It Gets Better, Trust Me

I Need a Hero

                        Beep beep beep beep. Beep beep beep beep. Ugh, I hated that sound. I slapped my alarm clock off with all the power a weak, drowsy girl had. What was today? Friday? Maybe. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to leave my warm, comfortable, soft bed, but I had to. "It's not you, it's my life. I'm sorry, but I'm breaking up with you. Is there someone else I'm seeing? Yes. My parents are making me date this guy, his name is School. Yeah, he not only sounds like a jerk, he is one," I babbled some crazy talk to my bed as I lazily got up. I unwillingly got dressed, brushed my teeth, and all those other things normal people do to get ready for school. As I was sliding my shoes on, I couldn't help but think that I was forgetting something. Something important. Something so life changing that I didn't do last night. 

                       Oh! Right! I didn't eat ANYTHING. My stomach growled. A huge stack of pancakes sounded heavenly right about now.

                       Just kidding, I never eat breakfast. I walked over to my dresser where all the cosmetics were jumbled in a colorful heap. I checked my clock to see if I had enough time. I had an hour left before I needed to get out of the house. I blew out a huge breath of air and made my face a work of art. I put mascara on my eyelashes (it's so hard to not blink!) which went fairly well. Then, I put on some cover up to, well, cover up my dark eye circles (which weren't even that bad in the first place. Next, I plucked my eyebrows (that hurt so much, plus it made my eyebrows pink). And finally, I put eyeliner on my upper and lower water lines. I don't even think I did everything in the right order and I still had a bunch of other things that I had no clue how to use.

                      Considering that I barely ever put any kind of make up on, I was proud of myself. I looked pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. Now, I needed to do my hair. The make up and stuff amazingly, only took five minutes. That leaves 55 minutes to my long, jet black hair. Since my hair was already wavy, I didn't really need to do much. I could either completely straighten it or completely curl it. If I straighten my hair, it would stick to my head and look weird. If I curl my hair, well I really can't see any negatives. Curling it is! I curled my hair into nice spirals. They would die out in three hours so, if I didn't like it, everything would be dandy. This only took about, oh I don't know, an hour and ten minutes! I'M LATE. I ran out of my house as if it were on fire. I ran maybe three blocks before I got tired. I know, I'm out of shape. Stop laughing. I hugged my stomach in an attempt to ease the huge cramps I got from running. 

                        From the corner of my eyes I saw a huge black van slowly pull up next to me. This can't be good. The driver's window rolled down and revealed a really muscular guy with sunglasses. "Get in," he said in a deep voice.


                        I uneasily laughed, "What?" 

                        "Get in," he repeated, "now." Was he serious? If he was, then this situation is really bad. I tried to reply to him but no words came out. So, instead I started running to school faster than a crazed maniac on the loose. To my dismay, the van followed me. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. The van had no trouble keeping up. Plus, I was such a slowpoke when it came to running. 

                        "Miss! Stop running!" The driver yelled out the window. You know how I was tired before? Yeah, well I have a new found energy thanks to my old buddy adrenaline. It's amazing the things the human body can do. 

                        I ran towards a busy street. There were tons of traffic to slow the van down. I mentally patted myself on the back, good work. I zipped around pedestrians, street vendors, garbage cans, anything you can name. But, just to take precautionary measures, I looked behind me to try to find the van. Oh my Lord. It was chasing me on the sidewalk. People were moving to the side to let the van through. No one found this a little weird? Not even one person's face had a look of worry on it. By the next mile I couldn't take this anymore. I inconspicuously walked into the nearest store. I was all out of breath and shaken. 

                        "Wahh! She's so pretty! Why is she at this cosmetic store?" I heard an old lady say. Cosmetic store? I turned away from the door and took everything in. I. Was. At. A. Freaking. Cosmetic. Store. I silently cursed to the Universe for all this bad luck.

                        I heard someone kick the glass door open. I whipped my head around to see who it was. But, I ended up two centimeters away from a guys face. He had really blonde hair with bangs and pitch black eyes. Geeze, was this guy gorgeous (the only downside to his gorgeousness was that he was exactly my height). I felt my cheeks heat up and I realized that I was holding my breath. I snapped back into reality and took a step away from him. The guy put his palm to his forehead, shook his head, and seemed to pull himself together. He took a deep breath and started to talk really fast. When he was done he looked at me expectantly. Sadly, I didn't catch anything.

                       "What." I stupidly said. He shook his head, embarrassed and pulled me outside. He turned to face me again, after he pulled me a good two blocks. We were in front of the 'too gorgeous for a scale' people's school. Obviously knowing that I didn't speak Korean fluently, he made a bunch of hand gestures and made 'hmm' sounds to go with them. He pointed to me with a 'hmm', pointed to himself with a stronger 'hmm' and then pointed to the school with another 'hmm'. 

                        "No, you see. I, um, think you got the wrong person." I said. 

                        He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You can speak Korean?" I nodded. He continued, "That black van was a special 'school bus' for people that go to this school. Why didn't you get in when he told you to?" I guess he was referring to the muscular driver with shades.

                        I was going to say, "Because it was creepy. And I thought I'd be kidnapped," but instead I, without properly thinking, said, "He didn't offer me candy." I mentally face palmed myself.

                        He gave a cute grin and said, "Well, you can go to this school now, with me."



hi people! can you guess who this new guy is? my friend recently showed me a picture of him to me and i fell in love lol. it's really not that hard to find out. oh and by the way, this story is based on a magical time period where everyone is the same magical age of 16 ^^

 i kinda realized that you guys don't really have a good idea of what the main character looks like. i gave some hints and i'll give even more later. but for now here's what i mentioned.

- not Korean

- has long wavy jet black hair

weeeelll, i'm going to mention here that she IS a kind of Asian, but only partly. i'll tell you everything later. oh and before i forget, i guess you're probably wondering what that random * was doing during the van scene. at that moment i wanted to put *(insert long annoying commercial break here) but that would be pretty irratating. ANYWAY -> 

thanks for reading and all that mush! 'till the next chapter, i'll see you again!


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Chapter 3: I wanna see...L. From Infinite.
and I wanna see your phone # on here. >:)
Chapter 2: is the main character you? -.-
Chapter 2: OMG Its l.joe, rite???!!! XD
Chapter 1: This is cool (x update soon, ill be waiting (8