How Long Will It Take?

Consequences and Unexpected Results



Just like that, the rest of Dong Woon’s hospital stay passed by. The members had been with him almost all the time, though they went back to the dorm to sleep because Dong Woon insisted. Those three days were something Dong Woon treasured. They had become even closer, if that was possible at all. They had talked and shared their own fears since Dong Woon had shared his with them. They promised those true embarrassing fears will stay within the six of them, not even allowed to be revealed on variety shows. They promised and the consequences of breaking that promise were the revelation of the offender’s own fears and toilet, kitchen and slave duty for three days. They each shuddered just thinking of the horrifying result of breaking their promise. Toilet duty?! No thank you!


It was time for Dong Woon’s discharge from the hospital, and he was simply itching to get out of the ward! He can’t stand another day inside, cooped in and bored out of his mind. There was a lot of fuss, though most of it came from the all the hyungs. They wanted him to use a wheelchair to transport him from the ward to their car! No way am I gonna sit in that! Dong Woon protested loudly and proclaimed the notion preposterous. Soon they gave it up because Dong Woon resisted and threatened to take a cab home all by himself if the hyungs continued to be ridiculous. Dong Woon finally, finally, left the ward, with five of the flanking him. Dong Woon just scowled, and pushed away hands that kept creeping back to support him. When they reached the lift, he turned and looked at his hyungs with warnings in his normally warm brown eyes.


‘Enough! Listen to me! I am fine! I can walk by myself without falling! I am definitely not gonna keel over because of a short walk from the ward to the car! Aish! Jincha!’ Dong Woon flounced out of the lift as soon as the door opened, leaving the others slightly dazed and trying to catch up. Doo Jun was carrying Dong Woon’s things because he refused to let Dong Woon have it. He didn’t say much, didn’t even tried to convince the maknae to use the wheelchair, but he insisted carrying the bag for Dong Woon. Dong Woon tried to pull the bag from the leader’s grasp but got a glare for his efforts so he just gave up, mumbling about being treated like a freaking baby. Doo Jun just smiled at the disgruntled maknae’s back.


‘Dang I missed this!’ Dong Woon said when they finally got into the car without any further delays. He snuggled into the backseat, between Hyun Seung and Yo Seob.

‘You miss being squashed by those buffoons at the back? You must be out of your mind!’ their manager looked at him through the rear mirror. Dong Woon just poked out his tongue and enjoyed being with the members, forgetting that he was annoyed at the members just minutes ago.


The short ride was filled with laughter and squabbles, characteristic when all of them are together off stage. At times like these, not even the managers were spared from the jokes and teasing. Though usually Doo Jun and Jun Hyung were the most made fun, because their image on and off stage were so different. Hints about their true nature can be found on shows like ‘Idol Maid’ and ‘BEAST Almighty’, but those were just a small taste of how they really behaved when they are together and away from the camera. Which is why those two were the targets whenever the variety shows asked for any revelations of the members’ habits or how they were normally like.


Off camera, the ribbings escalated. Though, mostly they just took it in stride, and they were never really bothered by the teasing and the good natured poking fun at. Sometimes, Doo Jun or Jun Hyung would explode (actually, more often than just ‘sometimes’), and there would be hell to pay with the younger ones, but after a few hours, everything went back like nothing ever happened. Though, often than not, Dong Woon was the scapegoat for some of his hyung’s bad behaviour. Food disappearances would naturally be blamed on Yo Seob and Dong Woon. Misplaced things were suspected to be shifted by Dong Woon when he does his cleaning rounds. Even though no one would dare touch the rapper’s music scores, when he himself misplaces them, the first thing he would do is to look for Dong Woon and ask. Dong Woon doesn’t complain though, he wasn’t sure they would make a difference actually, he knows the hyungs only do that because they were close and they act more like brothers than just members.


When they alighted at the dorm’s carpark, the elders fussed over Dong Woon on the way back to the dorm. Taking his bag, sticking close to him and treated him as if he would blow away with a gust of the wind. Dong Woon was really grateful, and touched because he had never seen his hyungs so protective before, but it was seriously getting old, and getting on his nerves. And it was embarrassing! Dong Woon resisted the urge to facepalm, and endured it until they were safely behind the closed doors of the dorm. Doo Jun and Jun Hyung had noticed the maknae’s frustration and exasperation building, so they had the sense to steer clear from him, keeping an eye out for the eventual release. It wasn’t that the two of them didn’t want to fuss. They just knew when to stop. They knew the maknae well, and though they are still worried and not fully over the trauma of seeing the youngest in a coma, they had enough sense of self-preservation that they moved away immediately when the dorm door closed and Dong Woon planted his feet with his eyes all steely and determined.


 Ooh, now the fun comes. I wonder how long it will take for Ki Kwang to register what Dong Woon said? Jun Hyung contemplated.


[a/n: hi hi! :D yay! first week of sch passed. and im sick. and i sprained my ankle. wow! hahahaha :P hehe hope u like this chappie! :D comment please??? kekekeke :D]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)