Tale of the Quack and duh playuh

Secrets of a ManMaid
                    FLASHBACK TIME-TWO YEARS AGO-: Sandeul had ordered a ten piece McNugget meal, and didn't realize until the eigth one that he only had nine. He went report it to the manager, but manager called bullcrap since he already ate all of it. He used the defense, "I would never lie about food!!" But, the manager guy didn't buy into it. Sandeul then went all haywire, threating them to give him his one desired McNugget to make his meal complete, he removed all the straws and napkins from their holders, he played frisbee with the cup tops with other customers, he pressed all the buttons to the fountain drinks, and best yet, he went into the playroom and told all the kids inside that Ronald McDonald was real.  This made all the little kids cry and run away, never to return to the horrid demon home of McDonalds. The manager still refused to give him his extra nugget, atleast without paying the whole $0.25 it was worth. This was when the boy went pyscho and pushed everything off the counter, went behind it, got one McNugget, and left. Baro was watching in the corner, highly amused. The Duck was a go-getter and didn't let anything stop, he liked that. He went outside and chased him down. "Say, hay durr bby. Wats yo naymm?"
"Ahhh, yoo kno. I seen dat episode, short tempered. i liek dat. dats hawt."
"Oh, please. You make me blush," Which he said with no emotion at all. Baro wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic, or serious. He liked that.
"Hay, say, I take yoo out fo dinnuh tonite. wat you say, mmmmmmsdghefd"
       Deullie said yes, because he had nothing better to do. He didn't expect his life to turn completely around. And good thing he didn't, because it didn't. But, little did he know it would be the best date of his lyfe. First, Baro picked him up in his gross looking beat down car, then told him they were going to the absolute best place in town. That food court thing at Sam's Club. Baro had been a member of the Sam's Club for three years, and too his luck, so had Sandeul. They just met and already had a lot in common.
It was getting late, and all they had done was eat. They also shared a love for food. Baro had brought him back home, and told him "Bbby gnight, slep tite. gnight," he patted him on the back and left, whilst whispering, "i'll be dancin dancin daninc in duh moonlightwegfefgb" Which, the boy had overheard. What did this mean?
       Sandeul was getting to bed, replaying the awkward pronounciated words in his head. Dancin is duh moonlightwegfefgb? omfg, does this mean Baro was going to cheat on him. Wait, are they even dating. So many emotions, so little time. Deullieboy was already getting jealous over nothing. He went to where Baro was, because he somehow magically knew where he was. He was, indeed, dancing in the moonlight, on the moon. Not only that, but dancing with other people. Y PEOPLE. Sandeul grabbed Baro and pulled him off to the side and yelled, "What am I to you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!!!?!?????!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?1!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??/?/!?!?1?1!?!?!?!?!?!?"
"A person," Baro paused after realizing his big mistake, and that wasn't what Deullie meant.
  "So, I see how it is. I really did like you," Tears started forming up, "But, now I see you're just a playah!" He furiously walked outside. Baro couldn't just let this be. Sure, he wanted to dance with y people~, but he didn't want to let go of his new found love. He was not about to let this five hour relationship thing that had going on to vanish. He followed him outside.
  "Hey," Sandeul just continued walking, then Baro grabbed his shoulder, and whispered, "I said hey," Now he unwhispered, "You're not just a person to me, you know," He started whispering again, "You're a...my duck," Now this was when he started crying like a maniac. Baro thought he messed up again, but Sandeul turned around a hugged him really tight, like, supuh tight, son. 
  "omfg, d-d-d-o you reaallyy think that??? <33333" Baro's Duck could barely form the words, but knew that he was going to spend forever with this man. Maybe. If a gorgeos manmaid would ever happen to come into the picture, then they might have a problem. But, like that's ever gonna happen. Baro took something out of his pocket. A box that was too big to fit in his pocket. It was a chocolate bunny.
  "Here, this is how truly sorry I am. keep this forever. Promise. Only eat it if you've grown to hate me." Deullie noticed the change in his voice. He's pronounciating things right... Is he really going to be commited? He smiled and nodded, accepting the gift. Baro hoped that if Sandeul ever really did grow to hate him, it'd be in the faaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr future, so that whenever he'd eat the bunny. He'd get food posioning and puke it up. Therefor, never actually keeping to bunny down. LOVE FOREVER. They went to Applebee's, afterwards.
***i wrote this like a year ago, but i guess i still have to update it. omg
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Chapter 3: oh! , please update :) , so deul hates baro now :(
Chapter 1: manhyun?? please just keep it as minhyun ;'))
what a funny chapter ^^
Mags_o12 #3
Chapter 1: Please update soon. i think its very interesting, especially my bias in B1A4 and NUEST are there. thanks.
DeullieSa34 #4
update soon~~