A long and transient dream

Garden of Vows


"awww!!!.. this is so boring! hey, new guy!, entertain us a little." shindong whined to the new guy

sungmin then looked at everyone

they were all sitting around the teacher's table.

"come on... don't be shy" heechul smiled.

"any  story will do." siwon reassured him.

sungmin said "ok".. before he took off his jacket.

"i'm going to tell you a very sad story. you can decide what to believe later on...." he started.

"... it happened 13 years ago in a far away province, there was a seven year old boy who lived in an orphanage. that boy had one simple wish, it was to find his parents and have a happy life with them. he kept on waiting, kept on wishing upon every falling star... he never lost hope not even once until one night, a white angel appeared and told him...

'you only have one year left to live. after a year, i'll come back and take your soul.'

...the little boy begged the angel to atleast give him a chance to meet his parents before his one year was over. The angel who was actually a death God took pity on him and granted his wish, a whole year full of happiness and love.  " sungmin sighed and looked at his companions

5 pairs of  eyes looked back at him urging him to continue.

"... even though his real parents were dead, the little boy found the  warmth and care he was looking for in his new family. And he was also able to have someone he can call a friend, the death God he calls 'L'. L on the other hand grew fond of the child. when the fated night finally came, the boy was brought to a place called 'Garden of Vows' . There were blue flowers everywhere and you can even smell the scent of the roses. it was breath-takingly beautiful. In the middle of the 5 pillars at the center of the garden, they stood face to face. 'it is time...' L said. the boy could only reply with a satisfied smile. As L smiled back, a sudden pain in his heart showed in his heart... a deep sorrow. With tears also b in his eyes, the boy took L's hand and said...

'it's okay, you don't have to feel sorry for me... i'm happy now'.

"...the boy closed his eyes for a moment and opened it again before he said 'i want to see your face until the very last moment. please do it now.'

"... a bitter smile crossed L's face as he spread his wings and enveloped the little boy.The boy felt his warm embrace as well as a few tears that fell on his shoulder. And L spoke again...

'out of all the people in this world, you are the one life I cannot take'

".... as he took a few steps he called the boy's name and spread his wings..


"....lots of feathers flew around the boy then fell instantly on the ground. forming a small circle around him. L walked closer and embraced him. The boy closed his eyes as he savoured in the warmth that never failed to calm him. and when he opened it again---right infront of his eyes---he witnessed how L's pure white feathers turn black!" sungmin exclaimed.

sungmin chuckled as his listeners got startled.

"... L then said 'sleep hyukjae. And when you wake up, may a new world welcome you... I vow to be your sword and your shield... until my last breath.'

"...as hyukjae's eyes started to close, an object caught his attention. it passed throught the rays of the moon and hit L's chest. then darkness consumed them. for years, every night when the moon shines so bright, a pair of black wings would pass through the night sky....

....and secretly even from a far, he would watch over the person he loves" sungmin ended with a smile.


hey guys!!! sorry i haven't been able to update... college happened *sigh*

anyway the story is done... gonna post the chapters as soon as i can... :D

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cloud24 #1
hey..... still waiting for your update......anyway,.... just wanna say ........."HI!"kekeke :)
sakura20 #2
update soon :)