
Stupid, Sidetracked Love


3 years later...


You felt your uterus contracting again, more powerfully this time.

You were rushed to the hospital while you were at home, innocently working on a sketch of your husband to match the one you drew for him a few weeks before your wedding day. You had suddenly felt a kick and then your stomach in immense pain. Your screams made your parents run in and help you to the car.

Kai was at work, so he wasn't there to witness your scene. Your parents called him right away as soon as you were safely in the hands of the doctors and nurses at the local hospital.

You were groaning in pain and sweating like crazy when the medical delivery team burst into the room, getting the equipment ready and stationing around the bed you were laying on.

"Push, honey, push!" a nurse urged, checking your body status.

With a grunt of aggrevation, you screeched, "Where is that damned Kai??"

"Your husband is coming very soon, agasshi. Just concentrate on this, please," the doctor assured you.

You didn't hear him and continued crying, "Once I get my hands on him, I'll - AGH!" 

The doors burst open, a frazzled Kai stumbling in, panting heavily. He rushed to your side and looked you over in panic.

Your face scrunched up in pain as another contraction occurred.

"I'm here now, Sukyung-ah. Don't worry," Kai said soothingly, brushing the stray hairs that were stuck to your face away.

The last thing you need was his "soothing" words. 

You reached up and grabbed his hair in both hands, pulling this way and that. You screamed, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, STUPID! I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL NINE MONTHS AGO AND THIS IS WHAT I GET? HUH? YOU INSENSITIVE, IDIOTIC, JERK!"

Kai yelped and shouted back, "AHH, LET GO, CRAZY WOMAN! MY HAIR'S GONNA FALL OUT!"

"WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR HAIR WHEN I'M ABOUT TO DIE RIGHT NOW, MR. KIM!" you screamed back, pulling his hair even harder.


Your stomach lurged with a final contraction, and a final scream was pulled from your throat. You heard a small baby's voice cry out, wailing continuously.

You sighed and started to sob, letting go of Kai's hair, a few strands of them stuck to your sweaty and clammy palms.

Kai slumped to the ground, relieved that it was all over.

The nurse bundled up the crying baby and gently set the child next to you. "It's a boy," she whispered with a gentle smile.

Your tears blurred out his face, but you could make out the tiny nose and lips, the eyes closed and his chubby cheeks pink.

"Yah, I went through so much pain for you, you little punk. Don't turn into a Kai junior when you grow up, or I swear I'll kick the both of you out of the house, got it?" you said.

Kai rolled his eyes and fixed his messed up hair back into place.

*She can be so bipolar...* he thought, standing back up.



16 years later...


"Omo! It's the famous high school couple!" Lee Nayoung exclaimed.

Everyone turned around in their seats as you and Kai walked in together. They got up and greeted you both, smiling and laughing. However, you had a sour expression on your face and Kai looked uneasy.

D.O. noticed that something wasn't right between the two of you. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's wrong with you two? Did you guys fight or something?"

You sat down in an empty chair at the long table and said bitterly, "I don't know. Ask Kai why I'm feeling so upset right now." You reached for a glass of beer across the table but Kai quickly sat down next to you and smacked the outreached hand.

He gave you a stern look and warned, "No beer, remember?"

Chanyeol gave him a confused look. "Why can't she?"

You nor Kai answered. Kris clapped his hands together in realization and asked incredulously, "Did Sukyung get pregnant again? Wow, you guys are seriously daebak!"

"I told him to be careful, but no - he just had to not use protection - again," you said, narrowing your eyes at Kai.

"Shut up! You never said anything about using protection, stupid!" he growled, shooting a glare back at you.

"Woah, woah, keep the fighting outside of our high school reunion, guys," Suho said in amusement.

"Isn't this your fourth kid, Kai? Wow, you're really good!" Sehun teased, nudging Kai's arm playfully. 

Kai couldn't help but smile in embarrassment, his cheeks flaring up.

"How long has it been since you had your last kid?" Chen asked you, taking a bit out of his food.

"Exactly five years..." you replied, propping your elbow on the table and supporting your tired head.

"What was exactly five years?" a female voice asked from behind you.

Everyone looked up. You turned around and your eyes widened at the person you saw.

"Lim Eena? Is that you?" you asked.

She smiled. "Yup. It's me. What was exactly five years ago?" Eena took a seat next to you.

"Long story...But you look so pretty! Even in your mid-thirties you look like you're still in high school!" you exclaimed, eyeing her with jealousy.

Eena laughed, "Nah, I definitely aged over the years."

"Are you married yet, by the way?" Kai asked curiously.

She grinned, "No, but I'm going to soon - I have a boyfriend from New York. I met him while I was on a business trip for my fashion company." 

"Ooh, a foreigner~" Chanyeol teased. Everyone collectively laughed at his comment. 

"Where's Baekhyunnie hyung?" Kai asked, looking around the restaurant. "He told me he was gonna come."

"Here I am!" a tinkling male voice said.

*Baekhyun oppa?* you thought, turning around hopefully.

It was.

He was right there, his eye smile and personality still the same after so many years.

"Oppa! How have you been?" you asked, jumping up to greet him.

He pulled you in for a brief hug and beamed, "Great! How about you? I heard you're pregnant again! Congrats!"

You made a face and slowly sat back down. "How does news spread so quickly?..." you muttered under your breath, back to your upset mood.

"How was Los Angeles, hyung? You're the famous vocal coach that even American Idol judges talk about!" Tao praised, pulling over a chair for Baekhyun. 

"Good! And stop exaggerating, Tao - I'm not that well known. Yet." Baekhyun joked.

"You married yet, Baekhyun? All of us Exo guys are either already married or in the process of it," Xiumin asked.

Baekhyun held up his left hand, showing off his new wedding ring with a grin. "Already married for a whole year. My wife and I moved back to Korea in Seoul. I told you guys that I would definitely come back." He glanced over to you and winked. You smiled broadly and said, "Well, it's nice to have you back, oppa."

Suddenly, you heard a voice call, "Umma!"

*Hey, that sounds like...* you thought. You turned around and saw your small five-year-old daughter running up to you with a teddy bear in her arms.

"Yah, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in bed!" you scolded, picking her up and putting her on your lap. 

"Omo, she's adorable!"

"She's grown so much!"

"She looks exactly like you, Sukyung-ah!"

Kai gently her hair with a fatherly smile, "My cute little girl came to see umma and appa? What about your brothers? Are they here, too?"

Suddenly, two teen boys appeared around the corner, grunting as they carried heavy bags of snacks.

"What the...Where did you get these from?" you asked, taking the bags from your sons.

"These are your sons? They're so handsome and tall!" Kim Sooyoung exclaimed.

"Dang, Jongin looks exactly like his dad," Sehun grinned.

"Aish, his attitue is no joke," Kai complained, playfully ruffling Jongin's hair.

"Ah, appa! My hair!" he whined in a relatively deep voice, fixing his dark hair back into place.

"Didn't Jongin audition for SM Entertainment? How did that go?" D.O asked.

You smiled proudly and hooked an arm over Jongin's shoulders, pulling him close. "He was accepted! His handsome looks and amazing dancing skills got him in, and he's going to debut in a boy group in a couple of months!"

Chen whistled. "Nice job, Jongin!"

"You can't pretend not to know me once you get famous," Sehun teased.

Jongin just blushed and didn't say anything - his little way of showing that he was thankful.

"What about your other son? Hyunwoo? Is he gonna be a famous K-pop star, too?" Chanyeol asked.

You put your other arm around your younger son and grinned, "He's a shy one - Hyunsoo is so innocent and quiet that he can't possibly be ready for the dangerous and cold world out there yet. He wants to be some kind of doctor, right?"

Hyunwoo blushed and nodded, smiling a little as he said, "Yeah, a pediatrician."

"He's still so cute for a fifteen-year-old! Jongin is sixteen now, right?" Eena asked.

You nodded and let go of your sons. You leaned down a bit to whisper, "Actually, Hyunwoo has a hobby that I had no idea about until recently. He takes really handsome pictures of himself, making him look older and more tougher. Do you wanna see?"

She nodded. You opened up a picture on your phone and showed her the screen.

Her eyes widened and formed an "O". 

"And these are Jongin's pictures from a recent pictorial for the debut," you said, turning to another picture and showing her.

"Jongin looks exactly like Kai in this one!" she said in surprise.

"I know! It's kinda scary, but Hyunwoo and Daeun take after me, so I'm fine with it," you shrugged, smiling at Kai. Kai rolled his eyes but smirked. "I'm the better looking one, obviously."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh, really? So you're saying that your sweet little girl and other son are ugly? What kind of father are you?"

Kai opened his mouth to retort to your tease, but you felt Daeun tugging on your shirt. You looked down at her. "What is it, sweetie?"

She yawned and said sleepily, "I'm sleepy, umma. I wanna go home."

"Okay, girl, we'll go home soon," you cooed, picking her up again and setting her on your lap.

"Oh yeah, how did you three get here? And who bought these snacks?" Kai asked the boys.

"Grandma and Grandpa did," Jongin answered simply, shrugging.

*That was really nice of them,* Kai thought. *We should get them something in return.*

"Well, it was a short time, but we gotta go - having three kids is a handful, you know," you concluded, standing up and handing Daeun over to Kai.

"Aw, okay then. We'll see you guys around! Good luck with the next kid!" Chanyeol grinned, waving goodbye.

Everyone else waved and said goodbye as the five of you left the restaurant.

You sighed and put a big smile on your face. "So. Let's go home, guys."




After putting Daeun to sleep and kissing the boys' foreheads goodnight ("Mom, we're not kids anymore!" Jongin complained, but he still let you kiss him out of childhood habit. Hyunwoo only smiled in amusement.), you and Kai tiptoed to your room and closed the door behind you.

Without caring if he was watching or not, you carelessly shed your outdoor clothes and slipped into your soft pajamas, climbing into bed. Kai did the same, snuggling next to you.

He casually put an arm over you and kissed your cheek a bit longer than a peck would be, you monotonously said, "No."

"Hey, I wasn't implying anything," Kai said, letting you go and lying on his back.

"Liar. I know what you were implying. And the answer is no - unless you wanna kill the baby or make me have twins. Or almost get caught like last time when Jongin almost walked in on us."

"Oh yeah," Kai remembered, scrunching up his nose. "Why was he there again?"

"He was only twelve - he wanted a glass of water but he was too afraid to go all the way downstairs to the kitchen for it. That's the disadvantage of living in such a big house," you sighed, closing your eyes.

"Hey, my parents insisted on giving us this house - it's almost as big as my old one, so be thankful that you don't have to stress out over paying a rent," Kai reminded you.

"Whatever," you sighed, trying to relax your tired body.

"Is work taking your energy out more than usual?" he asked.

You nodded. "Yup. My students are just...Ugh, I don't even wanna say. There's always that one kid every year who absolutely refuses to do any art assignments in class..."

"I'll beat him up for you," Kai grinned. "That would teach them a lesson."

You opened one eye and stared at him. "No. Absolutely not. And what about you? Working as the vice president of that huge business your dad owns? You're the next heir, so you'd better not screw up."

Kai laughed dryly, "Yeah, that's real helpful advice. And yeah, of course it's tiring...But at least I always look forward to coming home to my family."

"Aww, sugar coated as always~" you teased, poking his arm.

Kai sighed and wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your head. "Yup...It's a bit sad that our youthful days are over...Remember that day when we got married? That was almost 20 years ago! You were sixteen and I was seventeen...Now that I think about it - that was pretty darn early."

You smirked, "Yeah, you think so? Jongin and Hyunwoo kept giving us weird looks after the day I told them we married at that age..."

"Don't mind them - now, Jongin - ha, he has such a cold city boy attitude. I wonder where he inherited that from..."

*Well, I certainly do know...* you thought to yourself, rolling your eyes.

"Let's just go to sleep - I'm tired. Can you turn off the lights?" you asked.

Kai nodded and snapped his fingers, the lights turning off in the room instantly.

You felt his lips kissing your forehead gently and his arms wrapping around you tighter, holding you close to his warm chest.

"I love you, Song Sukyung," he whispered sleepily.

"I love you, too, Kai," you whispered back, smiling in your sleep.





















































MY POOR HEART TT.TT It's so sad that this story is officially over :'<

However, i seriously enjoyed every single second of writing up this - and i don't know about you guys, but this story seriously gave me the goosies cause of all the fluff xD

anyway, this cute little love story between Song Sukyung, a girl who was adopted since she was little, and Kai, her (or your) best friend from that same orphanage, getting torn apart cause of their adoptions and finally meeting again years later, only to fall in love all over again with each other, had a lot of drama here and there. However, things turned out great at the end! :)

Eena lets Kai go and is dating a different guy whom she loves with all her heart in New York, Baekhyun is married to his lovely wife (who's identity is not known here in this story), and Zelo is happy as a kpop idol in B.A.P :D 

Thank you all once again for supporting me and "Stupid, Sidetracked Love" and commenting on this story! ^^ Since this was my first fanfic ever, I'm happy to say that this story was a tremendous success! ;D

Please tell your friends and siblings about this story and read it again if you ever feel like it :)

Love you all! Hope you guys have a similar stupid, sidetracked love story in your lives one day! ^^

- supergirl14




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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.