Why Her

사랑의 심박수는 /A Heartbeat Of Love

So Eun Pov

Me and Krystal enter the gate of the cemetary place..we walk striaght to aunties place..emotions builds up inside me just seeing Krystal holding in her tears

"Krystal if you want to sry just do so.."

"no im ok So Eun thanks..though..umma how are you doing,its been 3years since you left me ..do you know how much i miss you.and the funny storys you alway told me..(sigh).Dont worry about me because Auntie and her family is taking a good care of me..(took a deep breath)will today me and So Eun  just came by to give you your favorite flowers"Tulips"

Krystal is sensitive but strong inside she just dont want to show it ..(sigh)

"So Eun are you ready to go"

"hmm..uh ye. lets go"

me and Krystal left the place and went sight seeing at the mini market

"wow this place is fill with people  and beatiful antiques Krystal lets start with this store first..wow..such a beatiful stuff in here look at this necklace how much is it Auntie"
"um for you girls its  only $350.00"

" what why so much auntie can you lower it down please"(with a smile)

"so much its just a little... rich girls like you two can just buy my whole store.."

"hmm..this necklace is fake and just because were rich doesnt mean were materilistic..hmm..maybe your right i can just probuly call my dad to buy over your store.because were so rich..doont you think so Krystal...so you wont have to cheat on other people llike this.." i look into the ladys eye she looks frighten enough

"hmmm get out of my store this place dont need girls like you"

"like we want to be here with you anyways your such a fake store.only wanting to cheat your custumers..."

"So Eun why did you say that for..sorry auntie my sister didnt mean to_______" just then the lady splash water on too Krystal

"ya,..old lady were your customers is that how you treat them..hmm my sister here was just showing that sha care but you...___"

"So Eun lets go dont waste your time with her" Krystal pull me outside

"nooo..im not done with her yet...aishshs..old grumpy lady these days"..argg..im so mad i could just punch somebody right now

"Krystal are you ok"

"uh..im ok So Eun"

"im sorry Junli that i got you drag into this problem..hmmm now your all wet.."
"its ok So Eun dont be like that its ok (:"


Author POV

just after the scene they went stright home..later that night..in Krystal room

"Krystal im sorry please forgive me..i hope you dont get sick"

"achoo..(sniff) im ok So Eun dont worry i just need medicene then i'll be fine.."(T.V. show host:"dont everybody have a guy or girl they like...Like a crush...so how come you guys dont..ahahha

Chan Sung:will i believe everybody has someone they like...just a notcie to everyone out there its ok to like someone then not liking someone...what i mean is its ok to have crushes..dont we all..

show host:wow..i never see hi like this before..will lets all go on break then comeback..
"so at schools whos the guy you like then Krystal(smiling)..sorry if the  question is random but tell me..i really want to know.."

Krystal POV

when So Eun asked me that i really wanted to tell her but i cant because i made a promise and plus i dont want her to know about it now because i have already keep this secreat for a loong time already...

"uhh...i'll tell you at the end of our senior year..you'll be supprise."

"huh..why not now so i could see who he is..(sigh)its to long.Krystal .tell me now.."

i shook my head "sorry you..your just going to have to waitits getting late you should  go to sleep "

"ok good night Krystal" So Eun walk out and into her bedroom

(the next day)

So Eun POV

today me and Krystal decide to walk  again to school,.. its healthy for both of us..but everytime we tend to walk to school i always have to take a break ..ugh.'
"Krystalcan we take a break " Krystal turn to lok at me

"hmm ok" we sat in the bench as we sat down we talk about our dreams and goals..as we got carry off there was only 5 more minute intill the gate close..
"oh no come on Jenne lets go " me and Krystal ran as fast as we could to the gate but as we ran i can feel like i breathing heavily my heart beating fast

"Krys..(breath)..Jun(taking her breath slowing down) Krystal lets take a..__"i lost my balance

Krystal POV

i turn around to see what So Eun wanted the next thing i know she was on the ground..

"So Eun "running towards her trying to wake her up but she wouldnt just then a guy came and help So Eun to the  Hospital.. several minutes later Auntie they came

"omo are you ok Krystal..hows So Eun is she doing ok too"

"she is still int he emergency room" just then the doctor came out

"doctor whats wrong with my daughter is she ok.."
"not really..Mrs. Lee she needs a heart transplant..but before we can go any further we have to wait for a right full donor and she is just now been put on the wiating list"

"this..this cant be...can one of us be a donor" said So Eun dad

"will about that..i rare..but if that happen you might not live for long.."

"Then let me go i want to help her shes the only best friend that i have let me help her auntie and unlcle"

"no we cant let you do that Krystal we promise your mom to take good care of you already..we let this happen"

"but you guys has helped me alot this time let me do this in return of you guys greatfullness"


"doctor could i do it"

"wiat your..Krystal..right .."

"um ye im Krystal Doctor..please let me help So Eun "

"hmm..if you say so we have to run test before letting you go..follow me this way please"

(after they test my blood )

we went inside to see So Eun in the room..seeing her sleep peacefuly is going to make me miss her =>>

(the nxet day )

NIckhun POV

As the class president i went to look and see who was missing it was Krystal she was missing i wander where she is..just then i saw her walking slowly in the hallway towards me..

"ya Kawn Krystal your late....you__"

"sorry Nickhun-shii i'll except my punishment now if you want"

"hmm meet me after class at room 302 section 2 ok"i siad to Krystal

"yes.." i watch her walk into the room

later on after class

as i wait for Krystal she finally came

"sorry im kinda of late NIckhun."

"its ok but Krystal since its only us take off your shirt "

"what..my..ym shirt what for" she looked at me as i was a ghost

"ni..nichun..but ..but..ii"

"ya hurry up before somebody comes in"

just then she start to her shirt..and gave her shirt to me..

"ya nickhunn i never htis side of you why are you making me do this is it because you ..__"i cut sentence

"here you go put back on your shirt next time dont  drop your name tag anymore you here me..

"what my name tagg"

Krystal POV

omo  i thought that he..aigoo...what a fool..i thought i lost it..but its still here..

"you could have jsut pin it on me insted of making me feel like.."
"Like im going to do something bad to you..wow..do you really see me like that you my girlfriend dont even trust me."

"Will..ok..i trust you..but___ "

"why are you talking so much" our lips touch..as we kiss we were drifted away<3


wil sorry this chap..is kinda short (:comment on what you think>>laters

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likatulay #1
Chapter 10: awww how come no more update... eehehe this is good story. I hope there will be an update soon.. very interesting
(: hehee..by tmwr it would be up sorry i know i have been lagging but im getting right back up hehe(:thank you for your cmmt!!!
@Camay 1027 -Kasaminda:] & thanks for subscribing(:
camayxxx #4
love so eun
Hello there thank you so much i will change the name thanks for reading and i will update as soon as possible when my finals are done if not sooner(:
queena #6
why do you have to change the girls name?
i like so eun name plaese..
hehe. thanks
Aww(:Thank you much dear(:
Happy birthday! :D Update soon!