Kim Myungsoo

Aristocrat Generation

A/N: Korean high schools are for people who are 16-18, right? (international age) And they only attend high school for three years?

I'm really not sure, but if it's not case, just pretend that it is or what I'm about to write won't make sense. Enjoy! :)



Still two years ago...


It was the first day of high school for Krystal. The school that she was enrolled in was called SM Academy -- a prestogious private instituion for the wealthy. It would be Sulli's first day as well, while Chanyeol would already be a senior since he was two years older.

The first day wasn't awkward at all for most of the students at SM Academy, the reason being everyone probably already knew each other. You see, SM Academy had a middle school too. And most of the students that actually enter their high school were students from the middle school. Krystal and Sulli were both from SM's middle school so they didn't encounter any problems on their first day. They mixed around with their usual group of friends and everything was just like middle school -- only better since they were in high school now.

At lunch, Krystal and Sulli met up with Chanyeol. Another benefit of entering high school: they got to see Chanyeol in school now too.

"How's everyone's day going so far?" Chanyeol asked.


"Couldn't be better."

"How has yours been, oppa?" Sulli asked.

"It's been pretty alright. All my teachers this year are really good," Chanyeol explained, "Are the both of you in the same class?"

Krystal and Sulli shook their heads. 

"Our classes are beside each other though," Krystal said.

Chanyeol laughed. "Good enough. By the way, do any of you have a Mr Cho as a teacher? He's pretty young and his skin is as pale as a vampire's."

"Mr Cho Kyuhyun?" Sulli asked, "I have him as my Geograohy teacher. Why?"

Chanyeol gave her a sympathetic look.

"Ah, wae? Is he bad?" Sulli was curious.

"Watch out for him, Jinri," Chanyeol warned with narrowed eyes, "The man is pure evil."

Krystal rolled her eyes but smiled. These were her two best friends right here.

"We have a new student in our year, by the way, which is pretty rare since no one transfers during senior year," Chanyeol informed.

"Boy or girl?"

"Boy. His name is Kim Myungsoo or something, I don't know. He just moved here from Japan. He seems like the quiet type but he's ridiculously good-looking, I'm not even kidding. Maybe I should introduce you to him, Soojung. He seems like your type," Chanyeol half-joked.

Krystal raised an eyebrow while Sulli just giggled. "And what makes you think that you know what my 'type' is?" she challenged.

"Because I know everything about you, Soojung," Chanyeol simply replied.

Krystal rolled her eyes. "I'll pass. Why don't you introduce him to Jinri instead?"

Sulli's eyes rounded and she pointed to herself. "M-me?"

Chanyeol raised his hand as if to say "forget it". "I don't think Sulli and him match very well. I still think you would be perfect with him though."

"Pfft, stop acting like you know everything about me," Krystal said, pretending to be annoyed. But all three of them knew that it wasn't true -- each one of them knew everything about one other, hence why they were best friends.

"I can't believe our first day's over already," Sulli said. 

"I know, right?" Krystal agreed, "I have a feeling this year's going to be great though."

Krystal and Sulli were standing by the school gate waiting for Chanyeol. Sulli blew on her bangs while Krystal tapped her foot impatiently on the ground. A couple of students walked past and greeted them. They greeted them back. Almost everyone knew who they were, even though it was only their first day. SM Academy was a school for the wealthy, but Krystal and Sulli, as well as Chanyeol, were on a whole other level of wealthy. They were among the aristocrats of the nation. 

They finally spotted Chanyeol walking out of the science building. He was walking with another guy that Krystal and Sulli assumed was one of his many friends that they didn't know -- Chanyeol was just popular like that. But something about Chanyeol's friend seemed familiar to Krystal. It was on the tip of her tongue but she just couldn't remember where she had seen him before.

Chanyeol smiled his big goofy grin and waved when he saw Sulli and Krystal. Sulli waved back while Krystal was too busy wrecking her brain trying to figure out who this guy was and why he seemed so familiar.

"Hey guys, sorry I kept you waiting. The teacher held the whole class back to tell us about some assignment," Chanyeol explained.

"No worries, oppa," Sulli replied.

"Oh, and by the way, this is Kim Myungsoo, the new guy I told you guys about during lunch." Chanyeol gestured to the handsome guy standing beside him as he introduced his friend.

Sulli bowed and greeted him amiably. "It's nice to meet one of Chanyeol oppa's friends. I'm Sulli."

"Likewise. Chanyeol has told me so much about you," Myungsoo said.

The moment Myungsoo opened his mouth to speak was the moment Krystal finally remembered who he was. "Saviour!" she blurted out before she could stop herself.

Chanyeol and Sulli gave her funny looks. Before this, Myungsoo hadn't payed attention to Krystal -- he didn't like making eye contact very much -- but the instant he saw her, he remembered who she was. "It's you," he said.

Chanyeol's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You guys know each other?"

Krystal nodded. "He was the guy who saved me during New Year's Eve." *And the guy who hasn't left my mind ever since.* she added in her mind.

"Hold on," Chanyeol said, "So Myungsoo was the person who saved you from getting into that car accident three months ago?"

This time, both Krystal and Myungsoo nodded.

"It must be fate that both of you were able to meet again," Sulli couldn't help but say.

However, her little comment was overlooked as Chanyeol pulled Myungsoo into a brotherly bear hug.

You could tell that Myungsoo was caught off guard by the expression he had on his face when Chanyeol pulled away.

"I know we just met today, but dude, I love you," Chanyeol said suddenly.

Myungsoo's eyes widened. 

"I mean you saved my best friend's life! Bless you and your future generations, you life-saver!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

*Oh, so he said that out of gratitude.* Myungsoo thought, *For a second there, I thought he was ga-*

"Let's the four of us go get some coffee together. Soojung's treat!" Chanyeol proclaimed.

"Why me?" Krystal complained.

"He saved your life, girl. The least you could do is buy the guy a cup of coffee."

"He does have a point there," Sulli agreed.

"I don't know, I might have to go somewhere though..." Myungsoo said.

For some reason, Krystal became disappointed. "Are you sure you have to go? I would really like to buy you a drink though, to properly thank you for that night," Krystal found herself saying.

Myungsoo ran a hand through his hair. "I guess I could hang out for a little while..."



A/N: nyannyannyannyannyannyannyannyan~ Sorry to say but the flashbacks aren't over just yet. But I hope you don't find learning about Krystal and Myungsoo's past too boring :O If you subscribed or left a comment, thank you! You and your future generations will be blessed by Yeollipop :P

Have a nice day everyone ^^

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TaeFTW #1
Chapter 4: I can't wait for the TaeStal! :D
Chapter 4: i love krystal's character in this :)
enehkiux #3
Chapter 4: Okay this is quite a cool story. Rebellious wealthy teenagers going through the phases of life yeah sounds like my kind of story ~
Chapter 4: im here for myungstal !! love your story btw .. ;)
flyingberry #5
oooo. so loving this story. i can't wait for you to introduce taekai. see what i did there? hehe
kaistal_sm #6
Chapter 4: kaistal FTW!! still waiting for kaistal moments, anw so far so good story. A lil bit of myungstal will do though. Update ^^
Arcadian-Warrior #7
Chapter 3: That was lovely ! Arg , MyungStal <3