Chapter 3

Game Over

 "Good morning, Mr. Choi," I politely replied.

"Ehhhh~ I told you to drop the honorifics already!" Siwon-ssi casually reminded me like we're really really really close friends which, we are not.. yet. "Aren't we friends?" he chuckled.

A nervous laugh escaped my lips and I tried to sound as less awkward as possible, "Ah, yes, Siwon-ah." Truthfully speaking, it's hard for me to drop the honorifics because he still is higher than me, obviously, corporate hierarchy-wise.


"By the way, why did you call, Mr. Choi—err, Siwon-ah?" It's definitely not everyday that the heir of a multi-million dollar company would call me.

A mischievous laugh was Siwon's response, "I just called to congratulate you on your promotion, Donghae."

Right. Everyone's been very busy congratulating me on my promotion since earlier today. Something on how he said it made me want to

think that there is something I don't know but I should know, though.

I may not have known him for such a long time but I have this gut feeling that Siwon is up to something. "Thanks," I plainly said.

"Dream come true, huh?"

I was about to second his motion but—BINGO!

The thought hit me. Siwon passed a recommendation for my promotion to be pushed forth. So that's why..



"Do you drink?" someone asked me while we were inside a noraebang room with our other colleagues and while some of them were already drunk but still dancing.

I looked to my left and saw the heir of Choigo Foods, Inc., Siwon, holding up a shot glass.

Nodding, I answered, "Yes, but not tonight, Mr. Choi. Thanks."

He drank the glass empty and turned to me, "Why not?"

"I have some work to finish for next week, sir," I said, half-smiling.

Suddenly, his lips curled up in the slightest trace of a smile. "You know what?" Choi Siwon began, "I like you. It seems to me that you value your work a lot and that's an admirable trait of any employee."

It was too straight-forward for my liking but hearing such words from a man with a good reputation in terms of working ethics made me want to shout for joy. Sincerely, I bowed in gratitude, "Thank you so much, Mr. Choi!"

"Just Siwon is fine. You are Lee Donghae, right?"

"Ah, yes," I answered with much enthusiasm. "Lee Donghae of research team," I extended my hand for a formal handshake and Siwon took it gratefully.. I guess.

Siwon then crossed his legs then rubbed his jaw with a hand. "How old are you, Donghae?"

"I'm 24 years of age, sir."

"Oh!" he exclaimed, though not loud enough to garner attention from the others who are still busy going wild. "Me, too!"

Our conversation lasted for several more minutes and the next thing I knew, we were getting along like good buddies. It helps that we belong to the same age bracket, too, I think.

"So tell me, Donghae, what are your plans and goals for this year?"

It was starting to feel like a job interview at some point minus the uneasy feeling of anxiety. We both know that we are starting to loosen up to each other.

I cleared my throat and stared at the ceiling for a while, "Hmmmm.. There's this position in our company that I've been eyeing. But maybe only time can tell if that position will be mine in the future." I laughed at the cheesiness in my answer then continued, "For now, I'm just enjoying my job and doing my best in it. Getting that promotion would be too good to be true but at the same time, a dream come true."

"I can send a recommendation letter if you--"

Before he could even finish his statement, I cut him off. "That would be unnecessary, Siwon. Thanks, really. But no, thanks."

Siwon raised an eyebrow, maybe in astonishment, on my reaction.

His offer would help me a lot on my pursuit for that position but I know it won't feel good to leech off of such a good-spirited man like him.

I reassured him that it was fine with a smile and a playful smack on his back. "Thanks for offering, though."

"See? That's why I like you—passion and most of all, character, Donghae."



There's only one way to find out—ask Siwon himself. "Did you--"

"I'msorryDonghae, Ijustwantedtohelp!" Siwon explained to me as fast as his tongue can. I guess he kinda knew that he was already busted, after all.

There. He confirmed it. He did send in a letter of recommendation but then again, would that be necessary considering the fact that he is the son of one of the most powerful men here in Korea?

I did not know if I should laugh at his over defensiveness or if I should be thankful or if I should be pissed.

After taking in a huge deal of oxygen, I said, "Siwon, thank you so so much but I really meant it when I said that it would be unnecessary."

Puzzled, he asked me, "But why?"

Would it work if I explained to him that some things require blood & sweat? He was born with a silver spoon on his mouth, after all. On the other hand, if I insist on my own reasoning, I might come across as arrogant and ungrateful to him.

Instead, I decided to keep it short and sweet. "I can't thank you enough for this, Siwon but I hope that next time.. Gosh, it's hard to explain but I hope you'll someday understand where I'm coming from saying all these things to you. Then again. thank you so so much."

"It's my pleasure!" he replied quickly. Siwon sounded really pleased with what he has done for me and I am, too, but like I told him, I do hope that in some way, he'll get the bigger picture to make sense out of my stand in this situation.

The next day, I went to work early, as usual.

I went past Heechul’s cubicle and patted him on the back as a silent greeting.

Abruptly, he his swivel chair and whispered, “Good luck!”

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Now, what is he wishing me luck for?

As if telepathically, he pointed at my desk and lo and behold, a huge pile of work was already waiting for me.

Slowly and in discouragement, I walked towards my desk and at the same time, my boss arrived. “Good morning, Mr. Lee,” he greeted formally.

“Good morning, sir.” In response, I bowed back and forced a smile which I know is not too convincing. I swallowed a lump of saliva and uttered a silent prayer, hoping that my boss, Mr. Kang, did not hear it.

“Sorry for this flashflood of paperwork,” Mr. Kang said, clearing his throat and avoiding my eyes. He continued, “I wanted us to impress our superiors and I hope it will not be too much of a burden for you. Now, good luck!”

Good luck. Thanks to Heechul and Mr. Kang for this. I will need luck, like, seriously.

For a second there, my heart sank at the thought of now really being too busy to attend Sunny’s birthday bash tomorrow. I would have to think of the best way possible to break this to her. I can only imagine how deeply Sunny will be hurt.

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SOOOOOO LONG! SORRY. Like with my other fic, I told my readers and subbers that I will be willing to accept any form of hating or bashing because I know using school as an excuse is not valid since most, if not all, of us still have studies, too. I just want you guys to accept my apology. I REALLY AM TRULY SORRY. On a lighter note, sorry for the No-HaeFany-Moments update, too. I'm still building the plot so I hope you can let this pass. This is so much like Destiny's Game, dont y'all think? HaeFany moments were not that prominent in the earlyy chappies of Destiny's Game, too, remember? Over and over again, I AM SORRY. I sincerely feel like I let you guys down.

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GAME OVER: i updated.. i hope you all won't track me down and burn my house for not updating for soooo long.. :( i hope you will enjoy reading, though~


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Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 3: Aya~ah.........
HaeFanyIsRealtippani #3
Chapter 3: yaaaahy! you updated, unnie! xD i can sense SiHae in this update! xDD

unnie it's alright.. don't feel bad :)) we trully understand you ^_^
Chapter 3: hehehe it's okay.. I know what you feel, I have lot of fanfics that I ditch for months.
Waiting for HaeFany moments!!!
Chapter 3: Update please :)))
Chapter 3: gwenchana! haefany, hwaiting~
Chapter 3: Really I almost forgot this ff, but I'm really happy that u updating again
k-popsone1116 #8
Chapter 3: really please update i really love your story!!
i'm sure most, if not all, of your readers understand you!! ^_^
Chapter 3: omo ! please update soon ^^ I understand you :)) please update soon :))