Are You Going?

I Need a Hero

                        "Go! You should be happy to be leaving us Averages!" Ha Neul encouraged me. I've already told all my friends to hear what their opinions are on this. Should I even go to the Gorgeous School? Or should I just wipe all this make up off my face and forget everything happened? We were discussing my future at a cafe. I told them everything that happened the last two days or so. They didn't really freak out thoughm surprisingly. 

                        "You should go, if you really want to." Je Soo said. I knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to be encouraging too, but she didn' t want to show it. She's such a softie. Je Soo began to drink her milkshake so she wouldn't be forced to say more.

                        "Yeah! Go! I'll be right behind you! My parents are going on a really early vacation to the country side. They left me stacks of cash to use on whatever I needed. So, I was thinking that I would go to the cosmetics store and buy a bunch of things to glam myself up. Then, as soon as you're in, you can sign my permission slip to enter the Gorgeous school and we would be set!" Ji Ah babbled. I think she's serious about that. Her plan seems really do-able and easy. 

                        "Should I really? Even if I do go, I wouldn't be put into the Celebrities's classes anyway. I'd probably be the only girl that isn't famous there. Then again, I could probably get you guys into there too!" I said with a lot of doubt. 

                         "Yeah, so we could be nobodies together." Je Soo dryly said. I noticed Ha Neul looking depressed. So, I flashed Je Soo another one of my 'stop, or I'll kill you' looks. Je Soo caught it and smiled with no happiness.

                         "My parents won't let me wear make up. If I went with you guys I'd still be the ugly one." Ha Neul started to tear. She surpressed sobs. A side of me wanted to slap her, ugliness doesn't even mean anything to anyone. That's such a stupid reason to cry. I seriously wanted to slap her right there. I'm seriously serious. But seriously, I wasn't that serious. If I were seriously seriously serious, then maybe I would have ever so lightly bonked her head or something. But instead, I sat there with a pokerface. Maybe this was how Je Soo felt all the time. 

                        Ji Ah laughed nervously, "Ahahaha......well. I think I have to go now." "Me too," Je Soo agreed. They both slowly got out of their wooden chairs and left the cafe. 

                        "I think I should go too." I started to get up, but Ha Neul pulled me back down. 

                       "No! Don't leave me!" Ha Neul sobbed. I gave her a small smile and patted her back, then I made a run for it. I kept running until I needed to rest, which was like two blocks. I know, I know. I'm out of shape, stop laughing. I looked back towards the cafe. Ha Neul didn't get out of it, yet. I started to walk again. Where should I go now? Home? Nah, there's nothing to do there. I could always eat something, but then again people wouldn't be able to understand me through my heavy American accent. Geeze, I'm useless. Considering that I am a teenage American girl, I whipped out my phone and started to text. 

                       "Where the hell did you guys go?" I texted Ji Ah. She responded almost instantly.

                       "We're at my house. Guess what!!" 


                       "There's this new guy that moved in to the house next to mine! My mom said that he's our age! I didn't get to see him yet. I'm hoping he's hot." My face fell as I read Ji Ah's text. 

                       "Aw what. I got excited over nothing. I thought you found a whole stack of cash or something." 

                       "No, this is better though. Come over my house! My mom said that he's coming here for dinner! Why don't we have a sleep over? So, you could stay for dinner AND we could watch movies!" 

                       "Sure. I'll be over by five! But what about my issues!? Should I stay with you guys? Or should I go?"

                       "Je Soo says to go. She said that the education is higher. That's surprising, isn't it?" 

                       So, it's settled. I'll go to the gorgeous school! Hm. Maybe if I really want people to like me for who I am, I won't use make up. But, then again, L. Joe and Jay go to that school. I don't want them to see me like this. Buuuuut, I won't even be seeing them until whenever they have lunch. I won't really be seeing anyone. I don't think any non-celebrity goes to that school. Huh, I guess they'll have to make room for me then.



well, this was chapter was deffinately action packed. in the next chapter it'll be better! sol-ah, ji-ah, and je-soo will have a sleep over! so whos this new guy? is it obvious? haha..........yeah it kinda is. so thanks for reading and all that other stuff 

k bye.





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Chapter 3: I wanna see...L. From Infinite.
and I wanna see your phone # on here. >:)
Chapter 2: is the main character you? -.-
Chapter 2: OMG Its l.joe, rite???!!! XD
Chapter 1: This is cool (x update soon, ill be waiting (8