Chappie 14 (brain can't think of anything for the title.. T.T)

Consequences and Unexpected Results

[a/n: :D some have voted! haha looks like DooWoon is popular huh? hehe i thought there would be more KiWoon than DooWoon but im pleasantly surprised! :D u guys make my day when there are comments and subs, thank you! and KiWoon is just soo fluffy! ><]


Three Hours into Dance Practice


‘Alright guys, let’s have a break.’ The instructor called out.

Cheers rang out and the members rushed out of the practice room, trying to get to the vending machine first. Dong Woon was the only one left in the room, and he dropped to the floor immediately after the announcement for a break. He was panting hard and his muscles ached, he didn’t feel like moving anywhere for anything at all. He lied on the floor, staring up into the ceiling, trying to get his breathing under control. The practice today hadn’t been the worst, but for the injured maknae, it might very well be the toughest he ever endured. It was barely noon, but he was already wiped out. He dreaded to think how bad it might become in the evening. Normally, his stamina would have no problem, lasting for at least 4 to 5 hours before he would start to feel the toll, but not today. He didn’t want to think about how many more days before his body regained its condition before the incident, but hoped it would be soon. The only good thing was that he did not suffer any headaches yet, so he was really grateful. The members trooped back into the practice room, holding on to their cans of cold drinks they got from the machine. Dong Woon didn’t even raise his head when they entered, and worried glances were given. They had seen the maknae struggling during practice just now, not only from his bruises, but from his poor physical condition. They could clearly see that he wasn’t back to hundred percent yet, but they knew they could do nothing to deter the youngest from going back to practice. Now, seeing him lying on the floor panting, they wondered if letting him come for practice was a mistake.


‘Here, drink this.’ Ki Kwang handed him a can of Gatorade. He had bought another can for Dong Woon when he realised he wasn’t with them at the machine.

Dong Woon finally raised his head. ‘Thanks hyung.’ Ki Kwang popped the can while the maknae was sitting up. He handed the can to Dong Woon, who drank gratefully, while the members tried not to show their worry. They knew Dong Woon had felt stifled during the past two days, and had wanted everything to go back to normal so they tried their best, but it wasn’t easy.


Doo Jun wanted to just ask the youngest to go home and get some rest but he knew the younger will never agree to it, and it might hurt his feelings. Aish, this guy, why does he have to be so stubborn? His body can’t take it, but he insisted on coming to practice.


Dong Woon was oblivious to his hyungs’ worries, he was just so tired. And he has three more hours to go too, and some extra he asked for later in the evening. Jun Hyung walked over to where Dong Woon was seating, and stood behind him.

‘Stretch.’ Jun Hyung held out his hands to Dong Woon. Dong Woon had helped Jun Hyung stretch his muscles when he injured his back and he knew what to do. For the next 15 minutes, the maknae and the rapper did some stretching with the other members watching and doing some of their own.

‘Thanks hyung. That really helped.’ Dong Woon gave Jun Hyung a grateful smile.

‘No problem kiddo. Should we resume practice?’ Jun Hyung looked over to where the leader was sitting.

‘Yeah, we should. The instructor said we were almost done for the day so he left. He said we just need to practice and commit the practiced dance steps to our memory then we’ll be done for the day.’ Doo Jun stood up and was all business now. The other members stood up and moved towards the center of the room. They waited for their music to start playing, while Doo Jun went to set the audio player. Doo Jun made the members rest every few songs, letting the maknae get his breathe back and also correcting any mistakes the members make. The members always observed other member’s movements, as well as their own so they can give advice when needed. Finally after 2 more hours of practice, they finally finished with their dance practice for the day. Dong Woon was utterly drained. He dreaded his extra 2 hours in the evening with the instructor, even though he knew he needed it. He didn’t complain though. He didn’t want the hyungs to know just how tired he is. His headache had started throbbing an hour ago, and he tried to keep the pain out of his face. He had brought some aspirin pills, but he didn’t dare eat them in front of the others and with an empty stomach. He forced himself to wait. The members went to a nearby diner to grab some lunch and Dong Woon wolfed his down as quickly as possible. It wasn’t unusual for the maknae to finish his food quickly, but this time he had even more cause to do so. He excused himself to the bathroom as soon as he finished the last of his food, with the aspirin in his pockets. He downed 2 at one go, and dry swallowed them. He hurried out of the bathroom and drank some water to wash the pills down. The member looked at him but didn’t comment.


After their lunch, they had vocal training for 3 hours, which will end at 7 p.m. After that, they will have free time for the rest of the night, except Dong Woon, who still have to go for another 2 hours of dance. Luckily, since the instructor saw the condition Dong Woon was in, he only did some slight routine, once to see Dong Woon’s steps for the dance and a few more times to ensure the corrections will stick.


When Dong Woon finally exited the company building, he saw a familiar car idling near the entrance.

‘Yah, Woonie! Here!’ Yo Seob yelled when he saw the maknae.

Dong Woon smiled despite his weariness and settled in the backseat with Ki Kwang and Yo Seob. He had changed out of his sweat soaked shirt, but he was cold and shivering from the car’s air conditioning. Doo Jun, who was the driver, noticed and turned the direction of the cold air away from the maknae.

‘Thanks hyung, but next time I can just take a cab back. You guys should rest whenever you can.’

Doo Jun just gave Dong Woon an unreadable look and ignored him. The other two also ignored him, so he relaxed against the car’s soft cushion and fell asleep. The next thing he know, he was awakened by Ki Kwang and told they reached the dorm already. He tiredly peeled himself off the seat and stumbled out of the car. Doo Jun took his bag away from him and carried it himself, but Dong Woon was too tired to protest. The rest of the short journey back to the dorm passed as a blur and Dong Woon finally collapsed on the floor, against the couch. He liked lying against the couch for some reason. He can’t think of anything except sleep, not even showering and he almost succeeded in dozing off but a foot nudged his side. He cracked open one eye to look up, and he saw Jun Hyung holding a plate of delicious smelling food.

‘Go and shower. This is your dinner, which you will only get after you shower. You stink, and that was Hyun Seung’s bribe to get you cleaned up.’ Jun Hyung was unrelenting in his prodding of the maknae, despite the latter’s best effort to get him to part from the plate of food. Yo Seob’s laugh can be heard all the way from his room. He stood at his room’s doorway, laughing at the maknae.

‘Yah, you smelly Woonie! Go bathe, now! Now you’re the one stinking, maknae!’ Yo Seob stuck out his tongue at the exhausted maknae and retreated back into his room. Dong Woon just shook his head, and remained on the floor. He almost fell back asleep when Hyun Seung yelled at him from the kitchen’s entrance.

‘Son Dong Woon! You get your into the shower and better be clean before that plate’s content turns cold! I will not let you waste my efforts because you are being a pig! Go!’ Hyun Seung gave his Eomma’s Death Glare.

‘Aww! Sheesh, you guys. Hyun Seung eomma, please? A while more?’ Dong Woon pleaded.

‘No! And don’t you dare ‘Eomma’ me!’ Hyun Seung didn’t budge. Jun Hyung placed the plate of food on the table and left the job of getting the maknae into the shower to Hyun Seung.

With a groan, Dong Woon pried himself off the floor. A warm arm supported him when he stumbled a little on his shaky legs. His legs were trembling from his efforts, and he had to wait for blood to go back to his head before he dared to take a step. His vision finally cleared and he saw Doo Jun looking at him worriedly. No one else saw his stumble, and he quickly assured his hyung.

‘I’m fine, stood up too fast and the blood got left behind. Thanks hyung.’ Dong Woon thanked the leader, and moved off to his room to get his things.


He remembered his package that was due to arrive that night and he spotted it on the living room table. He swiped it discreetly and stuffed it under his pillow for the time being. The wrapping was a small rectangular box, so it was easy to stash. He rushed to the shower and let the hot water drill his overworked muscles into submission. He felt much much better when he stepped out of the bathroom, steam billowing out behind him. He sat himself at the table and tackled the still warm food. The rest were lounging around, either watching the TV or in their room, relaxing. After he washed the plate and let it dry at the sink, he went back and sat between Doo Jun and Jun Hyung who were watching the TV and started sorting out the pile of mail on the living room table. Doo Jun peeked over his shoulders a few times, looking at little boxes that might mean fan presents. Soon, he finished sorting out the mails and placed them in piles on the table. It was a ruckus when they opened their mail because everyone had gotten some package or another, and there were snacks sent by fans. They loved receiving these kinds of mails since their stomachs benefits from it. Dong Woon tried to stay up as long as possible, but he was just too tired and he knew they still have vocal training at 10 in the morning.

‘Night hyungs, I’m going off to bed now. I need to crash.’ Dong Woon stood up and stretched lazily, wincing a little.

‘Yeah, night. We’ll wake you up for breakfast in the morning.’ Hyun Seung said.

‘Mmm.’ Dong Woon mumbled and walked off.


‘Gosh, I’m dead beat.’ Dong Woon yawned. He sat on his bed, and started stretching. He knew he needed to stretch religiously because the next few days will be crazy with preparations for the come back and he needed to be in top condition by then. He started on his legs, and stretched them out in front of him. He bent over them, and held the position. Suddenly, a firm hand applied pressure on his back, pushing him further down. He groaned, but didn’t resist.

‘Hyung, what are you doing here? Aren’t you reading your mails?’ Dong Woon looked over his shoulder to face Doo Jun, who was behind him, on his bed.

‘I came in to get something, and saw you stretching, so I gave you a hand. Come on, stretch your calves.’ Doo Jun told Dong Woon, supervising the stretching.

Finally, when Dong Woon finished his stretching, he laid down on his bed. Doo Jun had left the room, and he was alone in the dark. He felt a lump under his pillow, and remembered it’s the pills. He took it out from underneath his head, and examined the package. There was a label, stating that this package contains Tramadol, and addressed to him. He carefully took out the contents, which is just a bottle of pills and read the label on the bottle under the light of his phone. He felt better, knowing that there is some sort of relief for his headaches, since the two aspirin tablets he took earlier didn’t even took the edge off his headaches. He didn’t dare to eat the Tramadol pills. He knew he shouldn’t be relying on them, but he felt better knowing they were around. He resolved to only using them when the headaches get unbearable, and he got up to stash the bottle and the cardboard packaging in his travel bag. He opened the door, and yelled, ‘Night hyungs!’ startling the members still sitting outside, and closed the door quickly, laughing at their startled expressions. Before he reached the bed, replying ‘Goodnight!’ came from outside, and within the next minute, Dong Woon was dead to the world.


[a/n: hey guys! double update now! :D hehe cos im feeling thankful! :D haha hope u like the new chappies! :D and those who hadnt vote, please do so kays?]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)