Chap 4

Beautiful picture

POV Jonghyun

I don't really know what happenend. i was going out because I was bored and I saw Taemin with this three guys. He was on the floor and they were going to hit him. I run towards them and hit the three guys.

 Don't touch him. He's mine.

I was looking at them with a death glare and they run away. I turned back to Taemin.

 Are you alright ?!

-  Y.. Yeah, than-

 You're an idiot ?! Why did you stay here so long ?!

-  B-But...

 Don't you see that he will not coming ?! 

-  Sorry...

 Geez... Well, Come with me.

-  Okay... Aouch !

 You're hurt ?

-  My ankle hurts me...

 Damn, you're seriously an idiot. I crouched get on my back.

-  What ?

 Hurry up or I leave you here ! 

-  O...Okay

he climbed on my back and I head to my house


 I leave you on the sofa

-  Thank you...

 It's nothing. Are you hungry ? 

-  A little...

 Here it's what I cooked earlier, you can eat it.

-  And you ?

 I already eat.

-  Oh, ok... You live alone ? 


-  And your parents ?

 I don't know my father.

-  And you mother ... ?


-  ... Jonghyun hyung ?

 Close your eyes.

-  Eh ? why ?

 Just close your eyes.

-  O..Ok

I took the first aid kit and disinfect the wound on her cheek and his ankle.

-  That's cold ! 

 Yah, be quiet. 

-  ....

 That's better.

-  ... Thanks

 For ?

-  For saving me..

 You just had luck that I pass there.

-  Maybe, but you save me.

 Well, I couldn't let this guys hit you.

-  Yeah... Anyway, thank you

 stop saying "thank you" I understand. It's late so you will sleep here.

-  I can come back home you know.

 You can't walk with your ankle. You need to rest. You can take my bed I will sleep on the sofa. I'll lend you some clothes.

-  Ok.

POV Taemin

I walk in his room, wow it's quite big ! there was a bed, a wardrobe, a desk with a lot of papers, some magasines of music and his guitar.

 Here a T-shirt and pants if you want to sleep with.

-  Thanks.

 Do you want to take a shower ? 

-  Ah, no I take a shower only mornings

 Okay, then I'm going to take a shower good night.

-  Good night.


I don't really know what time it is but I can't sleep. I woke up and go in the living room. Jonghyun was also awake, he was watching the TV. 

 Oh you're wake.

-  I can't sleep.

 same for me.

-  What are you watching ? 

-  I just change again and again, there is nothing.

-  Do you have DVDs ?  I sit next to him

 Of course but I don't have so many. Usually it's Key or Onew hyung who takes their DVDs...

-  What will you do without them. I giggled.

 Honestly, nothing.

-  Let's watch this film ! I said happily while checking what film Jonghyun has.


He puts the DVD and we watched the DVD, it was an action film, I really like this kind of film. It was just the beginning of the film but I feel my eyes closed by themselves. I felt my head hit something but I don't really know what. My eyes were closed and I was to tired to open them.

POV Jonghyun

He asks me to put a DVD and he fall asleep in the beginning seriously. His head was on my shoulder. I stand up and let him fall on the sofa. So what sould I do ? I let him sleep here or in my bed ? I will let him sleep here it's better to not wake him. I turned back and walk towards my bedroom but I felt something holding me back. Taemin held my wrist.

-  Stay with me, I'm afraid to be alone..... please.

 I will not leave you alone, I will be here to protect you.

-  Really ? 

 Really. I have to take care of my new model.

-  Your new model... me ?

 Yeah. Lee Taemin, will you want to be my model ? 

-  I want..... If you promise to always be here for me.

 I will always be here and I will protect you. I promise

He smiled at me and I smile at him too. I just realised that it was the first time I smiled at him. When I saw his surprised face I laughed. Since this night I just have one thing in my head : I want to protect Taemin.

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Chapter 24: Such a beautiful story!!! ❤
Chapter 24: Fofo e apaixonante! Parabéns!
Succubus42 #3
Chapter 24: Hi Author-nim! :)
This is my first and probably last comment to this story, but I just had to say that I've totally fallen in love with this fic! <3
I liked the plot. I admit that sometimes things were happenning too fast for my liking and I felt them a little out-of place, but it was sooooooo sweet and funny that in the end, I didn't have any complaints.
What I really liked is that when I read your story that I felt myself in an anime. The phrases, the writing style, and the background musics and videos - even though I usually don't like those, but here it was great - you used made the whole athmosphere of the story really uniqe and I instantly fell in the mood, when I read it.
Sorry, it's tl;dr, but I really wanted to praise you for this.
And Jongho is my OTP, so I definitely going to read your new story. Good luck with it! :)
Chapter 24: Cuuuute ending!! ^O^ <3
And the gif. Omo it looks like Jjong is about to kiss Tae *O*
Chapter 24: :''') It's the end! I feel so sad that it ends but I feel sooooo happy for JongTae semjfopsjfdklfjrf!!! soooo cute<3
I loooove this story so much~ Thanks Tsuki-yah~ <3
Chapter 23: It ended... But cute ending! Loved it! ^O^ <3
Chapter 23: DUHFDWLOIFJIFJF THIS WAS PERFECT! :''') Can I cry? :''') THANKS Author-nim for this GREAT STORY<3 Love you<3
I can't wait for other stories and dpwjfj JONGTAE IS TOO CUTE<3
Chapter 22: JONGHYUN OFJDSOFJIFJOIFJGIDJG!!! Whoooaaaaa Taemin is soooo cute! and Key xDDD That was soooo funny!!! Thanks for this chapter I loooooove it! :D I hope you'll update soon<3