Caught twice

I don't care what they say!

Hiding in one of the closet at Music Bank, Donghae wrapped his arms his girlfriend. Nibbling her ear, she giggled before leaning in for a quick kiss goodbye. ‘Oppa, I’ll see you tomorrow night kissing him a kiss before existing the tiny closet, where they would meet each other. Pulling himself together, Donghae walked back into his room where the rest of the members were eyeing him supioursly


Leeteuk, the leader asked him, ‘Bora from SISTAR, just came around looking for Dasom, you haven’t seen her have you? Swallowing hard Donghae tried to play it cool but knowing his little dongseung really well, wasn’t fooling Eunhyuk and Leetuek one little bit. Sitting down next to Ryeowook who had just then noticed a hickey on his neck below where his collar just barely covered it. Gasping out loud, Ryeowook at once stood up and pointed his finger at him.

‘Is that a hinkey Hyung he asked in surprise and total amazement. Blushing hard Donghae turned his head away where his eyes caught the leader frowning hard at him. Dragging him towards the cover where Eunhyuk and Kagin had blocked the others from seeing the heated argument taking place. Bothered and feeling annoyed at his hyung lecture, Donghae only half listen and nodded his head. Signing in defeat knowing that Donghae had fallen deeply for her, Leeteuk warned him not to harm her in any way or else he and the members would beat him up.

‘Also Donghae whatever you do, never get caught! You get that Sistar is just starting to get more and more popular and us being Korea’s most famous boy band can’t ruined our reputation. Also she is only 19, way young and just a child; I don’t want your fans to hate her and all. ‘Be careful,’ he warned one last time before patting him on his back before clapping his hand for everyone’s attention. ‘Let’s go, the end of music bank is about to begin.’

As the members filled out of the room, Kagin whispered to Donghae as they passed the toilets, Donghae do something about the hickey, the D-unit members are staring at it. Excusing himself Donghae rushed into the toilets but he bumped into Hyorin before he could have entered.

Dasom’s side

As soon I entered the room, Soyu unnie sat me down on the couch. Looking around I asked where Bora and Hyorin unnie was, but Soyu looked into my eyes and said the words I never thought I would hear.

 Soyu- ‘Dasom, I know what you and Oppa are doing.’

Dasom- ‘Doing Unnie? What are we doing? I asked nervously while playing with my fingers.’

Soyu- waving a finger at me, tsk tsk tsk, don’t try to deny it, I was on the way to see Uee Unnie and I saw you and Oppa enter the closet at the West Wing. What do you have to say for yourself, Maknae?’

Dasom- ‘I….I… stunned, I just sat there unable to say anything, I never planned to be caught so soon, what should I do?’

‘I’m sorryunnie,butIreallylovehim,wellmaynotlovebutlikelike. I answered her in one big breath.

Confused Soyu scratched her forehead, before tilting her head sideways. Before she could asked the Maknae to repeat what she had just said, Bora and Hyorin came back in and scolded Dasom before rushing out to the stage.

Hyorin, pissed shouted at the person who had just crashed into her. Not wanting to cause a scene, Donghae apologize to her. Looking up Dasom was surprised that Donghae was the one who had cause her unnie’s bad mood to damper more. Turning her face away, Bora pushed Dasom past them, while Soyu dragged Hyorin away. At the back of the Soyu and Bora’s mind, they were thinking to themselves ‘Was that a hickey on Oppa’s neck?’

The next night Donghae and Dasom were kissing and hugging each other out in the street. A place where they weren’t any people to been seen or even to recognise them. Laughing at her boyfriend as he told her how he tried to explain the hickey on his neck to the president of SM. Hugging him closer to her, Dasom smelt the perfume on him. The perfume that she had bought as his first gift as girlfriend/ boyfriend.

Walking towards Donghae’s car, they didn’t notice that Lee Soo Man and his niece Sunny had spotted them. Feeling a bit tried and cold, Dasom let out a little sneeze. Upon hearing this Donghae quicken his steps till they reached the car in two minutes. Opening the door for her, Donghae waited till she was safety in the car and then he went to the back of the boot where, he took out a warm and soft blanket.

Opening his side of the door car, he covered Dasom with the blanket and soon drove off. Feeling a bit nervous Sunny quickly directed her samchan’s attention across the street where a French restaurant was. Hoping that her samchan wouldn’t ask if that was indeed Donghae and Dasom they just saw. Looking towards his niece he asked, was that Donghae we just saw dating with a girl? If anyone saw him like we did, you have any idea what would of happen. Was that where he had gotten the hickey from? My god, who the hell is that girl?’ He asked angrily.

Glad that the samchan didn’t recognize her, Sunny nodded her head, ’Ne’ she admitted, ‘that was indeed Donghae Oppa.’ In her heart Sunny wished the two of them the very best of luck.



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andreaylen #1
Chapter 6: Oh sweet....
A wonderful story. I love it. And a couple of good looks.
Borateuk #3
I loved it .. Can also mex bora with leeteuk or eunhyuk ^_^ ..
Waiting for your next update .. Fighting <3
AyyoLyne #4