not until he reached at least 100%.

"Jong Up, what's this?" He looked at Youngjae who was holding up Zelo's memory card. "It fell out of your pocket when you slammed against the machine."

"Give it back. It's Zelo's." Jong Up sounded more bitter than he had meant. Himchan frowned.

"Don't talk to him like that, Jong Up." He took the card off Youngjae. "It's Zelo's memory card. Maybe if we link it up to the computer we'll be able to see what happened to Zelo." Jong Up wanted to stop him because it felt like an invasion of Zelo's privacy. But he too wanted to know what had caused Zelo to be like this.

So, as Jong Up ran, Himchan his computer and inserted the card into it. He curiously opened the file that was labelled with the date of yesterday and began watching the clips with his donsaengs.


My favourite line:- "But Jong Up refused to stop. Not until he reached at least 100%." -- Please comment guys and thank you for reading :)

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Chapter 5: What the heck??? NOOO~ I swear I got teary eyed!! Noooooo~ Zelo.....*sobs* why didn't he charge himself??poor heart is breaking for him!
Chapter 3: Soo glad about ur update even thou it wasn't for a story! Ahhh I love Himchan! He's so...GYAH~ Author-nim take ur time but hurry up! LooLz kidding-but...what happens with Zelo???
Ahhhh~ something with BAP in it! I'm definately reading this!! It sounds sooo coool!!