Chapter 91

Into Your World, Into My World

[A/N: So sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday! We had our 2nd EXO fan-gathering here in my country and I'm actually one of the admins, so yeah I had a lot of work to do]



Chapter 91

As the note went back to Lu Han once again after everyone has read it, his expression suddenly changed to that of tiredness and defeat.

“I don’t know anymore. I can’t think properly”

Everyone could understand how Lu Han was feeling right now. So, no one said otherwise. Just then, Cheonsa finally returned.

“Have they taken their leave?” Kris inquired. Cheonsa just nodded and went back to sit beside her special person.

“So what do we do now?” Cheonsa just blurted out the fatal question.


Cheonsa sensed that no one knew what to do right now. Probably, everyone else is still undecided about what was the next step. So, again, she stood up and clapped her hands together.

“How about we go have some fun, first? You guys deserve a break, even just for a little while. I know you all can’t probably wait to restore EXO planet, but I really believe that you should unwind first before facing another issue. So, lets?”

Surprisingly, everyone seemed to like the idea as she scanned the faces of everyone around her and they were all smiles. Sehun was the first one to stand up.

“So, what do we do today, angel?”


The boys looked at each other searching for answers. They were apparently inside a dark room with random colors of lights; there was a TV (as Cheonsa had taught them how it was called before), a rod-like thing that has a cord that connects to the TV and stacks of book-like things settled on the table.

“Alright, boys! This is one of best forms of recreation here on Earth. You guys listen to music, too, right?”

D.O. was the one who nodded most enthusiastically, while everyone had a knowing smile plastered on their faces.

“Sit down first and I will explain”

As everyone settled down on the couches that surrounded the table, Kris saw Cheonsa pick up the rod-like thing and pushed some sort of a button on it. She was about to bring it near when of course, someone had to blurt something out.

“Omo angel! Is that food you’re holding? Lemme have some, too!”

And of course, it had to be Kai.

“Yah!” Cheonsa slapped the younger male’s hand away, “This is called a microphone! I’ll explain, ok?” As she finally brought the microphone near her lips, almost everyone was startled when her voice was seemingly amplified.

“You use this to increase the volume of your voice and it’s used for singing here on Earth”

Everyone either “oh-ed” and “ah-ed”

“So basically, we are in a place called the ‘noraebang.’ Here, people sing to their favourite music and have fun! I swear it’s a perfect stress-reliever. After all, music is universal, is it not?”

Again, it was D.O. who nodded the most enthusiastically.

“So, what about I go first?” Cheonsa grabbed one of the books that settled on the table, “You open this book here and it has a list of different songs. Beside each song title is a set of numbers. If you choose a song to sing, you get those set of numbers and enter them in the TV…” Cheonsa was explaining using as simple words as possible, “You guys know a remote, right? Well you use the remote to enter the numbers then press this button here and voila! The music starts!”

Just as Cheonsa finished explaining, TaeTiSeo’s ‘Baby Steps’ started playing. “Guys, this is one of my favourite songs! Listen and don’t laugh, ok?” Then she proceeded with singing.

Chen, Xiumin and Tao started swaying their upper bodies to the melody; Sehun and Kai had their arms circled on each other’s shoulders while their gazes completely focused on Cheonsa; Lu Han, Lay and D.O. were just sitting their modestly with fatherly-like smiles on their faces, while Chanyeol and Baekhyun placed their chins on top of their hands. Suho had his hands together in front of his chest, as if he was admiring a fine work of art; Kris however, was in a different place already.

He was lost. He was lost in a world of admiration.

Although no one in the room actually knew the song, they were sure that Cheonsa hit every note correctly and beautifully. They could feel all the emotions she was putting into the song, and they appreciate every bit of effort she exerted. When Cheonsa reached the high notes, their air supplies were seemingly cut-off; when she returned to being solemn, their hearts fluttered; when she sings some particular parts with special emphasis, they automatically knew she was sending them messages.

Every now and then, Cheonsa would look at her new family – the brothers who protected her from every type of pain; the fathers who tended to her wounds; the best friends who listened to her story without judging her and the boyfriends who she would never ever trade for somebody else. Heck she’d choose them over her own family who were never a family to her anyway. A smile crept up on her lips and she missed a note. Good thing the boys didn’t really know the song – after all, it wouldn’t help if they feel that she missed that note because she was preventing herself from crying.

When the song finally ended, claps were heard from all corners of the room. Some of the boys even gave her a standing ovation, which caused Cheonsa to turn red.

“I wanna sing, too!” Just then, Baekhyun started typing random numbers.

“WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS SONG?” The warrior of light blurted out upon hearing the weird lyrics of the song.

“Careless, Careless; Shoot Anonymous, Anonymous” Kris, who was the only one who could understand English (he had to study the language, after all, he applied as Literature Professor) read the lyrics on the screen.

“I can’t understand!!! Oh, there it became the normal language again!” Baekhyun, who was a little bit too excited for his own good, stood up abruptly and his knee hit the table, which caused it to flip over. Cheonsa gaped in shock. However, Baekhyun did not pay much attention and started singing with his invented tones. What made Cheonsa gape more was that his invented melodies actually fit the instrumentals of the song that was playing. Oh, and he even hit a high note.

Just then, D.O., Kai, Sehun, Chanyeol and Suho started singing along to whatever melodies they wanted and stood up to dance random dances. Cheonsa could not believe her eyes – they had so much confidence even though they kind of looked stupid right now. Kai was biting his lower lip seductively and if only, if and only she could wipe that smirk off his face like literally, she would have done it already. Chanyeol was swaying awkwardly while D.O. was lost in his own world setimentically humming. Sehun was doing some poppings while Suho was dramatically acting again.

When the first chorus ended, the six boys sat down to catch air again. This time, the remaining others: Lu Han, Lay, Xiumin, Chen, Tao and even Kris (which made Cheonsa pale and she was seriously asking if the world was ending already) started singing random melodies as well. Lu Han was in the middle of everyone while Lay and Xiumin were having a dance battle. Chen started showing off his singing skills as the resident bard while Tao was doing some combat moves (which scared Cheonsa to hell as she dodged every possible hit that could have reached her). Kris, was as usual, in his face but nevertheless, he was having fun. Soon, the room was just filled with noise and a mixture of melodies each one was singing; seriously all the noise could bring about the destruction of the planet. They had beautiful voices, but right now, they were nothing but noise because everyone was singing their own songs. But instead of being pissed off or rubbing her temples, Cheonsa simply smiled at everyone. It was one of those priceless moments that would forever be etched in her heart.

When the song finally ended, everyone was terribly exhausted, so they sat down for a while. However, Chen, D.O. Lu Han and Baekhyun still wanted to sing, and they even arranged some parts. ‘What is Love’ started playing.

“Having fun, aren’t we?” Cheonsa teased as Kris flopped beside her.


“Seriously? I thought you wouldn’t like stuff like these?”

“Why not? Perhaps if it’s with other people, no. But with everyone, even if we threw mud at each other, I’d probably enjoy it” Kris closed his eyes and a smile appeared on his lips as he just imagined what he just said.

Cheonsa tried to hold herself back from kissing him right there and then, “You’re starting to become really noisy, you know…”

Kris’ eyes shot open with worry. He wasn’t sure how to react to that one.

“…but it’s a nice thing” Cheonsa finished as she turned to squeal at the four others who were singing right now.

Kris nodded with a smile and leaned back with his eyes closed. Sleep, then overtook him.


Tao was carrying Kris on his back on their way home. Kris was a deep sleeper, and he was still recuperating also from using up too much of his powers. Suho, on the other hand, carried Cheonsa, who also fell asleep.

“I feel hurt, you know. She fell asleep when I was singing” Suho pouted. Baekhyun chuckled behind him.

While everyone was still laughing from the crazy things they did at the noraebang, Lay noticed Lu Han was lagging behind. His head was hung low and he was seemingly deep in thoughts. He fell back a few steps so that he could walk alongside his hyung.

“Hyung, still thinking about the note?”

Lu Han looked up to see Lay, then he nodded with a weak, tired smile. 

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torixnguyen #1
Chapter 95: I can’t believe I just found this story! It’s sooo good
Chapter 95: This story is awesome! I like it very much and I'm quite sad that it's done T^T
This story is just mindblowing!
It's perfectly beautiful and you make me touched~♡ No denials if this story gets featured, you deserve to be!
Chapter 95: I just finished it two days!authornim, u know, at the first I thought that I'll be spend a week for reading this but no, in the fact I already finished it.
I'm sad because this story ended in here! I'm so fall in love with this story!
authornim jjang~♡
Chapter 95: Finished reading this for the nth time lol
Chapter 37: hello authornim! I just found ur story and started to read it yesterday. I apologize because I can comment now, I hope u forgive me ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I'm became more curious and fall in love with this story ♥
i want to know what happened to kris, and I missed him so much, but i'll always support him
rudelysweetk21 #7
Chapter 95: When I was lookin at how long the fic was..I thought it will take a week for me to finish..but I finished within a day..haha because each chap wasn't that long plus it was interesting story to read so i read this whole day ;)haha but thank was interesting story..enjoyed reading.but wish there was more lovely moment for cheonsa and kris..because their little moments were just sweet haha :D
tatatovar #8
Chapter 95: Waaaaa i read the whole thing in less than a week. It is one if the best stories of exo i have ever read
Plaease continue writting such good fanfics.