Chapter 4

Pure Love

In school:

L.Joe's POV:

"Hey! You seem moody. What are you thinking of? Or, did you not sleep during the night and do something you shouldn't do? I teased xxxxx as I saw her not in her usual bubbly, hot temper mood again. 

"Damn you!" I was just thinking of what seonsangnim asked us to take." xxxxx said and she look like she doesn't even have the energy and mood to argue with me today.

"Aish, so fast to forget what seonsangnim had asked us to do? You really didn't have the mood to pay attention to what teacher said." I replied.


Your's POV:

Still thinking of last time IU and L.Joe spent together, I don't really have the mood to talk nor paying attention to seonsangnim teaching in lesson. And it seems L.Joe can see through me that I don't really have the mood too. Yet, he is always trying to tease me or bothering me. 


"Hey! You seem moody. What are you thinking of? Or, did you not sleep during the night and do something you shouldn't do? he teased me.

"Damn you!" I was just thinking of what seonsangnim asked us to take." I said, finding an excuse. Actually, you are the reason why I am moody. 


L.Joe's POV:

I was being asked by my seonsangnim to get something in the storeroom together with xxxxx. Sensing that xxxxx doesn't even have the mood today while blaming everything on me, I try not to talk back.

"Is your fault! Keep on making noise beside my ears till I cant remember what to take!" xxxxx said moodly and pushing the blames to me.

"Mwoya? Is my fault again? Fine, fine, I don't want to argue with you. You slowly remember it." I said not wanting to argue with xxxxx again.


Your's POV:

Another pitch of slience between me and L.Joe. We both keep slience due when we get our things we need and were about to leave the storeroom, and then I realised we both were being locked inside! 

"Mwoya?" The room was being locked!" I said kidda shocked.

"Mwoya? I heard L.Joe said. A tone of like he was afraid. 

"I think someone accidentally locked the room. And there were a less amount of students will come down to the storeroom and get something..." I said calmly.

I can sense that L.Joe was starting to panic. But why? Somemore he is a guy.

"Then will some students discover us?" L.Joe asked in panic.

"Maybe when the teachers waited for us till she become impatient and sent someone down to look for us." I said.

I asked again when I saw L.Joe looked a bit scared.

"Wae? Are you scared"? I asked laughing at him.

But I started to panic too when I saw L.Joe unusual behavior of him... His eyes was full of fears and was like about to cry. His hands was both shaking and his body was shaking...



L.Joe's POV:

I started to panic when I heard xxxxx said that the room was locked. My eyes was full of fears recalling what happened to me when I was a child. Both of my hands and body was shaking. I began to lost myself. I started crying and screaming that shocked xxxxx.

"Don't lock me here... Omma... Appa..., don't lock me here..." I cried while shivering.

"Hey, what's wrong L.Joe..." xxxxx asked while panic to saw me in this state.

"Don't lock me here, get me out, don't leave me here..." I keep on repeatting my words while screaming.


Your's POV:

I was panic to saw L.Joe shivering and screaming in fears. What's wrong with him? 


"Don't lock me here... Omma... Appa..., don't lock me here..." He cried while shivering.

"Hey, what's wrong L.Joe..." I asked while panic to saw him in this state.

"Don't lock me here, get me out, don't leave me here..." He keep on repeatting my words while screaming.

I slowly walked towards him and bent down sawing him in shivering state.
"Is me, xxxxx, I said trying to calm L.Joe down. We will get out soon, don't worry, somebody will find us!" I said while all of a sudden I grabbed his hands and trying to smoothe him down. 

I can sense L.Joe slowly to began to regain back himself as his body and hands stop shivering. But still fears was written on his face.

"Gwenchanna?" I asked him worriedly." 

"Don't leave me alone." This sentence was being said out from L.Joe's mouth.

"See I am here with you, I won't go." I assured him while putting my hands on his. L.Joe nod his head while suddenly he lay his head on my shoulder.

"Can I rest on your shoulder for a while? Just for a while please." He asked weakly, still in fears. Sawing him in this kind of state, I let him rest on my shoulder...

"Ne gwenchanna? What happened" I asked him worriedly again.


L.Joe's POV:

I felt a pair of warm hands grabbing mine, and I can heard a voice trying to calm me down. Is xxxxx. I slowly regained back to myself and saw xxxxx beside me ansuring I am okay. 

My body feel weak. I feel enegry drained. I feel scared. 

I suddenly asked xxxxx whether I can rest on her shoulder for a while. I am still in fears after that incident. xxxxx agreed to let me lay on her shoulder... where I felt a bit of comfortable and warming again.

"Ne gwenchanna? What happened?" xxxxx asked me worriedly again.

"Is a incident where I was being locked in my room when I was young. There was a fire breakout in my house and I was locked alone in my room. My family was out when that incident happened. That's why I am afraid of being lock and darkness too." I said still shivering. 

"I am sorry to heard that, I didn't know..." xxxxx was trying to talk when all of a sudden the power went off. The whole room become darkness and I started to panic again. 

"Omma, Appa!... Don't lock me here! Don't leave me!! ARGHHHHHHHH!" All I can do is screaming & crying in fears. The room was filled of darkness. I can't see xxxxx. Where is she? I feel alone being locked in the dark, and suddenly everything turned dark.



Your's POV:

I felt a bit guilty towards L.Joe when I knew about his incident during childhood. It must be a trauma to him being locked in the room for several hours alone. I was about to talk when suddenly the light went off, the whole room become darkness. And I can't see anything except hearing the panic of L.Joe again. 

"Omma, Appa!... Don't lock me here! Don't leave me!! ARGHHHHHHHH!" 

I keep hearing L.Joe screaming and crying in fears. It was too dark in the room. I was searching L.Joe in the dark when I finally saw him shivering again in the dark screaming, suddenly he stopped and fainted on me.

"L.JOE!" I shouted as I saw him fainted. His body was cold. L.Joe, I keep screaming his name, hoping that he wake up. My tears roll down from my cheeks as I panic. I hold his hands tightly. I was hoping someone will find us. I was scared he will die just like that. No, he won't. I keep on holding his hands tightly... 





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Thanks for reading! ^^
naznew #2
Chapter 13: Good story...
Haha xD Thanks for reading it! ^^
Thanks for the comment ^^ I will :)
woww~~~such a sweet story,author-ssi!!!!keep it up!^^
Haha I am glad you like this.
I will try to come up another fanfic if I have the time~
*crying of happiness*
*clapping and wiping her tears away*
I hope you make another fanfic like this!
Aww >< Hehe thanks for supporting this fanfic! ^^
Hehe you are sweet too :9