Chapter 1

Game Over

Setting: Two (2) days before Sunny's birthday in relation to Destiny's Game

I can't believe it! I actually have my own corner desk now!

How I got promoted to being a Creative Director of this advertising company despite being comparatively less experienced than my other colleagues, I don't have a single clue! Is this just beginner's luck or--

"Enjoying your new corner desk, Director Lee?" a voice interrupted my daydream--Jessica Jung's.

I turned to her and greeted, "Oh, hi, Jess!"


A camera flash greeted me back.

Then Jessica squealed, "Got you!" She triumphantly waved her digital camera in the air.

Ever since Jessica, my closest female colleague, found out that I don't have any account on any existing social networking site, she's been obsessed with the idea of signing one up for me and she once clearly stated, "Taking photos of you are a part of the process, Donghae-ssi!"

Do I really need to display my photos in the Internet to make 'friends'--virtual friends--that I don't even need? Besides, I don't have the time to check those accounts from time to time especially now that I've been surprisingly promoted.

I may have a low-profile but I have friends--real human friends like Jessica here.

Yeah, yeah, Jessica and I are just friends. Our relationship is fatally platonic but unfortunately, a very few people believes us. Besides, as long as I know it's not true, why should I waste my time convincing people when I know that they don't have any intentions of listening to me?

Almost all our other colleagues think that Jessica & I are in some sort of a secret romantic relationship but nah, we're really just friends.

I, for once can endure the spreading rumors; I'm just worried for Jessica. I understand how women, scientifically, are more emotional than men so Jessica might be finding this rumor thing about us dating quite emotionally challenging.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up from my swivel chair, snatching the digital camera from Jessica without any difficulty.

She tried to get it back and I let her, but not before I deleted my photo.

"Ugh!" Jessica stomped her feet in irritation when she realized what I have done.

I bit my lip as I tried to hold myself back from bursting out into laughter. When Jessica's pissed, it really is entertaining to watch. Her piercing icy glare did not scare me for a bit. It's not cute but amusing, to say the least.

With a scowl on her face, Jessica whined, "You deleted it again?!"

Opting to rub my triumph on the defeated girl's face, I opened my mouth only to be interrupted by a man's voice, joining my verbal battle with the girl.

"What is this? A lovers' quarrel?" Kim Heechul, another close colleague of mine, teasingly sang.

Now, he is the one who really likes Jessica but cowardice had caused him to have an admiration for Jess that he can't confess.

I guess the I'm-so-cool-and-I'm-tough image did not do him any good. You see, he's a confident person--confident about almost everything except his feelings for Jessica.

"Whatever, Heechul-ssi," Jessica rolled her eyes in response to Heechul's previous remark.

Wrong line, Heechul. Wrong line.

I had to clench my fists to prevent myself from hitting my forehead with a palm at Heechul's utter failure. Jessica's lack of interest, on the other hand, forced me to stifle a laugh. Jokingly, I asked Heechul, "Why? Are you, by any chance.. jealous?"

Before the man could even deny, Jessica stomped back to her desk after screeching, "Eeeeww!"

"Look at what you did!" Heechul hissed at me as soon as Jess was out of hearing range.

"Then confess already!" I scolded, clicking my tongue after I did. As I looked at Heechul, I can't help but to be filled with disbelief.

Seriously?! At our age, is it still really that hard to profess you love for someone?! High school's long been gone, right?

I went around Heechul, shaking my head, as I sat back on my swivel chair.

If Heechul and Jessica weren't significant to me, then I wouldn't have let them disturb me. I'm here, supposedly celebrating over my promotion but when friends need you, they need you. No buts. No excuses. 

Turning to look, I caught Heechul watching Jessica from a distance and his gaze was laced with pure admiration.

I tried to get his attention, "Hey."


"Any plans on confessing soon?" I asked him, this time, with a more serious tone in my voice.

Heechul heaved out a stressful sigh as his eyebrows met, "Should I, really?"

I rolled my eyes. You think?!

Quietly, Heechul mumbled hesitantly, "Well.."

I can sense that he really is head-over-heels for Jessica. I can also sense his great fear of confessing to her. "Well what?"

After a few seconds of silence between us, Heechul's eyes suddenly sparkled with hope as though he just conceived an awesome plan. "Do you think anonymously sending her flowers daily is a great idea?"

For the nth time today, I tried my best to keep a straight face. If I laugh, Heechul here might feel offended and insulted and a topic about Jessica seems to be of high priority to my good friend here. I started, "Well, it's kinda.. cliche but.. it's a start."

Suddenly boosted & enthusiastic, Heechul started pacing back and forth in front of me. "What color of roses do you think she'd like best, Donghae? Is red good?"

"Too intense. Creepy," I stated matter-of-factly like I'm some kind of expert on the topic when in reality, I'm not. I just can't find the heart to leave Heechul so clueless when it comes to girl problems and love. Hm. Strong word, that is. Love.

"How about white?"

"Too innocent. Lame," I commented at his suggestion.



Almost immediately, my sister's tiny voice started resounding in my head nonstop.

"She definitely loves pink; take note of that okay?"

It does not seem out of the ordinary for me to hear my sister's statements inside my head but the unusual part of all this is what my sister was saying as I recall her words.

"Don't forget--pink. Tiffany loves pink."

Suddenly, my mind wandered off to my conversation with my younger sister, Sunny, earlier today. The word pink seems to have made an unexpected and huge impact on me.

"Tiffany loves pink." be continued..

THE OH-SO-IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey, you guys, this was a short chapter, sorry for that. It also took so long for me to give you this chappie so.. yeah.. Whew~ -_- I promise that the next chapters will be longer than these ;) I just cut the first chappie until here because if I had not, it would be too long for my liking. Besides, lengthy chapters would only force me to have slower updates so who's with me? hihihi! :D Anyway, sorry for the absence of HaeFany moments here but the things mentioned here will help build up the plot. Sorry, too, for the excessive HeeSica moments but I ship them, too, though not as much as I ship HaeFany, of course! >:D By the way, we're still in the PREQUEL side/role of this story relative to Destiny's Game which means all the events here took place BEFORE the first chapter of Destiny's Game. This chapter also answered a gray area that wasn't clarified in Destiny's Game: The reason why Tiffany can't check out Donghae's social networking accounts is because he does not want to have one :D That's it for now but more clarifications would be included in the succeeding chapters so I hope you will all stay tuned. 'Till my next update which is.. SOON! ^^

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GAME OVER: i updated.. i hope you all won't track me down and burn my house for not updating for soooo long.. :( i hope you will enjoy reading, though~


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Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 3: Aya~ah.........
HaeFanyIsRealtippani #3
Chapter 3: yaaaahy! you updated, unnie! xD i can sense SiHae in this update! xDD

unnie it's alright.. don't feel bad :)) we trully understand you ^_^
Chapter 3: hehehe it's okay.. I know what you feel, I have lot of fanfics that I ditch for months.
Waiting for HaeFany moments!!!
Chapter 3: Update please :)))
Chapter 3: gwenchana! haefany, hwaiting~
Chapter 3: Really I almost forgot this ff, but I'm really happy that u updating again
k-popsone1116 #8
Chapter 3: really please update i really love your story!!
i'm sure most, if not all, of your readers understand you!! ^_^
Chapter 3: omo ! please update soon ^^ I understand you :)) please update soon :))