

September 9, 2012  11:32pm


Dear friend, 

I can't believe i'm actually writing to you again...

It been ages since we've last wrote, but I kind of lost you half-way through highschool but now I'm back here again after settling down for college. I've been flipping through some of my old mails and I kind of feel pretty embrassed from my lack of grammar - I sincerely hope you didn't mind them. Life has been good to me, my mom has stopped crying in the middle of the night and my younger brother is now currently in the same high school I was in. My new college is pretty cool too - although you've pretty much guessed that I can't tell you which college it is, since we swore to be anonymous and everything. What I can tell you though is that I'm currently pursuing History of Art, which is pretty cool but a little too abstract for my taste. Sometimes I wonder what i'm doing here in college when I should be at home taking care of mother, it does bother me sometimes. Do you think i'm selfish?

I hope not - I'm already feeling rather ty myself. Still, i've met some really nice people here in school. Initially, I thought college would be like highschool all over again - which was, as you know, a living hell. Yet, the people are seems genuinely nice (except for the kids in my class whom i believe would melt if they stepped out into the sun). My roommates - L and Lemon are quite interesting(?). L is the kind of guy that seems really cold on the outside, but when you really get to know him, his quite a weird mix of emotions - and strong ones at that. He gets pretty fired up quickly when things don't go his way. Oh, and remember not to touch his Camera which is what he calls "a fragment of his soul". Lemon is the other kind of guy that seems pretty bubbly and full of emotions but deep down, he just wants to be alone sometimes. I don't even know how to describe him actually.

Just 2 days ago he asked the both of us for an afternoon study session by the cafe down Warwick street(which is an amazing place!!) but did not speak at all for the entire study session which was weird considering how he always seems to be chatting. L and I got kinda worried because he did seem quite stressed up over something. I guess it much be the competition he's getting from his coursemates. Did I mention? L is studying mathematics(What a loser) and Lemon is studying Human, Social and Political Science(Winner! Arts = Awesome).

I bet you're wondering how the people in my class are like. Imagine this, a wall in a toy shop full of plastic dolls with pretentious smiles carrying branded bags and sunglasses. Yeah - that pretty much sums it up. The people here are suffocating me - except for this guy. Hmm, it's quite difficult for me to give him a name right now, so we'll just call him Dino for the time being. Dino is really different from the other 26 students in the class, sometimes I don't even think he belongs here. He's just all jumpy and bubbly and carbonated it gets kinda cute after a while. He jumped and slammed his palms on my table just yesterday morning offering to be my table partner for the rest of the semester and hopefully for the rest of the year. I was kinda excited actually - finally someone to distract me from the rest of my disgusting classmates. 

Love Always, 


(Read by Friend,

September 10, 2012  1:32am)




September 10, 2012  11:47pm


Dear friend,

Ok, I take back my words of how Dino didn't belong in HoA(History of Art). HoA was made for him! We had a case study on the Italian Renaissance yesterday and he practically aced that paper. I don't know how he does it so fluently but I got to admit - I was pretty impressed. To top it up, he's actually a pretty humble guy! I like people like him, smart and humble, but enough of studies. What I really want to talk about is relationships. You know how in highschool everyone gets into relationships and breaks and it doesn't seems like a big deal anymore? Well apparently over here where I am, it is a big deal - a huge deal in fact. Everyone here who gets into a relationships are in it for a long time - we're not talking about weeks or months we're talking about years. Years. Yeah you heard me.

While we were waiting for dinner at a pub near Warwick, Lemon started talking about past relationships. I was quite surprised when L confessed that he hadn't been in a relationship before, considering how attractive he looked. And believe me, he is attractive. Lemon was equally shocked too when he found out that L was a relationship-(does this phrase even exist?) but he did seem quite pleasantly surprised. He admitted that he had a relationship in the beginning of senior year with a guy - which didn't quite shock me btu it did to L, who seemed extremely disturbed by the fact that boy-boy relationships even existed. I could tell Lemon was quite offended by the way L was looking at him and I really did try to change the atmosphere but as i've mentioned before, L was a unearthly mix of emotions and he begin asking questions which made me question his social awareness.

You cannot begin to imagine the questions L had asked - some of them i'm afraid I cannot share with you, lest you find my letters slightly too graphic for your taste. But I have a few samples and these are the mildest ones. "Where did you guys make out?" "Does it hurt... You know down there?" 

I must apologise for my friend's words. It did seem to affect Lemon a lot and he remained oddly quiet throughout the night on our way back squeezed in a taxi. It was awkward initially, with me sitting in the middle of them, trying to prevent Lemon from 'acidentally' pulling L's trachea out. The reason why I wasn't as shocked as L, was probably due to the fact that I watch television dramas, which L proudly claims as 'poisonous' and 'toxic' for the mind. And maybe due to the fact that I had a tiny tiny tiny crush on my drama club's senior whom I have never told anyone of except you, today. It puzzled me initially how I felt my chest tightening and breaths coming in short successions whenever I saw him nod his head in my direction when we walked past each other in the hallway or how I felt butterflies in my stomach when he would hug me tightly in this scene I was chosen for. What baffled me even more was the fact that I had a girlfriend - Coffee - whom you've already known really well by now, considering how my past 100 journals from highschool had been about her. 

It was confusing me initially but I decided to shrug it off. Coffee thought I was cheating on her because she felt that I was 'out of the relationship' and that 'my heart' was never with her. I never did tell her that my heart was in fact beating for someone else, of the same gender. But it isn't cheating right? Well, I never did get the answer because she broke up with me right before college. To be honest, I saw it coming because we both knew that I didn't love her as much as she loved me. And when I told L and Lemon about all these stuff (minus the senior in drama club) they tried comforting me but I simply shrugged and said "I got over it."  they simple nod and dinner came. I guess it must have been awkward for them since they assumed that I was feeling all sad and stuff but I tried lightening up the mood with some of my classic jokes(yeah I still use them after all these years) and they seemed quite relieved that I didn't pass out on them and went all Lemon-mode like how he did on our back to the dorm.

Well, it was nice to be able to talk to you again(although it's only a one-sided conversation). I've got to go off now, got a trip down to the museum later on in the morning. Plus, Lemon doesn't really like the light from the computer shining across the room. 

Love Always,



(Read by Friend, 

September 12, 2012  4:35pm)





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azursky #1
Chapter 3: I can feel a love triangle forming *evil grin*! >:D
I love the way you wrote the story in letter form, a nice change from the usual school drama fictions. :)
Please keep updating <3
frigginonkeyeol #2
so, who's friend? is he someone who know sungyeol?
and why he never reply yeol's massages? T^T
I start to like this fic :D
thanks for shared :D
A-Tea-Spoon #3
Woooow just... Wooooooooow! I really love this fic'. Maybe because my roommates are like one L and 2 SungJong x'D. Maybe I can understand my "L"'s roommate a bit more now :) So thank you?
omg fic based on my fav song ;____;
update soon <3