This Isn't Even the Beginning

I Need a Hero

               "I'm getting tired of the 'A's," Ha Neul whined in mid-chew. "Why can't we go to school with hot guys?" She picked up some bread from the wooden table and stuffed her face in an attempt to get rid of her depression. 

               "Go ahead, transfer. See what happens when averages go to school with models. They won't  find you and beat you up or anything like that." Je Soo dared her with a dead, straight face. I gave Je Soo one of my trade marked 'shut up, otherwise I'll kill you' look. She completely ignored it and dusted her her uniform off. 

               "One of these days I'm going to spend some of my savings to buy make up and all those cosmetic stuff. Then, I'd sit with the good looking people and hook you up, Ha Neul." I said, trying to make her feel better. I actually might try doing that. Eventually.

                "You could deffinately do it, Sol Ah. I've always thought that you and and this guy look perfect together!" Ji Ah gushed. She clasped her hands together to emphasise 'how perfect we looked together'. I shook my head at her, but I couldn't help but smile. That would be nice, to actually be in a relationship.  "Sol Ah is the only one here that has the looks to get past the 'B's. I can see you and your new celebrity life now!" Ha Neul added onto Ji Ah's nonsense. 

                I couldn't stand to listen to their crazy fantasies anymore. "I'm going to go home now. It's getting pretty late." I got up and pushed the cafe's chair in, waved goodbye, and walked out. I walked home in silence, nothing but the occasional cold breeze to keep me company. The evenings were getting colder and the sun began to set earlier. I never liked the cold weather. Sure, it was nice with the snow and all, but I can't help missing summer. 

                 After maybe 20 minutes of walking I began to get hungry again. Yeah, I know. I'm just fat like that. It's too bad though, I didn't know enough Korean to order on my own. A loud crash and a bunch of yells caught my attention, followed by an alarm that went off. Four blocks away, a figure in all black pushed a crowd to make way for him. Oh, geeze he was coming my way - fast. Don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact, don't make eye contact. The person in black stopped dead in front of me. OhmyGod. He had a ski mask on, so I couldn't see any of his face, except two eyes that were as dark as a black hole. He was breathing hard and clutching  a small bag. He was speaking way too fast and I didn't catch any words. Then, he shoved the bag into my arms and ran away at the speed of light. Oh. My. God. I needed to get away from here. I started running into smaller streets with less people. When I finally reached home, I ran upstairs to my room and locked all the doors. 

                 I collapsed on my bed and decided to review what just happened. I noticed that I still had the bag the burglar gave me. Dammit! Why didn't you drop the bag at the scene! I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. Oh, no. What if the witnesses saw me run away with the bag? The cops are probably going to knock at my door at any second. I'm in so much trouble. What if I get a criminal record? Then, I could never get a good job! My parents would fly here immediately and kill me. But, I was curious as to what was in the bag. What if it was a bomb? Then I'd die at any moment. I braced myself and quickly thanked God for such a nice life. I waited for 5 minutes. Nothing happened. The curiosity was killing me. I picked up the brown sack-like-bag and peeked through into it. There wasn't really anything in it, but some colorful, plastic looking things. I carefully dumped the contents on my bed. It was all make up! Mascara, eye cream, cover up, eyeliner, everything you could name was in there! What was that supposed to mean? Was the burglar saying that I was ugly? So, he decided to take a bunch of make up to help me? That was offensive. 

                 I didn't actually know if that guy stole all these things. What if he bought them and decided to give it to the ugliest girl he saw? I flicked on my T.V. to the news, hoping that my theory was correct. "Multiple calls to the police lead them to this street. Witnesses say that a burglar dressed in all black stole from a cosmetics store. The store owner states that he did not steal anything, instead he bought them and put the contents into his own bag while he was dressed as a burglar. He then, made a big scene by slamming the store's door and pushing through the crowd."

                 Whad'ya know. I guess it was safe to assume that the 'burglar' gave all of this to me to make myself beautiful or something. Maybe I could use all of this when I go out to town tomorrow. I couldn't help but think that I was missing the bigger picture.







hey! thanks for reading! it's really fun writing these little things. i'll try to add chapters every saturday, or sooner!  i read some of the comments and id like to reply here, under the story, if that's okay. all the comments i have so far are really nice! i really, really, REALLY, REALLY get flattered when people give me complements. like i get all warm and happy on the inside, anyone know the feeling? i hope so. anyway, enjoy the story while everything's somewhat normal, it wont be long until everything is flipped!

'till the next chapter i'll see you again! 


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Chapter 3: I wanna see...L. From Infinite.
and I wanna see your phone # on here. >:)
Chapter 2: is the main character you? -.-
Chapter 2: OMG Its l.joe, rite???!!! XD
Chapter 1: This is cool (x update soon, ill be waiting (8