Let me

Run back to you.


“What? Why should I go? There’s no one to take care of you,” I said while trying to keep my cool.



He looked at me like he was disappointed in some way I don’t know why. I cleared my throat and grabbed the handle of his wheel chair and push him towards the lobby.


“Wait, Dara –“


“Let’s just eat mister jiyong, arasso?” I heard myself say. I placed him beside me and that sneaky cousin of mine was in front of me smiling nervously.


Breakfast was silent. “er- I got to go toki!” I heard bom said.


I insisted, “No, seat down!”  Bom gulped hard and sat down.


“Dara…” Jiyong called out.


I looked up at him, ‘Sorry,” he mumbled. I smiled at him and we ended up laughing at the end of the day.


Days have passed and Jiyong has been my constant guest at the club. I don’t know how he’s been there but I never cared as long as he was there with me.  And Bom rarely visits because she’s in college now, but I’m glad JIyong is with me.



I tell everything to JIyong not a single secret was kept and I’ve been meaning to tell him about the nearing competition that I wanted to join.


As I reach my limits, I sat down on the bench beside Jiyong, who was waiting for me as usual.

Panting, “Ji… I need to tell you something.”  I heard myself say.


“What is it?” He asked. I smiled nervously at him as I straightened up, “If I know any better you’re trying to tell me something but you don’t know what my reaction is contrary to your question,” He added.


I gulped a large lump on my throat.  He was looking directly in my eyes as I was trying so hard on avoiding those piercing eyes.


“There’s this competition…” I started.


He gave me a lopsided smile, “ Uh- anything but not running dara,”


I cleared my throat, “It’s tracks ji..” I mumbled.


“No!” He said sounding startled.


“why? Why are you being so protective of me Jiyong?” I fired back.


“I just don’t want you to get hurt Dara… I don’t want that to happen again to you!”


“What are you saying JIyong!? I can manage I just need your support…”


What is he saying? He doesn’t want me to get hurt?


“Dammit Dara! Just listen will you!”


“What? So I couldn’t fulfill my dreams because you’re stuck there in your stupid wheel chair!?” I shouted while walking away.


“Yeah! Go ahead Dara! Walk away again! Walk away from everything like you always do.”


I have enough of this; I turned around and face him once more.


“What am I to you jiyong? I want to join that stupid race because of you! I want to win that race because of you!” I fired back.




“You forgot about me Dara because you got hurt that’s what I’m afraid of maybe this version of me will fade too.”  He silently said but I could hear him clearly.



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Chapter 4: Aigoo, I will mark this story complete guys and I will make another one linked to this maybe a prologue or a season 2 watch out guys, I'm back!!
Chapter 4: Ji's so in love with Dara.. i love it^^~
Chapter 4: I demand for jiyong to walk!! kekeke.. thanks authornim!! :))
Chapter 4: I LOVE dis story (^_^)
ApplerJiDee #5
Chapter 4: this so nice..however, no plans for a sequel, authornim?..hope there is..thanks:)
Can't wait 4 the next chapter!!!
Please update soon (*^^*)

Authornim fighting d=(^o^)=b
Authornim thank you very much 4 the update(*^3(*^o^*)
Please update soon(o^-^o)

Authornim fighting\(^_^)(^_^)/
Oh -hello dear, i've been meaning to update once i've been feeling okay.because i just got well recently , maybe later just watch oiut for this fic:)
Please update soon(o^-^o)