Chapter Three

Alone In Seoul... [HIATUS]

Jong Up woke in the middle of the night. He was panting after a nightmare he just had. He had a throbbing pain in his head and it was telling him that something was wrong. But Jong Up could not figure out what was it was. He went down to the kitchen to drink some water. On the way, he noticed that the door to Himchan's room was wide open. He knew that his flatmate hated hit when the door was opened. Maybe Himchan didn't return from training? Jong Up carried on to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of tap water. He felt more relaxed as he drank from the glass. The coolness rushing through his throat calmed his mind - yet there was still the burning pain or worry piercing through his heart.

He put on his trainers. Whenever he felt as if something was wrong, he went running and that usually solved the problem. The fresh air allowed him to clear his mind and blow out the feeling of despair. But as he ran he realised that tonight was different. No matter how much he ran, the cloud of concern did not leave him. At one point, Jong Up rested on a bench. He was tired. This did not usually happen to him as he was definitely one of the healthiest people out there. However, this time his mind was processing so many thoughts, and his heart so many emotions, that he was losing energy three times as fast.

He looked up at the sky and saw the sun rise. He admired its beauty slowly radiating his surroundings. But it did not light him up. Instead he felt darker than he had before. He ran more, hoping it would help. Despite the fact he was running on level ground, he tripped over. He looked around and noticed that he just tripped over a foot! He dragged himself up and into the alley to see whose it was.

Finally he saw.



Himchan opened his eyes to realise that he was not in his own room. He looked around to see if he recognised anything. He saw a Matoki Toy on the far edge of the bed he was lying on. He smiled in recognition of the owner of the toy. He was in Young Jae's room, and Himchan had given the toy to him as a birthday present two years ago. He did not think that Young Jae would have kept it since then. Maybe it meant something... maybe it didn't? Himchan recollected whatever he could about last night. He had never seen his sweet Young Jae cry so much before. Each tear that fell made a crack in Himchan's heart. There were so many cracks that Himchan was surprised at the fact his heart did not shatter. Possibly because he know knew that Bang Yong Guk was finally gone.

They had been best friends and had gone to such lengths to call themselves 'BangChan'. They used to do everything together and knew every single detail about the other. There was a time where Himchan thought that they might have been something between them - but that was way before Young Jae had come into the picture. Young Jae was a breath of fresh air for Himchan, who had fallen immediately. But he was too slow and Yong Guk had formed that special bond with Young Jae, the one that Himchan longed for. From then, Himchan was forced to settle for second best - not with Yong Guk, but with Young Jae. He was always there for Young Jae, hoping that one day he'd get noticed behind the cloud that was Bang Yong Guk. He'd always been better than Himchan, but it was different now... Yong Guk was gone.

But where was Young Jae? Himchan finally realised that he was in Young Jae's bed - without Young Jae. He hurried out the room, Young Jae did not leave him, right? HImchan called out his name and searched on the rooftop. Yes, nothing had happened last night to confirm that something more than special was between the two of them - but still, Himchan had come running to Young Jae, Young Jae would not run away. He ran downstairs and continued with the search. There was no sign of him on the first floor, but he was still hoping he would be there on the ground floor. He called out but heard no reply. They were meant to be together, Young Jae would not leave him.

The same thought came rushing through his head over and over again. He hit his head in frustration and begged his mind to stop torturing him with such thoughts. His heart told him to listen. Himchan did not want to. His heart told him to listen again and Himchan realised that it was not his brain that his heart wanted him to hear out, it was the faint sound coming from the kitchen. He slowly walked and pressed his ear against the door and heard it. The sweet, soft sound of Young Jae's singing. Himchan sighed in relief: Young Jae had not left him. He hesitantly opened the door, cautious of the fact that he had not yet been fully accepted into Young Jae's heart. But all concern was washed away as he was greeted by a warm smile from his donsaeng.

"Hyung, you're awake! I slept on the sofa whilst you slept in my bed. I woke up a little early today and thought that I could make you breakfast." Young Jae dragged Himchan - who was perfectly happy to be dragged - to the table. "Sit down, i'm nearly finished cooking." Himchan did as the younger said, but not before backhugging him.

"Young Jae-ah, you don't have to worry about being hurt again."

"I know hyung."

"I mean it."

"I know hyung."

Himchan smiled and finally sat down. His body no longer felt tired and relaxed into his chair. As he did he lifted his feet onto the opposite chair. Young Jae finished putting the food on the plates and turned to take them to the table. He smiled at the sight of Himchan hungrily eyeing the food and placed a plate in front of him. His cheeks slightly reddened as Himchan's eyes first noticed the heart-shaped omelette. Himchan grinned at Young Jae and said his thanks. Young Jae was about to sit down on the chair opposite to Himchan so that he could stare into Himchan's deep, brown eyes but not before he saw Himchan's feet on the chair.

"YAH KIM HIM CHAN! GET YOUR FEET OFF THE CHAIR!" Himchan did as he was told and chuckled to himself in victory. He had done that on purpose, knowing perfectly what Young Jae's reaction would be. It wasn't that he was attracted to people who nagged, it was just he was glad Young Jae was himself and no one else. Even if it meant that Young Jae got slight annoying, Himchan would never mind. He'd be handle his donsaeng any day - just as long as he was no longer alone in Seoul. Both Young Jae and Himchan felt contentment in their hearts.

"Mianhe, Yeobo."

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Chapter 5: What the heck??? NOOO~ I swear I got teary eyed!! Noooooo~ Zelo.....*sobs* why didn't he charge himself??poor heart is breaking for him!
Chapter 3: Soo glad about ur update even thou it wasn't for a story! Ahhh I love Himchan! He's so...GYAH~ Author-nim take ur time but hurry up! LooLz kidding-but...what happens with Zelo???
Ahhhh~ something with BAP in it! I'm definately reading this!! It sounds sooo coool!!