Chapter One

Alone In Seoul... [HIATUS]


Young Jae stood in front of the TV, with his hands positioned on his hips. This was the millionth time Young Jae was telling his partner off for putting him feet on the sofa.

"Young Jae-ah, I’m trying to watch this war movie!" Bang Yong Guk had been waiting for its release on DVD for about 6 months. Because they had recently debuted as B.A.P it meant that they could no longer do normal things, like going out to the cinema. Finally, the wait was over and Daehyun had bought the DVD to Bang Yong Guk's and Young Jae's house. They had been half an hour into the film and Bang Yong Guk was just getting comfortable. It was normal that he put his feet up on the sofa - but he had completely forgotten about how cranky Young Jae got.

"I DON'T CARE! MOVE THEM!" Daehyun, who was beside Bang Yong Guk, felt the awkward atmosphere in the room. He paused the movie, got up and walked out of the room.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Yong Guk called to him.

"To the roof." Daehyun casually replied. "Just call me when you guys finish your argument." The argument between Young Jae and Yong Guk wasn't a first, and overtime Daehyun learnt that it was best to stay as far away as possible from them whilst they shouted at each other. Recently, the roof had become quite a familiar place.

Daehyun finally reached to the top of the stairs and went to the roof. He inhaled the sweet smell of the night. He sat on his favourite spot. He stared out into the night sky and thought about Bang Yong Guk. He remembered the first time he met him. It was his first day of training at TS Entertainment and he recollected the memory of how he was greeted by a manly man with the most adorable gummy smile. He smiled at the memory, but then it soon disappeared as he remembered that Yong Guk was Young Jae's. He always had been. He sighed at his misfortune and tightened his mask around his face. The night had become bitter and the coldness was slowly eating into his skin... into his heart.

He heard the door to the roof slam. Daehyun's head whipped to source of the sound in curiosity. It was Yong Guk. His face was mixed with anger and sadness. He was muttering incoherent words as he stormed towards where Daehyun was lying. Yong Guk raised his head from the floor and met eye-to-eye with Daehyun.

"D-Daehyun?" Yong Guk stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

"I told you that I’d wait here until you were finished with Young Jae." Daehyun replied, confused with how his hyung could have easily forgotten. Yong Guk brought his hand to his head.

"Ah, miahne!" He laughed, sadly. "I just forgot because of Young Jae." His eyes became watery. Daehyun shifted awkwardly in his seat - he had never been in this situation before. Yong Guk was probably the toughest man Daehyun knew. He was shocked at the fact that Young Jae could bring his hyung down into this state. Yong Guk began to cry in frustration.

"Daehyun-ah, I just can't take this anymore! Every single day we argue more and more. It's always about pointless things. And the arguments always get worse. I just don't know how to cope with Young Jae anymore." Yong Guk fell next to Daehyun and onto his chest. "Please help me, Daehyun." Daehyun's heart pace quickened and he felt as if he couldn't breath anymore. After so long, his chance had finally come. He could finally be the one that comforted Yong Guk, the one who made Yong Guk smile again... that sweet, cute gummy smile.

Daehyun removed his mask and gently caressed Yong Guk's head. "It's okay hyung. All you have to do is choose me."

Yong Guk's head shot up in confusion. "W-what did you say?"

"I said to choose me. I can be the one to make you happy. Believe me, I won't moan about pointless stuff and I’ll make your life worth living."

"You will?" Yong Guk felt doubt in his head - but his heart was telling him something else. It was telling him to leave Young Jae, the person who was slowly wearing Yong Guk away. Young Guk needed something that would bring the life back into him; something that would love him.

"Yes, I promise that I will." And with that confident answer from Daehyun, Yong Guk knew that Daehyun was that something. He moved into Daehyun to hug him. He smiled in satisfaction when Daehyun returned the hug. And with that, Yong Guk felt that his mind finally agreed with his heart.




On the other side of the door to the rooftop was Zelo. He couldn't believe what he had heard. Mixed emotions were travelling through, and not a single of them was good. He was confused. Yong Guk was meant to be with Young Jae - what was he doing with Daehyun? He simply could not understand. Everything was just too confusing. Maybe it was because Zelo wasn't human. He was a robot, depending on a machine that charged him whenever his battery levels had fallen beneath 10%. But still, he knew that he didn't have to be human to know that it was wrong. He wanted to run downstairs and tell Young Jae about everything he had witnessed. But something was telling him not to. He had no heart, so it couldn't have been that. But why? Why was it that he felt as if he really should not run to Young Jae? Why?

Zelo couldn't answer the question, so he ran. Out of the house and into the streets. He saw his friend Jong Up do it plenty of times. Whenever there was a slight feeling of anger, frustration or sadness in Jong Up, he would run. And every single time he would return with that ridiculous grin that would make Zelo want to slap him (but secretly he loved it). Maybe this time it would work for Zelo. Maybe running would help him now. Maybe...





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Chapter 5: What the heck??? NOOO~ I swear I got teary eyed!! Noooooo~ Zelo.....*sobs* why didn't he charge himself??poor heart is breaking for him!
Chapter 3: Soo glad about ur update even thou it wasn't for a story! Ahhh I love Himchan! He's so...GYAH~ Author-nim take ur time but hurry up! LooLz kidding-but...what happens with Zelo???
Ahhhh~ something with BAP in it! I'm definately reading this!! It sounds sooo coool!!