The Same

Aristocrat Generation

"Mom?" Krystal called out. There was no reply.

After dropping by at Chanyeol's place, Krystal was finally home. She hadn't set foot in the Jung manor since she left for America. And now that she was back...

*Nothing has changed. It's still as empty as before. No mother, no father, no family. Just me, Amber, and the maids.*

Krystal learned from one of the maids that Jessica Jung was at her studio for a fashion shoot and would be back in a couple of hours. After giving orders to the head maid, Victoria, to plan tonight's party, Krystal headed up to her room and took a long, warm shower. After that, she started unpacking.

In the middle of unpacking, there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in."

"Sorry to bother you, Miss Jung," Luna, one of the senior maids said as she entered, "But what sorts of flowers do you want for tonight?"

Krystal thought for awhile and answered, "White roses, nothing else. Order twelve dozens."

Luna nodded. "What about the guest list?"

"The usual."

"Also, Miss Jung," This time, Luna paused before asking, "Would you like me to invite Mr Jung?"

Krystal shook her head. "I'll call him myself."

With one last nod, Luna left the room.

Krystal stopped folding her clothes. She walked to her study table, grabbed her handphone and plopped onto her super-king sized bed. She dialed in her father's number and sighed. "Here goes nothing," she muttered under her breath and hit the call button.

Ring. Ring ring. Ring. Ring ring.

Her father wasn't picking up. Just when Krystal was about to hang up, she heard and soft click and Jung Yunho's voice came from the other line. "Krystal?"

"Hey dad, are you free to talk right now?" was the first thing Krystal asked.

There was a two second pause before her father replied, "I'm at work but I think I can spare a couple of minutes for my favourite daughter."

Krystal bit back a smile. Her father used to always call her his favourite daughter when she was younger. It was nice to hear him call her that again. "I just came back from America," Krystal said.

"Oh, that's right! It almost slipped my mind. Was America fun?" her father asked.

"It was nice," Krystal replied truthfully. "How's business?"

She could hear her father's laughter coming from the other side of the line. "Aigooo, my baby girl's growing up. Business has been great this year. The year's almost over and hopefully we'll do as good, if not better, next year than we did this year."

"Don't work too hard, appa," Krystal couldn't help but say. She never liked it when her father overworked himself. 

"Araso, my baby girl. Was that all you wanted to tell me?" Yunho asked.

*It's now or never, Krys.* "Um... I have something else to ask you," Krystal said so softly it came out as a mere whisper.

Nonetheless, Yunho still picked it up thanks to his superior hearing. "What is it, love?"

"I'm throwing a party tonight, at mom's place. It's nothing big, just a self-thrown welcome-back party, do you think you can make it?" she asked.

Yunho didn't reply.

"I mean you don't have to come, we can always catch up some other time. I know how tight your schedule is," she quickly added.

Krystal heard her father sigh and she knew what was coming next. "As much as I would love to see my baby girl, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it tonight. Sorry, Krystal. But I do hope you know that I missed you a lot while you were in America."

Krystal tried to not let this information sadden her. She put on her most cheerful voice and spoke, "It's fine, dad. We can just meet up some other time."

"Are you sure, love?"

Krystal forced herself to smile. Even though her father couldn't see her, she was trying to convince herself that she was alright. "Positive."

"Okay then, honey. I have to go now. See you soon. I love you."

"Love you too, daddy. Bye."

"Are all the preperations for tonight nearly finished?" Krystal asked as she entered the kitchen. The party was in two hours and Krystal just came to check that everything was ready.

"Yes, Miss Jung. You have nothing to worry about," Victoria informed.

Krystal gave her a grateful nod. "Thanks for your hard work, Victoria."

Victoria returned her thanks with a warm smile.

Amber entered the kitchen also. "Ooh, you're all dressed up. You look beautiful as usual, Krys."

Krystal looked down at the simple white dress she had on. She had bought it when she went to Milan with Chanyeol and Sulli two years ago. "Thanks, Am. Are you planning on wearing a suit?"

"I sure as hell don't plan on wearing a dress," Amber stated, "But do I have to dress up?"

"You have to," Krystal said, "I'm inviting you as a guest."

"But I live here! You can't invite me as a guest. And it's not like I wasn't with you the whole time while you were in America. I don't need to welcome you back, I followed you there, remember?"

"My mother made you come with me. Therefore, it was more of  a business trip, and I say you need to attend this party as a guest and take a break from work."

Amber sighed. She knew there was no use trying to argue with Krystal Jung. "Alright. But you do know that your mother didn't make me do anything, right? Following you to America was my choice. I wanted to make sure I was there for you when no one else could be."

Krystal softened at Amber's words. "I know."

Krystal was out in the balcony that overlooked the Jung manor's swimming pool when the bell rang. "I'll get it," she called out. The maids were all busy doing final preperations for the party that was less than an hour away so she thought the least she could do was get the door herself. Sometimes, Krystal hated how her parents spoilt her so much.

"Oh honey, you're back!" Jessica Jung exclaimed the moment Krystal opened the door.

Krystal managed a small smile to greet her mother with. "Hey, mom."

Jessica pulled her daughter into a tight hug. "You've grown taller, honey."

"That's what Chanyeol oppa told me as well."

"You went to see Chanyeol already?'

Krystal nodded. 

Jessica poked her head into the house and noticed that it was set for a party. "Are you throwing a welcome back party here tonight?'

"It starts at eight," Krystal informed.

"Am I invited?"

"How can I not invite my own mother?"

At the same time, both Jung ladies broke into smiles that mirrored each other's. Krystal had to admit it, she missed her mother so much over the past year. Besides a phone call or video call every now and then, she hadn't talked to her mother much when she was in America. Jessica Jung was too occupied with her work to visit Krystal too.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I brought someone home for dinner. But since you're throwing a party here tonight, you wouldn't mind if there was an extra guest, would you?" Jessica asked.

Krystal shook her head. "Of course not. Who did you bring?"

It was only then that Krystal realised that someone had been standing behind Jessica all this time. He probably heard everything they said but he hadn't made a sound. The stranger stepped forward and smiled. "Hey, Krys."

"Myungsoo oppa..." He wasn't a stranger after all.




A/N: Hurro there :3 Yes that chapter was boring as well. I'm sorry that nothing exciting has happened yet. It's coming though. Just wait... And to you Myungstal shippers, it has begun... *dum dum dum* (insert dramatic music)

And thanks to everyone who subscribed/commented. Have a nice day everyone ^^ 


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TaeFTW #1
Chapter 4: I can't wait for the TaeStal! :D
Chapter 4: i love krystal's character in this :)
enehkiux #3
Chapter 4: Okay this is quite a cool story. Rebellious wealthy teenagers going through the phases of life yeah sounds like my kind of story ~
Chapter 4: im here for myungstal !! love your story btw .. ;)
flyingberry #5
oooo. so loving this story. i can't wait for you to introduce taekai. see what i did there? hehe
kaistal_sm #6
Chapter 4: kaistal FTW!! still waiting for kaistal moments, anw so far so good story. A lil bit of myungstal will do though. Update ^^
Arcadian-Warrior #7
Chapter 3: That was lovely ! Arg , MyungStal <3