
Secrets of a ManMaid

"NO, I'M CALLING YOU RICK," Sandeul was completely sure that was this 'FANCY MAID GUY''s name. He totally looks like a Rick.



"I believe it was Sir Baro that requested me. So, I'm his maid,"

This is where Sandeul almost blew it. Wait, no. He did blow it. It was like steam was coming from his ears, and his face turned red. Wait, yeah, that did happen. Omfg, how. What.

"Oh. Hell. No. YOU JUST DID N-" The Ducky Diva was going in for punch, but Baro stopped him.

"Hun, please, calm the hell down," He then turned to Minhyun, "I'll show you our mess, and you can follow, too. Ms. Jealousy, If if will make you feel better,"

"Please, I'm not jealous of that. His name is RICK after all,"

Minhyun just blankly stared at him and thinking to himself, 'Really. Rick, really.'

    Baro opened the door to the bedroom. Cheez-it crums, tissues, and ... omfg wtf is that. I think..... Dear god, it's salad dressing and............ PARSLEY. WHY PARSLEY. "This is where the main mess is.

"I'll just clean the whole house. Everything is covered in parsley, yet it smells like shallots. Do you guys cook a lot, or something?"


    MinhyunRick had know clue what he should make of that 'Sure', so he didn't think about it. It didn't want to think about it. He wants to think about y Windex and scrubbing windows until they're so alluring. Until they shine so much, not even a star could win against it in a shining contest. A car will drive past the windows, and will be like, "Dayyyum, bby qurl, u l00kin fyneee,". Once again, his mind got the best of him. He shouldn't be daydreaming of this stuff on job. You see, Minhyun he's a... Cleaningual. He's completely attracted to anything cleaning related. By the age of 3 months, he realized he was meant to be a maid. He was supposed to be born a cat, thus cleaning himself in the womb. When his mom gave birth, bam. Human.

"Hmmph, we'll leave you to your work, Rick," Sanduck queen diva wife grabbed Baro and left the room. "Omg, what was that?!"

"What was what?"

"He's freaking gorgeous. omfg."

"Hmm, is he?" Baro looked back at the door, pondering playfully to annoy his pet duck. Sandeul smacked him on side the head.

"This is what I mean!!"

"You're the one making assumptions out of nothing!!!"



"UGH! FINE, BE LIKE THIS," He was on the verge of "no reason tears". He pushed his confuzzled hubbie out the way and ran into the kitchen and grabbed the closet food that was in arms reach. A chocolate bunny from two easters ago. Ew, that sounds gross. But, he ate it anyway. He was remembering how he got this bunny. He wasn't suppose to eat it, he was suppose to keep it as memory.......


**sometimes I sit down and think, "what am I doing with my life,"

next chapter: FLASHBACK.

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Chapter 3: oh! , please update :) , so deul hates baro now :(
Chapter 1: manhyun?? please just keep it as minhyun ;'))
what a funny chapter ^^
Mags_o12 #3
Chapter 1: Please update soon. i think its very interesting, especially my bias in B1A4 and NUEST are there. thanks.
DeullieSa34 #4
update soon~~