Go With the Flow

I Need a Hero

                    I stared at the cute blonde with a dead straight face. Did I even hear that right? Did he ask me to go to this school? With him? He was waiting for an answer. What was I supposed to say? I mean sure, I wanted to go to this school, but I couldn't transfer. Could I? Should I, even? No, no, no. This guy was messing up my head. My parents flew me here to study. If they found out that my grades were dropping because of this one guy, they'd freak! I still had to give the guy an answer. "Um, can I get back to you on this?" 

                    He nodded and whipped his phone out. "What's your number?" 

                    "What." I said, with so much stupidity that it bothers me to this day. 

                    "So, when you make up your mind, you can call me. Or, you know, other things." He explained.

                     Riiiigght. "It's [(blocked for the sake of my privacy)]," I told him my number and watched as he punched it into his phone.

                     "See you around," he said with a grin. He walked into the 'gorgeous' school. And just like that he was gone. 

                    I blinked several times in astonishment. That did not just happen. I don't even know what did not just happen. I don't even know what I'm talking about now. Oh, Lord. I still had to get to school. I didn't even know how to get to it from here. I was so dead now. Teacher Song was going to kill me! She'd say something on the lines of, "Sol Ah! Why are you late? Is it because of medical reasons? No? Then there is no excuse! Go to the principal's office!" Then, the principal would call my parents, which is worse than dying.

                    "Hey!" A guy's voice yelled. I looked around to try to match the voice to a face. My eyes stopped on a familiar guy in a black car sports car (why are all cars black?). He had spiked up hair that reminded me of a teeny-tiny, black mohawk. "Need a ride?" he asked with a smile. He had perfect, dazzling white teeth. What's up with South Korea? Them and they're perfect guys. Psht.

                    I walked close to his car and began to get a little self conscious of my appearance. Did I look okay, or did I look completely stupid? He asked me if I needed a ride, should I say yes? But then again, he's a complete stranger.

                    "Yeah." Hey, don't judge me! I'm desperate, I need to get to school somehow. I walked over to the passenger side and slid in.

                    He stared at me in surprise. I gave him a 'what?' look, which actually meant something on the lines of  "you asked me if i wanted a ride, so why are you so surprised now". He got over himself after maybe a second.

                    "Going to school?" He casually asked as he pulled out on to the road.

                    "Mhm. I go to the 'average' school." I replied.

                     He did a double take. "You go to the average school," he asked in pure amazement. "They must be out of their minds to put you in there!" 

                     I laughed. "It's a long story. But would you mind taking me there?"

                     "Sure, no problem," he said in a 'don't mention it' voice. "You don't look like you're from around here," he tried to get a conversation going. 

                     "Yeah. I'm from New York."

                     "I had an accent too when I started learning. I hated not being able to speak Korean! When I moved here from Seattle, everything was so alien to me," he explained in good old English. Geeze, can this guy relate to me or what? "I kind of got kicked out of a band because I said something about Korea that I shouldn't have." He said as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. 

                    "You were in a band?" Now it was my turn to be amazed.

                    "I was leader." The car's humming filled the silence in after he said that. "I guess you don't know who I am, right?" I shook my head 'no'. And, of course a red light came, so we both were sitting there being awkward in our awkwardness. He laughed, trying to shake off the awkwardness. "My name is Jay Park. I used to be leader of 2PM."

                    "Oh, yeah! I think I've heard of you now that you mention it." I lied just for the sake of trying to lighten things up. 

                    "Yeah, sorry about that. I don't know why I poured all that on you." He apologized as he parked in front of the school and ran around the car to open the door open for me.

                     "You're quite the gentleman." I said as I got out of the car.

                     He flashed me a dazzling smile and said, "No problem, Princess. I'll walk you inside so you don't get in trouble for all this." He walked me all the way into my classroom which caused a lot of gasps and fangirl squeals. But what made me really happy was that Jay kept his eyes on me throughout the entire thing. He didn't even react to all the girls that ran up to him asking for autographs.

                     Teacher Song didn't even recognize me when we got into the classroom. "You shouldn't even be in the average school! I'll have a talk with the principal as soon as class is over. Mr. Park, would you mind signing her permission slip to get in. After all, she needs someone from the top school to give her permission to enter." Teacher Song had said.

                     Jay stayed with me through out the rest of the school day. He came with Teacher Song and I to the principal's office too. He didn't even need to do so because Teacher Song already gave him the permission slip to sign in the beginning. He greeted the principal as if they were old friends. The only problem with this scene was that I didn't know if i actually wanted to go to the "gorgeous" school. The only problem was that no one ever asked me if I even wanted to go. Was this the right thing to do? People have always told me to go with the flow. I couldn't help but feel that this was the wrong way to go.

                     When all the paperwork was done, Jay walked me back to his car. "Do you want a ride home?" he asked. I shook my head 'no. "I think I'll walk." I replied. He had asked me if I was sure maybe three times before he let it go. Then he had said, "By the way, I never caught your name until I saw it on the permission slip. It's very beautiful." And just like that he was gone, speeding down the road and all. In exactly three seconds I couldn't see his car at all.

                    My phone vibrated in my pocket twice. I took my phone out and flicked the keyboard down then, read the first text. 

                    'you're the talk of the school now. when are you transferring over here :)? ~l. joe, the guy you met at the cosmetics store," and the second one said, "i forgot to tell you that i got your number from the permission slip. x jay."

                     I replied to Jay's text first, "don't text and drive jay" and here's what i said to 'l. joe, the guy i met at the cosmetics store', "i'm not sure, but i'll see you soon. ~Sol Ah, the girl you met at the cosmetics store." 


_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   and that's a wrap for this chapter! i got jay to fit in this chapter! ^^ and jay is 16, like everyone else, buuuut, since this is a magical time period, he was kicked out now instead of being kicked out of 2PM when he was 17. so anyway someone want to make suggestions? like who you want to see, what you want to happen? or something? i have no clue what i'm doing right now lol. anywayy~

Will Sol Ah go to the Gorgeous School? Who will she meet in the next chapter? What shockingly shocking shocker will happen in the next chapter? Why is this story's title I Need a Hero? Why will Sol Ah need a hero? What's going to happen? Stay tuned!






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Chapter 3: I wanna see...L. From Infinite.
and I wanna see your phone # on here. >:)
Chapter 2: is the main character you? -.-
Chapter 2: OMG Its l.joe, rite???!!! XD
Chapter 1: This is cool (x update soon, ill be waiting (8