The Warning

Alternate a devilgirlmaria's playlist

                                                                  Jaeseop (ukiss) and Jiyeon (t-ara)







He’s at his favourite coffee shop the one across from where she works at. There’s viridian green tainted in the sky, the acrimony of cigarettes in the air. He presses the nicotine to his lips, inhales, exhales, and a swirl of cloud billows out. He pulls out his notepad, electric crimson velvet in all its fire and glory. In their comprises words etched from the heart, italics, dripping ink sugar of her aurulent gold shaded hair to the edginess of her sharp tongue. She comes into his life like waves but then pulls out again, like she always does.



                                                   He wonders if she was the right choice.





She’s at her workplace. Her bones are aching, melting to paint. Violent (violet) purple bruises blooming internally. Ribcage two corsets too tight, eyes painfully dead. She’s all concave, sharp edges and hard candy, while she knows he is candied sugar sweet all over. Office hours are over. She walks out, tempestuous serenade, heads turning wherever she goes. Robin blue feathers in her hair, carmine painted eyes. She’s outside the coffee shop, his favourite place (used to be our favourite place) thoughts are bittersweet. Coffee shop inhabits peach bodies all combustion of sheer obscure colours.





                               She doesn’t love him anymore, she wonders if she ever did.





She’s opposite him now. There’s no warmth, no love in those glimmering cardinal eyes, just deadpan, tar black, dripping, ink soul. The coffee she ordered (in an Indian clay mug) on the side is cold, ice cold. They both say nothing; he knows what she will say. He hears his heart already breaking into a million pieces, an explosive combustion of his romanticism already going down the drain. She is intangible. Her sarcoline, cerise flushed hands, reach for his. He pulls his hand away from the mahogany table quickly (almost knocking the table over) before her hand can grab his. Hurt already reflecting his now umber eyes. She sees it now, the blood, the crimson blood pouring from his heart, reminding her of the electric, crimson notebook of his.





                          His love was nothing but a sick fairy tale, romanticized lunacy.








He was warned of girls like her, ones that break men’s hearts ones that are never satisfied with what they already have. Seductive sharp laced, femme fatale. Everything he felt, all the colours he imagined love would be, all the pastels, now nothing but sepia and monochrome, murky and deadpan. He’s lost now amongst the ocean, the sea of faces. As they both go their separate ways, her under a cerulean parasol, him heart bruised violently (violet) electric crimson notebook held tightly against his chest. He wonders if he should throw it away.




                                                             In the end he decides not to.

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Chapter 27: omg is this a pretty word fest because i'm adoring it all *_*

"she likes swallowing her lovers" nom, me likes this line
AHH i love it, love it so much /shower me with more of your writing please dear <3 and we should totally do a collab or something aug just saying ;D <333

ok, i love love love the way that all the colors you've put in are pink/red/warm, it really does give off that "valentine" feeling ;__; (i admit, i had to look some of the colors up sdlgasdkf) my babies <3

"he likes dying his hair in obscure colors she doesn't mind" i really loved this line for some reason? it adds a sense of depth to their relationship especially in such a short piece ;___;

/frolics around in happiness <3
Chapter 13: sometimes it's easier to find connection through
silence instead of words / in this case
its really sweet
& sad
but sweet LOL <3
Chapter 10: pretty. pretty. ♡
/sits & soaks in your lovely writing
Chapter 9: OMG.<3 "cerulean" , "porcelain", "melancholic"
stopp using all my favorite words you're killing me dear slowly
like a poisonous apple hahaha
but truly your writing is gorgeous (lol like your face! mwhaha)
i'm almost overwhelmed by the atmosphere you created & there is such a build up of strong emotions left lingering at the end
aug i want more. make your little drabbles longer just for me please -w- <3
urghh I love all your stories :)
Honestly, when you write all the emotions jump at us like we're on a roller coaster and everything's so vivid. I don't really know how to explain your writing. The images and feelings you portray are very clear, and your use of words is just amazing <3 I love love love your writing :)
Chapter 8: first of all, i adore the poster you made for this chapter!
i love it's nostalgic, watercolor feel (i'm really into watercolor myself right now XD)

second of all, OH MY CUPCAKES! it's so beautiful
i get swept away by the descriptions <3
haha this totally inspires me to write some more
Chapter 4: your diction is extremely beautiful in this chapter
i would love to see a longer story though *cries*
_SlaveYoseob #9
Omg so many ships that I wouldn't typically sail on
Chapter 3: I hate everything about you~ why do I love you? this reminded me of a Three Days Grace's song