Chapter Two

Alone In Seoul... [HIATUS]

Zelo's back hit against the brick wall and he had no idea where he was. He panted heavily as he slowly sank to the floor. His legs were giving up on him: this was the first sign. He checked his battery life - it was on 15%. Zelo wanted to panic and run to his hyungs, but he couldn't since he was so tired. He literally felt as if his life was being out of him. But he wasn't human - did that mean he had no life?

He was originally set up to be an experiment by one of the workers at TS Entertainment. He was not suspected to be a great success and was initially meant to join in on the evergrowing pile of scrap metal. But somehow the odds were in Zelo's favour and before he knew it, he was going to be a part of a new boyband called B.A.P. Zelo was told that he was he would have to rap and dance on stage. At first it seemed like fun, the first robot singer! But then he realised that he was robot and that he'd never been through training like the other trainees. But then he was told that everything was already pre-programmed for him. In other words, he had his whole life sorted out for him.

There was the word again, life. Did he have one? He checked his battery life again. It was now 13%. Zelo's head began to hurt: the second sign. What was happening now was more than just a headache, it felt more like someone was whacking his head with a thick, metal spanner. Even though he was a robot, he could feel pain. By now, Yong Guk or one of the other members would have linked him up to the machine that usually charged him up to his normal, happy self. But not this time. He never had to experience the second sign before and he did not like one bit. He knew he had no 'turn on' button and he did not even want to think about what would happen if he shut down. He screamed as another wave of pain passed through his head.

He couldn't see properly: the third sign. He was now down to 12%. He blankly stared ahead, hoping for someone to rescue him. Bang Yong Guk had always been there - where was he now? As he squinted his eyes to gain a better focus on his surroundings, he saw the red-coloured sky and the rising sun. He wondered how long he had been running for. It had not helped him.

"Zelo is tired. Zelo is hurt..." He mumbled as a single teardrop fell from his eye. "Why is water coming from Zelo's eye? Zelo is robot..." Another fell.

"Zelo want best friend... Zelo want Jong Up..."


"Yonggukkie, where are you going?" A worried Young Jae stood next to an angry Bang Yong Guk, who was now packing his things away in a suitcase.

"Young Jae-ssi, we've been over this twenty times. I'm leaving you."

"But... why?"

"Because I can't deal with you anymore!"

"Can't we just work through this, like we always do?"

"No! Because I can never get through it. I need someone else Young Jae - someone who is not as overpowering as you are!"


"It's too late for that now."

"Are you with Daehyun?"

"What?" So far, Yong Guk had told Young Jae everything - apart from one detail. But it seemed as thought the younger had already figured everything out. After all, he was the Brain of the group.

"You are, aren't you? No wonder he is always here whenever I come home. I bet you guys have done it - haven't you? Even we haven't done that!"


Young Jae's eyes began to water. "First, he takes my position as the main vocalist, then he takes my Yonggukkie..." On the verge of unstoppable tears, he turned to Yong Guk. "Are you sure you want to leave?"

Seeing Young Jae like this made him want to think twice about leaving. But no, he made a decision that from this night onwards he would always follow his heart. Right now it was telling him to zip the suitcase and leave. And after replying with a simple "yes", that is what he did.


Himchan unlocked the keys to his apartment. His arms ached from all the instrument-playing and training he had just done. Without thinking twice he headed to his bedroom and didn't even bother greeting his flatmate. He had not slept in over 24 hours. After missing out on so many hours of beauty sleep, he had only one thing on his mind. His eyes lit up as he finally found his bed. Forgetting about the fact that he was now a mature adult, he jumped onto the bed and rolled around trying to absorb as much comfort as possible. But soon he groaned in pain as his body told him to stay still and rest. He was so close to sleep now and he hadn't felt so good in ages...



His phone vibrated in his pocket. He groaned again as it awoke him. He regretted not changing his clothes before he jumped onto the bed. Himchan looked at the caller ID and his eyes lit up again - even brighter than they had when he saw his bed. It was Young Jae! Without a moment to lose, he pressed the answer button.

"Hey Young Jae!"

"H-H-Himchan." Young Jae was crying. Himchan's face fell and his chest hurt when he heard Young Jae say his name like that. He had said it inbetween sobs and alost sounded as if he was choking. Himchan froze - why was Young Jae like this?

"H-H-Hyung, are you still there? I need you... now."

"Young Jae-ah, I'm still here. Tell me what's wrong!" Himchan tried his best to sound as calm as possible but he couldn't control his anger. Why was Young Jae in so much pain?

"Are you angry with me?"

"No! Not at you. Just tell me what's wrong and i'll help you."

"Can you come here please? It'll be much easier telling you in person than on the phone."

"Yes Young Jae, I'm coming! Just give me a couple of minutes. Wait for me and don't do anything stupid, okay?"

"N-n-ne hyung. Please hurry!"

"I will Young Jae-ah. Just wait for me." He was too scared to disconnect the phone, worried that it would also disconnect the emotional connection he had for Young Jae. He ran as fast as he could out of his house and into Young Jae's. He didn't care that his body was still suffering from lack of sleep. He didn't care that he had bruises and cuts on his knees from falling so much. He didn't care that he knocked into people on the way there. He didn't even care when he almost got hit by a car. All he cared about was getting to his beloved donsaeng. He needed him to be happy again. His mind was telling him to slow down - his heart was telling him to hurry. He hated it when Young Jae was sad and he despised it when Young Jae was hurt. Whoever the person was, he was not going to let them live after they had hurt Young Jae. But at the moment revenge wasn't at the top of the list, comforting Young Jae was.

The second Young Jae opened the door to greet Himchan, he felt his heart break. Young Jae was grief stricken. Himchan felt like falling to the ground and crying because he wasn't there for his donsaeng - but not now. Instead, he embraced Young Jae and took him inside as the younger poured out his heart to the only hyung he could trust...


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Chapter 5: What the heck??? NOOO~ I swear I got teary eyed!! Noooooo~ Zelo.....*sobs* why didn't he charge himself??poor heart is breaking for him!
Chapter 3: Soo glad about ur update even thou it wasn't for a story! Ahhh I love Himchan! He's so...GYAH~ Author-nim take ur time but hurry up! LooLz kidding-but...what happens with Zelo???
Ahhhh~ something with BAP in it! I'm definately reading this!! It sounds sooo coool!!