A Walk in the Park

Maid in Seoul


"I can't believe the Duke wants to give these clothes back," Casper said while holding a suit up to his chest, "He hasn't even worn them yet!"

"Well we can't control what he decides you know." Yongguk reached into the closet grabbing all the clothes that they had just unpacked, just to take them back down to Ailee. 

"Gukkie, this would look so good on you." Casper said holding the suit out to Yongguk.

Yongguk looked up shaking his head, "Nope."

"Guk, come on just try it on, nobody will know."

"Casper do you job."

"C'mon Guk... I know you want to. Just try it real quick it's going back anyway."

Yongguk's face changed. Casper had on a point there. The suit was going back, so it wouldn't hurt to try it on. Yongguk smiled at Casper.

"Ok that's what I thought hurry up and try this on!" Casper said while pushing Yongguk into the bathroom with the suit.


"Well," Yongguk stepped out of the bathroom nervously, smiling happily, "How do I look?"

Casper gasped and ran behind Yongguk pushing him to the full length mirror. 

"Whoa~ Guk you look so handsome~"

Yongguk smiled proudly in the mirror. He had to admit himself, he looked amazing. He would never be able to afford these clothes in his life, but if he did, he would look stunning. Yongguk spun back and forth checking the fit of the suit. It was casual but it looked expensive. That's because it was expensive. In the middle of his twirling session there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Yongguk asked, caught up in the fanciness of his suit.

"Abuji~ It's me." Daehyun called. Casper let Daehyun come into the room.

"What is it, Dae?" Yongguk asked.

"Whoa you look nice."

"Doesn't he!?" Casper agreed. Yongguk smiled flashing his eyes from Casper back to Daehyun.

"Well, what did you need baby?" Yongguk looked up to see another man following behind Daehyun. He was slim and well dressed with dark hair and a tiny mouth. He smiled when his eyes fell on Yongguk.

"Abuji~ I just ran into Himchan-sshi and he has a dog! And he said I could help him take him for a walk but he said I have to ask you first so can I go please?"

Yongguk looked at Himchan nervously and suspiciously at the same time.


"Please abuji~" Daehyun did aegyo and Himchan laughed. Yongguk caught himself smiling because Himchan was and quickly wiped it off his face.

"I don't mean to cause you any trouble," Himchan began, "but my dog really likes him and he hasn't been this calm around anyone for a while."

"Is that so?" Yongguk replied.

"Honestly." Himchan held up his right hand.

"Since when does 'honesty' and the word 'politician' go together?" Yongguk cocked a brow.

"Since... American President, Abraham Lincoln." Himchan quickly replied.

"Appa~ Can we go please? It'll take a couple of minutes."

"You should go, Hangil-sshi," Casper bowed as if Yongguk wasn't on the same level as himself. Yongguk didn't miss the name drop. If he was going to be wearing Kim Hangil's clothes, he might as well act the part. Daehyun grabbed his arm.

"Come on~" Daehyun whined.

"Um.. I guess I'll go," Yongguk shot a glance at Casper reading 'help me' but Casper just brushed him out the door.

"Have a nice time, sir." Casper bowed and closed the door.

Himchan, Daehyun and Yongguk entered the elevator carefully. The Tasty Twins were already inside, and they eyeballed Yongguk and Himchan when they entered. Quickly they turned to each other speaking quickly back and forth with each other in english.

"Do you think that's his new boyfriend?" Daeryong said.

"I don't. I didn't think the senator got around like that." Soryong replied.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't gossip about me. And it would be even better if you didn't do that in front of me don't you think?" Himchan said, making both twins blush and roll their eyes as they got off the elevator.

Daehyun laughed. He wasn't sure what was going on but it sure looked funny. When the elevator doors opened he raced off the elevator pulling on Yongguk's arm. Himchan smiled and casually followed behind them.

"Yah! Daehyun quit pulling me I can walk on my own." Yongguk yanked his hand away from his son's. Himchan laughed and Yongguk blushed in embarrassment. Some kind of way he had gotten dragged into this uncomfortable situation and now he had to follow through.

Outside they were met by an aggravated looking Jisu holding an antsy Tito on a leash. Jisu's eyed Yongguk suspiciously before going over to Himchan and whispering something. Yongguk's eyes shot to Daehyun.

"Daehyun, " He whispered, "You don't even know him why would you ask me to come I could get fired right now. I just started this job."

"Abuji~ Don't worry ok? It's just a walk. Well be done soon. Please be nice ok? You never let me get a dog at least let me walk Tito." 

"Daehyun I don't think you understand that and where is Jongup right now I told you to watch over hi--" 

"Shall we go now?" Himchan chimed, strolling over to where Daehyun and Yongguk were whispering. They stopped and Yongguk plastered a false smile onto his face and they began walking. 

Daehyun took the leash from Himchan and got pulled forward by Tito.

"Daehyun be careful!" Yongguk shouted. Himchan smiled.

"So, Kim Hangil, is it?"

"Umm, neh," Yongguk replied rubbing the side of his face. Himchan saw that and smiled.

"There's no need to be awkward," He laughed, "I apologize if I'm making you feel uncomfortable."

"No no no no no. It's fine I'm just umm… I don't do things like this."

Himchan eyes swept from Yongguk's head to his toes. Yongguk felt exposed under his gaze, he wasn't trying to be someone he's not but he wasn't, but he also didn't know this man and… he had kids to think about.

"I would assume that you didn't. I'm sorry we haven't been formally introduced but I am--"

"Kim Himchan, right?"

"So you know me?"

"Well, you are running for senator…"

"That is true, do you follow politics?"

"Not really, my son does." Yongguk nodded towards Daehyun who was playing fetch with Tito.

"Oh~ A young politician himself?" Himchan asked. Yongguk shook his head.

"Hopefully not, he's interested in the speeches really." 

Himchan looked offended and pouted, "You don't like politicians? I'm hurt."

Yongguk walked away. A slight smile tugging at his mouth. He didn't want to admit it, but Himchan was kind of cute. Himchan watched him from behind curiously. Yongguk was dressed nicely and smiled peacefully as he watched Daehyun with Tito.

Himchan walked closer to Yongguk and grabbed his arm gently.

"I just can't let it go, Hangil-sshi," Himchan said sliding his arm around Yongguk's, "Why don't you like politicians?"

Yongguk flushed and eased away from Himchan a little, "Politicians, don't do what they say they will do. Do you know how many middle class people vote in your elections, trying to help make life better for themselves just for you politicians to turn your back on them later? No thank you, politicians don't do anything for me."

"I promise you I'm not like that. And are you saying they don't do anything for you or they're not your type?" Himchan was flirting. Yongguk turned his head and blushed. It's been a while since someone flirted with him. It had been an even longer time since he last was interested in someone. Yongguk quickly removed the though from his head. He actually needed to get back to work soon and out of these clothes before somebody saw him.

"Adeul~ Let's go now~" Yongguk called. Yongguk looked at Himchan with a smile, "Thanks for entertaining my son, Himchan-sshi, but I think we should be going now."

"Wait," Himchan grabbed Yongguk's hand, "Can I at least invite you to dinner or something? You see, there's this dinner coming up and I'd like to see you again…"

Yongguk stared into HImchan's dark chocolate eyes. As much as he didn't like politicians, he just couldn't resist Himchan. I guess the rumors about him were true. He was one a quick charmer. Yongguk smiled politely, knowing this guy was out of his league.

"I think, I'll be busy around that time." Yongguk replied.

Daehyun ran up to them being pulled by Tito. Daehyun pet the top of Tito's head one last time before handing the leash back to Himchan. Yongguk squeezed Daehyun's shoulders and because to walk off. 

Himchan looked at Tito's leash, and sighed. He couldn't take no for an answer, not with somebody like him. 

"Wait, Hangil-sshi, I didn't even tell you the date. How do you know you'll even be busy?" He called.

"I'm always busy." Yongguk said before crossing the street with his son.

"I won't take 'no' as answer!" He shouted.

"Bye bye~" Yongguk replied. 

Himchan was left in the park with Tito who was running in circles around his owner.


Daehyun smirked at his dad when they got back into the hotel. Casper was waiting for them at the employee's entrance with Yongguk's uniform and a bag to return the Duke's clothes to Ailee.

"What was that all about appa?" He asked. Yongguk was changing into uniform.

"Stay out of grown people's business, adeul."

"Are you going out with him?" Daehyun asked. Yongguk came out of the bathroom back in his maid's uniform and eyeballed Daehyun. Daehyun and his father didn't talk about dating as much since the divorce but they definitely didn't talk about Yongguk dating. Daehyun hoped his father knew that he just wanted him happy, not that he was being nosey.

"Daehyun," Yongguk sighed and buttoned his vest up, "He's just not in my league."

"Dad! Come on, it's just a date."

"'It's just a date' ha ha, look at you~" Yongguk made a face.

"Dad, what have you really got to lose?"

"I'ma lose my temper right now if you don't go and get Jongup. I told you to keep up with him you're the older one and what are you doing you're out walking dogs and dragging me with you. Where is my baby, Daehyun. If he's hurt I'm kill--"

"OKAY UMMA~" Daehyun whined marching off. Ailee was giggling and Daehyun felt embarrassed. Jongup was always getting him in trouble. He marched off to the food court.

Casper leaned in to Yongguk, "So how was the still in the park? Went well? What's this about dates?"

"Cas, don't start."

"I just wanna know what Mr. Cute Rich & Handsome is like, sheesh. Gimme a break sometimes."

"He's okay."

"Just okay?" Casper asked.

He nodded. Yongguk didn't want to admit it and he definitely didn't want to let the idea of him and Himchan together grow. His kids have already went through enough with their mother. Yongguk felt that he was too old to be dating again, for the children's sake. He couldn't just throw his heart into things like he used to before he had children. He needed to be the adult and be responsible. 

Yongguk sighed. It felt nice to be in his company for that short period of time. It was true he didn't like politicians but that didn't mean he was blind. Kim Himchan was a multimillionaire and the heir to the hotel that he was working at. Yongguk pushed the thought of Himchan to the back of his mind and saved it as a memory. He was determined to try his best not to see him again. It was better for him and his family.


"Bang Jongup!" Daehyun marched into the lounge angrily.

Jongup was at the bar with his head on the counter. He jumped up quickly when he saw his brother. 

Daehyun furrowed his brow as Jongup got up and sprang over to embrace him.

"Hyung, I was so worried. I couldn't find you anywhere. I was looking all over the place for you but I couldn't find you and I didn't want to go to appa because I didn't want you to get in trouble but I started to get scared when I couldn't find you so I went to get appa but he wasn't there so I thought you guys left without me and… and…" Jongup sniffled and wiped it on his sleeve, "I thought you guys didn't want me anymore."

Daehyun pulled his little brother closer to him and pat his back soothingly. He was mad when he came to get Jongup because, Jongup had just gotten him in trouble with dad again. Daehyun didn't know that Jongup was looking for him. By the redness of his face and the puffiness of his eyes, he had been crying for a while. It hurt Daehyun to see that. He wanted to get revenge on his brother, but he didn't want to make him cry. He shouldn't've thought like that.

"Jonguppie~ Don't cry okay? I'm here now. I'm sorry."

Jongup nodded against Daehyun's chest and stopped sobbing as loudly as he was previously.

"Why did you think we would leave you?" Daehyun asked.

"I thought you didn't want me. I thought you guys left me like mom did." Jongup replied in between tears.

Daehyun stiffened. 

"Don't ever think like that again Jongup," He said sternly, "We love you. We would never ever leave you."

Jongup nodded wiping his eyes with the back of his hand to dry his tears. Daehyun grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind him. 

"Where were you guys?" Jongup asked.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later but don't ever wander off alone again Jongup. Promise me that."

Daehyun turned around to latch his pinky to Jongup's.

"I promise."

"Good now, let's go. Appa's still got work to do and we have to kill 4 hours." Daehyun said pulling Jongup along again.

"W-where are we going hyung?"

"We're going to watch some live tv with my new friend. That way I can keep an eye on you because I don't want you thinking we don't want you."

Jongup nodded unsurely. He was just happy that Daehyun was okay. Daehyun turned around and smiled, wrapping his arm over his little brother's shoulders. Jongup smiled and leaned into Daehyun's shoulder.

"Hyung, saranghamnida." Jongup murmured quietly.

"Ew~" Daehyun said. 

Jongup slapped him lightly and Daehyung just laughed.

"I love you too bro," Daehyun said just as quietly as Jongup did previously.

"Ew~" Jongup replied, fake gagging.


Author's Note: I haven't updated for like... almost a month and honestly. I've been trying to update so many stories that my wrists need a break. But I had to get this new chapter out. It's got a little BangHim first meeting and a little brotherly love. Aww~ DaeJong so cute~ Also, I didn't edit so, there will be some mistakes. Of course it wouldn't be perfect I'm only human. I hope you enjoy.=*CheeDragon.


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I'm trying to take off the M rating but if it stays on it's only for language guys, not .


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roro123 #1
Chapter 7: Why did you stop writing this story ? we want u too complete this story please
roro123 #2
Chapter 7: Please don't be late am so excited
EricaChu #3
Aww why did you stop writing this story
Its really good ouob
Chapter 7: sodjfasodfhjiu a chapter =] YAY!!!!

So we get a glimpse of the two different families... their similar yet different... the Bang's and the Kim's are pieces of a puzzle that just fits...

Soooooo... the Kim's have quite a different relationship within the three of them... there's Himchan who's stressed about his run at for Senator.. then the two boys Zelo and Youngjae... their family dynamic is a bit rough... they need to be closer... or there'll be a lot of resentment... there's already some forming between the boys and the dad... the stress of being a single father =/

But it's the complete opposite with the Bang's... their so much love between the three.. it makes you squirm with glee... like seriously how can you not cry or tear up to Jongup's abandonment issues...or Daehyun's surreal love for his brother... wanting to protect him and never want him to feel alone... and there's daddy Yongguk... BEST FATHER OF THE YEAR LOL... he's doing this all for his kids... no matter what.. his kids comes first =]

weo;kfjawfjowj I LOVE THIS STORY LOL thanks for the awesome update =]
Chapter 6: Awww Yongguk in disguise and Himchan is falling for him already lol

Then there's Daehyun who is too cute.. wanting his dad to be happy again... super aww lol

then there's Daehyun and Jongup with their brotherly love... seriously they're too sweet...

this family is the epitome of AWWWW lol
Chapter 5: We finally get to meet Youngjae and Zelo... Zelo is a brat lol and Youngjae is just awesome lol Then there's Himchan... cool, calm, and collected as usual =]

So they're on their way to meet Yongguk on the 40th floor... I hope he doesn't get into trouble... Jongup and Daehyun scurrying about in the hotel when their dad said to stay put lol =]

***Okay it's official... I love this story =]
Chapter 4: Dang Yongguk is already busting his working at the hotel =]

There's a flurry of new characters and that's awesome...

I feel for the young boys... Daejong because of their ruined plans.. but at least they got to meet Ailee Noona =]
Chapter 3: Seriously I love this family already... They're so close and with the insight we get to see how close they really are with one another... They really care for one another... It's soooooooo heartwarming :)

Gah the Bang Family is awesome :)
Chapter 1: I loved the movie and so far I love the story :) heck forget the "so far" fell in love with it the minute I finished your forward :)

The Bang family is cute :) their sweet with one another :)
Chapter 6: The story is great I love the movie
and now that it has my fav pair in it is going to be so much better kyaaaaah