The Heart Longs

I Shine Inside



As I waited at the bus stop at town square, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Jonghyun waving happily at me.

"Omo, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was taking a walk with Onew," he replied.

I didn't need to hear more. I looked behind him to see Onew glaring angrily at us.

Why does he not like me?

Anxiously I turned back to Jonghyun and hid Onew from view. In my hand I held tightly onto a crumply, smudged notebook paper with an empty envelope torn on one side.

"Omo, what's this? A letter?" Jonghyun asked as he snatched the letter from me.

I quickly grabbed at the letter as he raised it into the air, out of my reach. I jumped up and down to get it as he took it from one hand to the other.

"Give it back!" I shouted frustratingly.

"Omo, omo, what's it a letter about?" He asked as he laughed

He took the letter and ran to a nearby oak tree. Quickly he sprang up the tree like a monkey as I stood beneath it. I stomped my foot on the ground and put my hands on my hips. I puffed my cheeks out and furrowed my eyebrows. I looked up at him as he teasingly dangled his leg down off the branch, just inches from my grasp. He smirked at me and slowly opened the folded up letter.

"Dear IU,

Hi! My name is Oh SaeRyun. I am eight years old and a boy. I think you are very pretty and talented. I really like you! You are my idol. You are the prettiest person I know! Next to my mommy of course :D. I wish I could see you sing in real life but I am sick so I can't leave the hospital. Just last week, I heard the doctor tell mommy that I may be in the hospital for another month before 'the lights go out'. Whatever that means. That made me really happy but also sad at the same time. A month is still a realyl long time! But if I could have anything in the world, I would ask God to let me see you in person. Just once! I would be happy. Will you be my angel and grant my wish?" Jonghyun muttered to himself.

As his eyes lowered and his smile faded away, he looked down at me guiltingly. I nodded and frowned too. I could feel that sad, empty feeling in my stomach and chest. Jonghyun jumped out of the branch and landed on his hands and feet. He returned the letter to me.

"Are you going to see that boy? Is that why you're at the bus stop?" He asked.

I nodded sadly.

"I called the all the hospital with the address on the envelope. They said what I read was true. That boy had been diagnosed with stage four of heart cancer," I paused and began to choke up on the next sentence. "They told him he only had only one more month to live. I recieved this letter just yesterday... three weeks from when he had actually written it."

My heart sank and I could tell by Jonghyun's look that his sank, too. I hugged the letter close.

"I couldn't believe I'd been so busy that I hadn't read this letter sooner. I'm going to give this boy the best day of his life. Anything... anything," I said, a tear drop running down my cheek.

The bus hissed to a stop and I walked slowly towards it.

"Wait! I'll go with you," Jonghyun shouted, running behind me.

Together we walked to the bus. As I placed my first foot in through the doors, Onew shouted, "Jonghyun, where are you going?"

"I'm going with I... I mean, Ji Eun-ah to the hospital. We're visiting a sick friend of hers," Jonghyun replied, winking at me.

"What? Man, don't ditch me! We had a double date!" Onew shouted.

My heart that sank now had a crack in it. Jonghyun patted me on the head.

"Well, you do that. I have a date, too. This date is with Ji Eun-ah," Jonghyun said, hurrying me onto the bus.

The bus started to drive away as Onew stood on the sidewalk angrily shaking his fist at us. As we walked down the aisle to the back, the few people on the bus oohed and ahed, snapping pictures of us here and there. Jonghyun quickly took of his scarf and covered my face.

"Safety measures," Jonghyun whispered.

We sat down in the back. I looked rejectedly at the ground.

"You and Onew had a double date?" I asked.

Jonghyun hesistated and said, "Yes."

"I thought he didn't like girls..."

Jonghyun hesistated once again. "He's just a confused boy. That's all."

I looked away and out the window.

"More like he only hates me..."

For a while it was just an awkward silence between us. The thought of Onew hating me hurt like no other... but the thought of Jonghyun going on a date bothered me for some reason.

Ji Eun, snap out of it. Jonghyun's your friend. Only your friend... a really close friend...

We arrived at the hospital and I quickly went to the bathroom and changed into IU. After coming out, I handed Jonghyun some things to put on so others wouldn't recognize him. I checked in with the front desk who were surprisingly mature about having a pop star around them. They took me to the boy's room. He was snoring softly and his side. He had kicked his blanket off. I smiled.

Like a sweet little angel...

I went over and began to pull the blanket up over him. I startled him and he woke up with a start. I backed up and smiled brightly as opened his eyes.

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Chapter 7: lol the ending...NICEEE xD
stayuptonight #3
Chapter 7: huhuhu cuteee and the ending was really funny XDDD