Who's Mr. Stranger?

Run back to you.


The wind pass through my hair as I look up the sky, I fastened my pace as I direct my view towards my tracks. The day was quite peaceful as nothing new got my attention –it was another typical morning.

Summer was forever and I spend most of them in my father’s club. The club has its own oval where I take my morning runs. Everyone knows me there –that’s why I can easily pass.

I’m Sandara Park the only daughter of the CEO of Park industries in other words my family is rich, scratch that “filthy rich,” I hate it, I hate everything about my life. Yes, you can say I’m self absorbed but having what I want isn’t enough, it still isn’t enough.


My heart was screaming as I reach the edge of my energy. I sat on the grass and spread my body apart, my eyes twitch from the beaming sun.

“Miss, your breakfast is ready!” Chaerin popped in front of me, looking down, smiling.

I smiled at her in response, “I’ll be there chae!”

Chaerin walked ahead of me, as soon as I caught up with my breathing,

I got up and jog my way to the lobby where my breakfast was prepared. And as expected I was yet alone.

“Towels, Miss dara!” Bom popped out behind me.  I smiled at her then hugged her tightly.

“stop calling me, Miss…bommie you know you’re my cousin right?”  She laughed and pushed me in to my chair.

“Common let’s eat and we’ll have a long day, toki!” She glanced at me and ate a spoonful of what was prepared for us.

Ah- that’s my dearest Bom, the one and only.

I suddenly remembered I dropped my bag at the bench.

“Wait, I’ll get my bag-“

“but-“ I  heard bom say.


As soon as I jog towards the oval again, I saw something out of the ordinary. I saw someone wanting to stand up from his wheel chair. I run in his direction because I suddenly feel this rush that he was going to fall any moment now.

“Be careful!” I shouted as I was nearing, my face was full of worry.

He grabbed the pole that was surrounding the oval and waited for me to arrive.

He gave me a light chuckle, “Sorry Miss.” He apologized.

“You must be a guest here,” I noted, examining his state –I noticed he was disabled.

“umm- yeah, I guess so.” He cheerfully answered. Hmpp… his in this state yet there’s no one taking care of him even his private nurse? I scanned this stranger again –Blonde hair, hazel eyes, slender figure with muscles in right places –a fine bachelor perhaps?

“So this early, you’re here in the oval… what for?!” I asked a bit puzzled of his situation.

Don’t get me wrong this guy wanted to stand up even with his state.

“I used to love running.” I hear him say.

“so I guess it’s from being in the tracks.” I concluded slowly, attentive of his emotions.

“Yeah, it’s from a competition once –you know, my ankle failed me.” He chuckled, eyes full of amusement. Why is he amused? Should he be frantic in his situation?

“That’s too bad. Well I hope you would be all heal up, neh?” I smiled at him as he brushed his blonde hair up and gave me a lopsided smile.

“you run too?” He asked while giving me that same smile. “Yeah well I don’t do competitions but I do like to run here in the oval, you could say this is my territory.”

He shrugged, “I guess I shouldn’t be here.”

“No! You’re an exception” I mumbled making him smile at me.

“What’s your name again? I didn’t catch it…”

He smiled, “It’s jiyong dara…”

Omo! He knows me? “ How- how do you know m-me?” I said stammering.

“Sandara fits you-“He said while rolling his way to the benches with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

“Where are you?” I followed him he stopped when he reached the benches.

“You should go dara…” he said coldly. 

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Chapter 4: Aigoo, I will mark this story complete guys and I will make another one linked to this maybe a prologue or a season 2 watch out guys, I'm back!!
Chapter 4: Ji's so in love with Dara.. i love it^^~
Chapter 4: I demand for jiyong to walk!! kekeke.. thanks authornim!! :))
Chapter 4: I LOVE dis story (^_^)
ApplerJiDee #5
Chapter 4: this so nice..however, no plans for a sequel, authornim?..hope there is..thanks:)
Can't wait 4 the next chapter!!!
Please update soon (*^^*)

Authornim fighting d=(^o^)=b
Authornim thank you very much 4 the update(*^3(*^o^*)
Please update soon(o^-^o)

Authornim fighting\(^_^)(^_^)/
Oh -hello dear, i've been meaning to update once i've been feeling okay.because i just got well recently , maybe later just watch oiut for this fic:)
Please update soon(o^-^o)