~My Knight In Shining Armour~

It's Got Nothing To Do With Luck (COMPLETED)
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Song: Proud by DBSK



[Third Person POV]

Yunho started the engine and drove out of Seoul, he was going to an old meat factory in a remote area.
*First Soo Yun then Hee Jin and now ~~~~. I swear if anything happens to her, I will hunt him down*
Yunho was about half an hour away from saving you when his car suddenly stopped.
Yunho got out of his car popped up the hood.
*Aish, Mum’s gonna kill me!*
*What’s that strange smell? Omo…*
It was gasoline and it was leaking everywhere. Yunho knew what he had to do, he had to run.
*~~~~ ah, wait for me, I’ll be there soon*
The road to the old meat factory was a long and dusty one, it was piled with rocks and it was very dangerous. But Yunho knew that if he didn’t run then he would lose you. Suddenly from behind him Yunho heard a huge explosion, the explosion of his BMW. There was a vibration in his pocket and Yunho answered it nervously.


“Yunho, are you missing ~~~~ ah, my old friend” the voice asked.

Yunho spat, “Friend, what friend takes away another mans’ life”

“Your life? I thought it was just hers. Ya, Yunho ah she misses you, she keeps saying your name, even though she is half dead. Makes me want to shut her up for good”

“Don’t you dare!” Yunho yelled into the phone, his eyes burning with fury.

“She’s too cute to kill yet, my men want to play” the voice laughed as Yunho grinded his teeth together.

“Let her talk to me! Now!” The line went quiet as the mad man held the phone to your ear, even though you were half unconscious.

“~~~~ ah! ~~~~ ah! Please answer me! Are you okay?!” ~~~~ ah!” you woke up to the voice yelling on the phone.

“Oppa, Yunho oppa” it was the first time you had ever spoken to Yunho properly, too bad it had to be this way.

“I’m coming to get you okay”

“Oppa, I’m scared” you whimpered.

“It’s okay, I’ll be there right away, wait for me”

“Alright, enough of this, come and get her you know where we are” then the line went dead.

As soon as Yunho put the phone back in his pocket he continued running, his long leg muscles ached at every stride.
*~~~~ ah, wait for me*

~At the factory~

“If your beloved opaa, doesn’t come soon, I’m gonna kill you, you are so unlucky"

You continued to glare and ignore the crazy man, he had a black piece of cloth covering his face so it was hard to see who he really was.
*Oppa, please come soon*
Just as that moment the huge metal doors slowly swung open, Yunho’s tall silhouette was framed by the setting sun behind him. Yunho was breathing heavily and his shoulders heaved with every breathe he took.

“Oppa!” you yelled, with what little energy you had left.

Yunho looked up and jogged over to you, he knelt down next to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. At first you were shocked by the contact, but gradually you wrapped your arms around his neck.

“~~~~ ah” he said softly.

“Isn’t that just a sweet reunion?” the mad man said, clapping his hands.

“Too bad one of you won’t make it out alive” he smirked.

But before he could pull out his gun, Yunho already had his gun in his right hand pointing it at the psycho’s head. His left hand was holding your hand.

“It’s over” Yunho said

“I know” as quick as a flash the lights went out, and a gun shot rang out.

“For her” the mad man laughed and ran away.

The lights came back on and Yunho caught your waist before you hit the ground and he laid you down on his lap.

“Omo! ~~~~ah!” he yelled.

“No!” he pressed his hand against your bleeding abdomen, as tears cascaded down his face.

“Oppa, I’m so lucky to have met you, you risked your life to save mine..” you said weakly, touching his face.

“No, no, no! Life has nothing to do with luck. It was fate, fate brought us together and we will stay together okay! Fight for me ~~~~ ah, keep fighting , you’ve been so strong. I need you to fight” he held your hand as you wiped away his tears.

Yunho pulled out his phone and called Yoochun.

“Yoochun ah, I need backup at the old meat factory, bring Changmin and tell him to come prepared. Leave Junsu at home and tell Hee Bon everything’s fine. Be here as fast as you can!” Yunho hung up and and immediately his attention returned back to you.

“Oppa… I’m… cold” you whispered.

“It’s okay, I’m here” he took off his shirt and wrapped it around you.

He held you closer and rocked you ever so gently. He tucked your hair behind your ear and wiped the sweat away from your forehead. You placed your hand on his bare chest and he held it there with his right hand, while his left hand supported you. And so you both sat there waiting, you were waiting for a lucky miracle. Yunho was waiting for his friends…


AN: Hey everyone! Well, another chapter! YAY! You're hurt! I wonder what will happen next, but of course if you died there will be no story! =P Comments PLEASE!

JaeSu fan: Updated! =D

yveT.Te: Yes the rest of the famly is very awesome! Exceopt JJ, who seems to be a little distant from everyone else. Updated!

urye: Hey! Updated!

Red♥'s: HAHA! That's something for me to know and something for you to find out! I guess you have no choice but to read it!

bLoOMuSiCaL: Hello my dongsaeng! YAY! Yunho to the rescue!!! HAHAHA! You are in his arms, but unforetunately you are bleeding alot. Just wish that Yoochun and Changmin oppa come soon.

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Chapter 34: OMG so awsm story i lyk it so much awsm creation salute n bow.. With lots of luv n hugs.. Thanks..
koreankendi #2
Im glad i read this!!! ^_^
bwahahah. Im happy to read another finished yh fic. :)