A Boy In Distress

I Shine Inside


During rehearsal, my head span round and round. I couldn't stop thinking about her. On the outside she looked as if nothing happened... but on the inside, I'm sure she was hurt. I just can't stop thinking about...

"YOW!" Minho shouted. "You stepped on me again!"

I snapped out of my trance and looked to Minho who held his foot in pain.

"Aish, that's the third time you've stepped on me in one rehearsal," Minho complained.

Taemin walked over and put a hand on my shoulder. "You okay, bro?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah," I said, wiping my face.

Onew suddenly stomped his foot and said, "That's it guys. Tonight, at the concert, I'm going to confess to IU."

My eyes nearly popped out of my skull. "No!" I shouted. "You can't!"

Everyone turned towards me. Onew stepped over to me and got in my face. "And why not?"

I looked around frantically and stammered, "Uh, um, because... you have to get to know her first?"

More like I don't want a jerk like you going out with my girl.

"No need. When I first saw that beautiful face, that slim hourglass figure, and that beautiful voice, I knew she was the one for me. A girl who's as talented and beautiful as her deserves to be with an outrageously handsome and wonderful guy like me," Onew said, checking himself out in the mirror.

I gagged.

"What? You don't think I can do it... or?" He said, grabbing me by the collar. "Do you like her?"

My eyes widened and I shook my head no. "No... it's not that... it's just..."

"Good! I've heard enough! We'll be in the tabloids announcing our relationship by tomorrow morning!" Onew said happily.

I sighed and slapped myself hard on the face. While Onew chattered narcisstically to the others, Key took me by the arm and over to a different room. He shut the door and locked it. He then crossed his arms, leaned back on the door, and stared at me intensely.

"What?" I asked, getting nervous.

"Say it," he said.

"Say what?"

"Admit that you actually do like Ji Eun. You just can't say it," Key said.

"No..." I wandered off.

"Look. Here's the truth. You can either act up now, or, you can let that jerk out there steal her away. A girl's heart is a complicated thing to get to, especially if she's already set her heart on a different guy," He said.

"Wait, how'd you know she likes Onew?" I asked.

He sighed. "It's complicated."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's pretty obvious. I mean, she just kind of stands there and stares at him. Also," he added. "She told me when I asked her."

I rubbed my temple, "Aish, this girl..."

"Tell me, how do you really feel about her?" He asked.

I thought about it for a long time before I gave him my reply. "She's like an angel. No. She IS an angel. Not only does she have everything Onew said, she has the warm and kind personality of a princess. The nobility of a knight. The smile like sunshine. Seeing her smiling face makes my heart beat right out of my chest."

"Now how does your heart feel about her? Don't think about it. Just say it," he continued.

"My heart longs for her. She's like New Year's lantern. Beautiful on the outside, yet also shining on the inside. She warms everyone around her and her light welcomes others to her. So beautiful, yet fragile. So close, yet people are afraid to touch her in fear that she'll break and they'll never be able to fix her."

"Now tell me, are you just going to wait around and watch as that lantern chooses the wrong path? Are you going to watch as her light goes out?"

I clenched my fists and bit my lip. "Never."

"Are you ready?"

I nodded. "Always."

~~~~~~~~That Night~~~~~~~

As I got my hair styled by stylists, Ji Eun walked up to me and said, "Wowwie, look at you. What a decent bad boy."

I looked up to see her without her usual disguise.

"What are you doing without your disguise?" I hissed.

"The secret's out. There's no point. Plus, it was a lot easier to get backstage as IU," she replied, smiling.

I studied her face like a book. From her long lashes to her soft pink lips. The thought of her with Onew sent chills down my spine.

"Ji Eun.. I have something to tell you," I said.

"Huh?" she said.

Suddenly Onew came out of nowhere and threw his arms around Ji Eun's head. He hugged her hard, making her bend backwards.

"IU ~ Be sure to watch out for my announcement tonight. I'm sure it'll make you very happy," Onew singsonged. "I'll catch you later babe."

As Onew walked away, I watched as she blushed, so much that it showed through her actual blush make up. I decided to keep quiet.

Not now... it's too soon...

Ji Eun walked away in a daze, leaving me alone at my dressing table. Key walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Dude, that was painful to watch," he said. "When?"

"Soon," I replied.

"Better sooner than later. Don't lose that girl," Key said as he walked away.

The heart longs for what the heart wants...

SaeRyung's words rang over and over in my head.

Are you going to watch as her light go out?... go out?.... go out?

I shook my head vigorously.

"NO!" I shouted, standing up quickly. "I won't let that light go out. Even if it does, I'll relight it. Even if it means searching all over the world for the perfect match."

I quickly got on stage for out first number. After we finished singing, "Ring Ding Dong". Onew began her announcement.

"IU, I know you're hear. Just listen to me. I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. You're beautiful. Like a diamond. More than diamonds. If you would, will you accept my heart? I just want to tell you... I love you IU," Onew said.

The whole arena erupted into an applause and cheering. I looked to the side to see Ji Eun backstage, jaw dropped. That's when I decided to take action.

"No, it's Ji Eun, not IU," I said.

"What?" Onew asked.

"Finally," Key whispered.

"I won't let you take my light away," I said loudly.

Onew came over and pushed me back. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying you're a self centered, immoral jerk who doesn't deserve an angel like Ji Eun-ah," I shouted, I turned to Ji Eun backstage. "Ji Eun-ah... no... Ji Eun. I love you, Ji Eun. Since the moment I first met you until the very last minute. Whether you were beautiful or not, I would love you. You shine inside and out. Please Ji Eun, though you've never even looked at me once the way I looked at you, if you give me the time... the chance, I can change that. Outside you're a beautiful diamond, but inside... you're a shining lantern. Won't you let me break through the rock surface and get to that bright light?"

I watched as Ji Eun shook her head in disabelief. She looked around frantically as the spotlight transitioned over her. I waited for her answer... I never go it. She took off, running into the shadows.

"Awkward," Taemin whispered.

Key facepalmed himself. Onew grabbed me by the collar and threw a punch. Between the disapointment of rejection and the pain of Onew's punch, I just let go. I slipped into the shadows of my mind and closed my eyes. I listened as Minho shouted at Onew and saw one glimpse of him pushing Onew away before I drifted out of conciousness.

---------------A week later-----------------

"It's been a week," I groaned.

"One hell of a week," Key added.

After the incident at the concert, we had to reschedule the concert and take a break to escape from news presses and paparazzi. Fans began to rumble over who should win the girl. Onew or Jonghyun? You choose! It bothered the hell out of me. I hugged the couch pillow and buried my face into it.

"UGHHHHHHH," I moaned loudly into the pillow.

Key patted my back and said, "Let it all out."

"Wait, where is everyone?" I asked.

Key rolled his eyes around and answered, "I think Taemin is out shopping... Minho is at filming.... and Onew went out for a walk."

"A walk?" I asked, realizing.

"Yeah," he replied.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"I think like three in the afternoon," he replied.

"Oh, God... he's doing it," I said, quickly getting up and dressed.

"Doing what?" Key asked.

I ran back and forth from the bathroom and bedroom getting half dressed.

"Ji Eun-ah always takes a walk everyday at three o'clock. I bet he's going to go find her and force the answer out of her. I have to stop him," I said, running out the door.

As I shut the door, I looked down to realized I was wearing a shirt for pants. I opened the door again to see Key holding a pair of jeans in his hand.

"Nice shirt," Key smirked.

I grabbed the pants and threw off the shirt. I quickly pulled them up and ran out the door with Key running behind me.

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Chapter 7: lol the ending...NICEEE xD
stayuptonight #3
Chapter 7: huhuhu cuteee and the ending was really funny XDDD