The Princess is Back

Aristocrat Generation

Krystal Jung scanned the crowded airport for any signs of her parents. 

"Are you looking for your parents?" Amber, who was beside her, asked.

Krystal nodded. "Tell me if you see them."

"Gotcha, princess."

At that time, a man approached Krystal. "Excuse me, are you Miss Jung?" he asked.

Krystal studied the man. He was quite handsome and looked to be in his early-twenties. She carefully nodded. "And who are you?"

The man flashed a charming smile and bowed. "My name is Yoon Doojoon. Now that Miss Jung is back from America, Mrs Jung has hired me to be your personal driver. Your mother's first task to me is to pick you up from the airport. Shall we go?"

It was not unexpected that Jessica Jung sent some stranger to pick Krystal up from the airport -- heck, it was completely expected -- but Krystal still couldn't help but feel disappointed that neither of her parents took the time to come to the airport to welcome her home. After all, it had been a whole year since she last saw them.

As they followed Doojoon to the car, Amber noticed the sad expression on Krystal's face. She gave Krystal's arm a comforting squeeze. "You okay, princess?"

Krystal realised that she had let her disappointment show and her usual poker face returned immediately. "I'm perfectly fine," she replied.

"Do you want to head straight home, Miss Jung?" 

"No," Krystal replied immediately, "take me to the Park manor first."

Doojoon nodded and started driving. Even though it was probably his first time going there, he knew all the directions. Just what you would expect by a Jessica-Jung-hired driver. 

Meanwhile, Amber was giving Krystal a funny look.

"What?" Krystal asked, "Do I have something on my face?"

"Ani," Amber replied, "But is visiting that Derpyeol the first thing you need to do when you come back from America? Don't you need to head back home and rest first? And it's not like you didn't just see him a month ago. That guy visits you every chance he gets."

"I'm not tired and there's nothing for me to do at home," Krystal stated simply, "I want to go see Chanyeol oppa first. If you want to go home and rest, feel free to ask Doojoon to send you home after he drops me off at oppa's place."

Amber let out a chuckle. This was typical Krystal Jung ice princess behaviour. "Now what kind of servant would I be if I left my princess alone as soon as she arrives back in Seoul? I'm going with you. Hate to admit it, but I miss Derpyeol's cheerfulness too."





Chanyeol enveloped Krystal into a bear hug and lifted her off the ground. "You've grown taller since I last saw you, Soojung," he commented. They pulled away and Chanyeol pinched her left cheek. "And your cheeks are chubbier too. It must be all those burgers they serve there."

And for the first time since she arrived back home, Krystal smiled.

It was a really touching reunion, really. The only person missing was...

"Should we call Jinri over?" asked Chanyeol.

Krystal nodded. "I haven't seen Ssul in ages. The last time she visited me in San Francisco was four months ago. Let's the four of us go out and hit the clubs tonight."

"I think I'll pass," Amber said.

"Okay then. The three of us can go, minus Amber," Krystal corrected

"Whoa there, little girl. I'm legal now, but Jinri and you are still underage. We're not going clubbing."

Krystal made a face. "Since when did you care about the law?"

"I don't," Chanyeol said, "But haven't you heard? Jinri's father recently got promoted to Minister of Health and Welfare. Imagine if she gets caught. I don't think it would bring a very good name to Mr Choi."

"Right, I forgot about that," Krystal mumbled. "How about we throw our own party then? Eight o'clock at my place?"

Chanyeol stared at his best friend like she was crazy. "Soojung, you just landed in Seoul an hour ago," he reminded, "I bet you haven't even gone home yet and you want to throw a party that's five hours away from now?"

Krystal shrugged. "Why not?"

Chanyeol and Amber both smiled inwardly. The Princess is back.




A/N: That was just an introduction but I hope you enjoyed reading it anyway. Have a nice day everyone ^^ 


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TaeFTW #1
Chapter 4: I can't wait for the TaeStal! :D
Chapter 4: i love krystal's character in this :)
enehkiux #3
Chapter 4: Okay this is quite a cool story. Rebellious wealthy teenagers going through the phases of life yeah sounds like my kind of story ~
Chapter 4: im here for myungstal !! love your story btw .. ;)
flyingberry #5
oooo. so loving this story. i can't wait for you to introduce taekai. see what i did there? hehe
kaistal_sm #6
Chapter 4: kaistal FTW!! still waiting for kaistal moments, anw so far so good story. A lil bit of myungstal will do though. Update ^^
Arcadian-Warrior #7
Chapter 3: That was lovely ! Arg , MyungStal <3