As Promise

사랑의 심박수는 /A Heartbeat Of Love

Author POV

After they finish there lunch the bell rang...

"oh...its time already come on lets go.Nickhun" Krystal help NIckhun with his lunch box and both ran out the door lter in music class

"Krystal theres some thing we haveto tell you..please come out here for a second please..." siad the teacher

"um ye..what do you have to tell me Mrs. Chan"

"your mom has pass away this morning when you left for school im sorry for your lost"

Krystal POv

i can't believe it what my teacher is saying is all  a lie..

"your lieing,,your lieing to me arn't you" i ran out the school yard and fastly to the hospital

(at the Hospital)

i enter the hospital slowly stright to my moms room..when i got in there all i see was my moms luggage and an empty bed...i tremble down to hte ground..where..wheres my mom...she isn;t gone is she...she cant be...the doctor came in.

"your here Krystal sorry we couldn't help your mom anymore..this morning she has pass away..."
"you guys are lieing to me shes not dead..your lieing...."i started to scream out of control yelling"wheres my mom"..then the nusre rush in and try to calm me down.i didn't want to calm down..because my mom is not with me anymore..first my dad.....grand father..and now today why my the nusre cheer me up..

"now where am i'm going to live at..the only family i have where to be found.." just then some one came and hug me trying to cheer me up

"dont worry will.come live with me...."i look up to see that it was So Eun's mom

"how could i live with you guys im not your kid though"

"dont say that you are.."hugging me tight..wishing my mom was still here with me..

weeks after my moms funeral i went to live with So Eun and her family..they were so welcoming just like a faamily i never had before..(3 months later)

(the next day at school)

"So Eun you can go ahead  to class first i have to turn in my book in the libery first.." i siad to So Eun

"hmm..oh.ok then see you later during break time" she walked to her class..(sigh)

i wish my mom is still here with me i miss her so much just then i heard a vioce..

"how come your walking alone.. to the libery.." i turn and look it was NIckhun

"oh..its you..i..just have to make a quick trip to the libery..."

".hmm.. i see mind if i tag along with you"

"sure you can" me and nickhun walked into the libery and came back out after turning in the book..

"Krystal do you want to visit a beautiful place.."

"uh..i dont know if i want too..its almost time for class"

"dont worry if you get in trouble i'll take all the blame..come on." he pull my hand and went into a graden..

"so what do you think its pretty grandma made this for all the graduation flowers to be given out at the end of senior year"

"wow..its..its really beautiful...the colorful flowers really stands out.."just then tulips catch my eye..

"do you like tulips too...hmm..i like it too...why do you like it"

"i like it because..its pure white color relex its realy beutiful in the spring time"

"will what can i say its as pretty as you right" i blushed when he said that//

"huh..i dont think im as pretty as the  tulips its much more prettier then me.."

"Hmm why do you say that girls are pretty i dont see why girls always say that they are not.."

i look down on the ground not wanting to look nickhun in the eye

"i have to go now nickhun i'll see you later"

"wait i didn't mean to say that to you" i didn't stop and just kept walking  just then Nickhun came and pull me towards him,,before i know it our lips touch each others..a minute later i came apart form him..

"im sorry i cant do this.." i siad to him

"why not Krystal dont you know that i've been liking you for the pass few weeks"

"but why me when there are so many other girls out there.."

"to me i dont see you as any other normal are your self not caring your outer appreance "

"I..I cant we are not the same im poor your rich theres no way a high class person like you can come to ever meeting a middle class like me.."

"i dont care about that just because im rich doesnt have anything to do with our effections..i like you Krystal no matter what rank you are at.."

"(took a deep breath)..i..also like you too..but if we go out with each other people will say bad things to you lets just keep our relationship a secret.."

"but why Krystal"

"because of our family status..yoour rich im poor and im only living with my auntie and uncle not like you living with real family members.."


"lets promise not to be seen anywhere else but here"

"i promise" me and nickhun pinky promise  just as the school bell rang me and Nickhun ran out of the graden  to our class being careful so other people want see us togather..

(2 years later)

So Eun Pov

Its been 2 years since auntie has left us me and Krystal is going out to buy flowers for her mom..

"SoEun are you ready yet" Krystal said

" im ready"

"oh then lets go..'' me and Krystal walked out the gate..

"wow today is such a pretty day lets not take the car lets walk Krystal"

"(smile) im ok with that sounds fun..''

Krystal POV

I enter the flower shop and saw the tulips my mom love the most so i went to buy it..just thenSo Eun said

"Krystal i think i need to go use the rest room.."

"oh..ok but is there a restroom here"
"no but the store across the streeet does"

"ok be quick though"


she left the store..just then the lady hand me my flowers..i pay for it and went out..just as i was about to cross the street a car came my way

"ahhhhhahhhh" the car break right in front of me..just as i lost my balance and fell down

(the flowers flew into the trashcan near by)

"are you ok miss" i look up to see it was Nickhun

" ok..but wheres my flower"

'Its in the trash can"

"trashca..what do you mean in the trash can my flowers.."i walked to the trashcan just then somebody pour there coffee on to it..."my flowers..(sigh) what do i do now.."
"here you go sorry for what happen.but heres the tulips you wanted "
"huh how did you know nickhun''

"i know my girlfriend best..right..Krystal''

"of course my boyfriend does...hes also the best..huh..i should be going now bye.."

"uhhh..where you going let me take you"

"no thanks remember our promise"

Nickhun Pov

as she walked away..i didnt want her too..but i guess...a promise is a promise...


will what do guys think so far.. tell me what you think..i  love to read your comment so add one(:later

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likatulay #1
Chapter 10: awww how come no more update... eehehe this is good story. I hope there will be an update soon.. very interesting
(: tmwr it would be up sorry i know i have been lagging but im getting right back up hehe(:thank you for your cmmt!!!
@Camay 1027 -Kasaminda:] & thanks for subscribing(:
camayxxx #4
love so eun
Hello there thank you so much i will change the name thanks for reading and i will update as soon as possible when my finals are done if not sooner(:
queena #6
why do you have to change the girls name?
i like so eun name plaese..
hehe. thanks
Aww(:Thank you much dear(:
Happy birthday! :D Update soon!