Room 309


A/N : YAY, and sins now officially has a poster and background. Many thanks to sweetdelight, the creator of this wonderful wonderful poster and background. Do tell me if you guys like the poster or not ok?? =) 

The winter snow fell harshly and cruelly, paralyzing traffic and forcing the airport to close down. As a result, the special taskforce had to be flown in to the school via helicopter. The sounds of the spinning rotor blades attracted the attention of the students in the various dormitories and they all ran out as if to welcome their arrival. Whispers were exchanged and many of the students stared at the newcomers with empty eyes, as if reproaching them for their late arrival. These students were angry because they had to be kept back as potential suspects and weren't allowed to return home for the holidays.

Disregarding the tension that hung in the air, the special task force headed straight into the compound of the dormitory, wanting to see how the crime scene looked like. Pictures taken by the forensic team had revealed to them that the scene could be a little bloodied and they braced themselves for the worst before turning the corner. The pictures had not done the scene any justice and the sight that greeted their eyes was horrifying even to them.

The dormitory was an old building that looked eerie from the outside and creepy on the inside. Cobwebs hung from corners and doors and one ceiling fan lazily turned in the lobby, creaking with every movement from its dusty blades. There were completely no guards on duty below and very few security features could be found. Looking at the only CCTV in the lift lobby, Tiffany asked the principal for a copy of the recordings that day but was informed that the CCTV was but a shell to scare off hormone raging boys 

The crime scene was located on the third floor and it was labeled as room 309. Beside it was room 308 and opposite it, was the toilet and the pantry. Everyone in room 309 was killed on that fateful day and by the time the special taskforce had arrived; the blood in the room had dried up, forming a layer of red crust on the cement floor. There was a long trail of blood leading out of the room onto the corridor and judging by its path, you could tell that one of the victims had managed to crawl out of the room, but something she saw made her turn back. The stench of death hung in the air, causing everyone in the room to gag on its smell.  Tiffany was the first to give in and soon everyone was making a beeline for the nearby toilets.

The blood splatters on the wall revealed to Taeyeon that the limbs from the girls were forcibly chopped off when they were still alive and everyone in the room grimaced as they imagined how much pain the victims had undergone before dying. The scene where the snowman was built had been destroyed by the falling snow when the police arrived and therefore they were unable to collect any footprints. Due to the fact that it was winter, everyone had gloves on and thus no fingerprints could be found either from the items in the room or from the scene of the crime.

Wanting to collect more details, Taeyeon told Yoona to make a trip over to the pathology department in order to find out more information on the parts that were found. Unable to go by normal routes, Yoona borrowed a bicycle from one of the students in the dormitory and cycled all the way to the pathology center located in town.

Finally arriving at the pathology department, Yoona panted her way up the long flight of stairs in search of the pathologist that had assessed the crime scene that day. Pushing open the door to the morgue, Yoona sniffed the air and was surprised to find the smell of bean paste stew mingling together with the usual smell of formalin. Following the trail of smell, Yoona entered into the cold chamber where the bodies were kept and found the pathologist she had been looking for, the pathologist that went by the name of Sooyoung.

Surrounded by both packed and unpacked bodies, Yoona watched on as Sooyoung calmly picked up a piece of yummy looking chicken meat with her chopsticks before looking up and smiling at her “You must be the person from the newly set up special task force, I was told that you will be coming over.“ Gesturing to the pot of steamy stew before her, she invited Yoona to take a seat and join her for lunch.

Rubbing at her rumbling tummy, Yoona took a glance at the different murder victims lying there in their respective body bags and lost her appetite instantly. Walking into the room, she grabbed the nearest chair available and sat down by the table, unable to look at her surroundings. A file dangled down before her eyes and she hurriedly open it, in the bid to distract herself from the dead bodies around her.

Flipping through the pages, Yoona found out that the limbs extracted from the snow man belonged to the four girls that lived in room 309. Two of them had both their arms and legs chopped off and the other two only had one arm and leg removed from their body. The autopsy report shows that these girls were badly beaten up when they were alive and their cause of death was from a wound on their head caused by blunt force trauma. As for the head found inside the snow man, it was confirmed that it belonged to a young girl similar of age to those in room 309 but a DNA test revealed that it did not belong to any of the four girls.

From the picture, Yoona could see that the girl had cut her hair short when she was alive. Her eyes had a look of despair in them and the expression on her face was one of fear.

Shivering from the low temperature in the chiller room, Yoona finally stopped reading the report when she felt a jacket being placed over her shoulder. Looking up, she saw Sooyoung's head towering above her own and nodded her thanks at the concern given. Finishing up what remains of the forensic report, Yoona looked up at Sooyoung and noticed that she was jacketless. Hopping around from foot to foot to keep away the cold, she looked away embarrassedly when she noticed Yoona staring at her. An idea came to her head when she saw the remains of the stew before her. Lighting the fire on the Bunsen burner, she called out to Sooyoung and gestured to her to come closer. Smiling, she pointed to the bubbling stew before them and asked “So…is the offer for lunch still valid?” Huddling closer to Sooyoung to warm her from the cold, the two of them tucked in heartily at the food before them, the formation of a new bond between them.


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does anyone like the interraction betwen yuri and tiffany in chapter 3?? leave me a comment to let me know what you think okay?


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Chapter 5: How did I miss my SooNa there ;A;!! HAHAHA! You author ha :> teeheehee, as expected for an awesome author like you ;)
Anyway, I feel bad for Luna though :( I can die with on fear with that :(

And hwaiting for you author ;)!
Soshi9SooNa #2
Chapter 5: Oh my gad... Poor Luna... She saw those horrible stuffs just because of her sleepwalking > <"
lilkjungie #3
Chapter 4: woah it's like yoona will be the main character here ?
udpate soon ..
Soshi9SooNa #4
Chapter 4: Aww... Even Yul cannot stand the sight/smell of the crime scene? It must be really, really, really, extremely, ultra horrifying and disgusting..... I think I would be having nightmares if I'm there... *shivers*

Ohhhmyyygodddd~~ I literally squeal while reading the last part~~~<3
SOONAAA~~<3 Oh my SooNa~~<3 Gahhh~~~~~<3 Can I hug them? They are so freaking adorable~~<3 *runs to SooNa with open arms* SooNa~~~~~~~~~~<3

Sarcasm? APPROVED! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ohhh I see. No wonder Yoongie took so long to complete her studies. Yoongie, tsk tsk >D
AND NO, UNNIE. You can't bring Youngie from Dept X over! This is not Dept X~! *hugs genius Yoongie and pathologist Youngie together* Youngie from Dept X cannot come here. Go back to Yoongie from Dept X! >P So, Yoongie, I can hug you right?
cupcakesaresuperior #5
Chapter 4: Oh, shikshins.
Hm, I'm liking Yoona in this but the story has just begun! I'd probably change my mind randomly later on or something. :P
Anyway, another amazing chapter! (:
Chapter 3: What a great team.. :D