
Lu Han's Surprise [One-Shot]

Play it now or later when the word "sang" comes up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdtfTcyKLvk


"It's amazing, isn't it?" Lu han unconciously smiled from behind you. 


You nodded leaning back against his back as your eyes trailed across the dark pink sky that could only be seen at this time, from this point. You hadn't see it anywhere else before and you knew that this was one of the most beautiful sights you would see in your life. 


"It's beautiful." You finally breathed as Lu han's arms wrapped around your stomach, linking at the front. He rested his chin on top of your head.


"Not as much as you." He teased, knowing that corny jokes always made you cringe.


"Oh gosh.." Your nose scrunched and he laughed at your cute expression.


It was silent for a few minutes as both of you watched the pink sky fade into a dark blue, only staying light and extravagant in color for a few minutes.


You perked up as your heard a slight humming from behind you. A small gasp entered your mouth as Lu han's sweet and angelic voice filled your ears as he sang


You instantly spun around in his arms and stared up at him, but he was staring above your head, at the dark sky as the words escaped flawlessly out of his lips.


Lu han never liked to sing or dance around you because it embarrassed him, doing it alone. He was too used to being with EXO-M and performing with them so no matter how much you begged him to sing, he never did. This was the first time you'd heard him sing in months, live, just to you.


The song finally came to a close and it was silent for another minute before his chocolate brown eyes trailed down to connect to yours.


A small smile played on his lips as he noticed your mesmerized look. You pinked at the teasing look in his eyes and averted your gaze. 


His fingers came to your chin and he moved you back to look at him, his expression serious.


"~~~" Lu han whispered, "I'm sorry."


"S-Sorry?" You repeated, dreading thoughts filling your mind about his confusing words.


"Hey!" His eyes widened, noticing your slightly panicking look, "I didn't mean it like that. I just mean I'm sorry I can't be around all the time, like normal boyfriends. I'm sorry that you are treated badly for being with me, I'm sorry that I can't do events for you all the time, I'm sorry that we can't just go out into the streets and have a date, I'm-"


"Lu han ge!" You cut him off with a smiled, "Stop apologizing. I was never mad about that stuff. You should never have to say sorry for wanting to follow your dreams. I'm supporting you every step of the way!"


A smile came over his lips again, "I can't believe I'm so lucky, you know? To have someone like you."


You quickly shook your head, "I'm the lucky one, gege."


"Really?" Lu han raised an eyebrow. "Do you think your that lucky?"


You flushed pink again and turned away from him, "Of course," you mumbled.


"Well," You heard him moving, "Then would you think I'm good enough to marry?"


You spoke, "Lu han ge, I-" You froze, suddenly realizing what he had said. You slowly turned back to face with him wide eyes. A gasp escaped your lips as you found him kneeling before you, a diamond ring in a sapphire blue case being held up. 


"W-What?" You stuttered stupidly, still in disbelief. It felt as if time, itself, had stopped as you stared down at your boyfriend.


He took in a deep breath, "Will you marry me, ~~~?"


"Y-You're serious? B-But what about EXO-M and you being an idol and-" 


"~~~~!" Lu han cut you off. He shook his head with a smile, "Don't worry about all that. I'm not saying we should get married right now. No, I can wait until you finish school. It's like a promise ring I guess, just saying, that you will marry me later."


"Oh..." You stated. He gave you a hopeful look and you coudn't help but smile widely, "Yes."


He smiled back and stood up, taking your hand and slipping the ring onto your fourth finger. You stared down at it in awe, wondering how much it must have cost him to buy something like that.


"Thank you." He suddenly said and you looked up at him. Lu han gazed down at you with a loving look, "Thank you for being mine."


He came forward and embraced you, holding you tightly. You hugged him back, burying your face into his shoulder. He pulled back after a minute and smiled down at you again, leaning closer. You shut your eyes tightly and his lips met yours in fireworks.


You smiled into the kiss and leaned closer to him, never wanting to let go, never wanting to let go. 


You had to admit, even though you hated surprises, Lu han's surprise was one of the best moments in your life.



Check out my new one-shot (Starring TaeMin): First Kiss


Check out my story (Starring L.Joe): The Bad Boy & Not-So Good Girl

Check out my other story (Starring Sehun): An EXOdental Love Affair

Check out my other one-shot (Starring Suho): EXO's Guardian Angel


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Chapter 2: aww, so cute!!!!!
ilovecandys #2
Chapter 2: oow that was so sweet. (:
I like how romantic this story is :))
Un1c0rns why is this our life D':
KpopLoverSelina #5
Such a cute and romantic story!!
Agree with psychotic.
Reading this and thinking I need a boyfriend *sigh*