Chapter 10

Into Your World, Into My World


[A/N: Sorry for not updating much! School matters and exams :( Anyway, funny chap ahead! :D]


Chapter 10

Suho knelt down in front of Cheonsa placed his hands on her knees. Cheonsa flushed pink.

“Can we talk? I need to tell you something,” she was taken aback. Was Suho finally going to tell her something?

Kris saw Suho and Cheonsa’s scene as he leaned against the wall again. Kris couldn’t understand the mixed emotions he was feeling right now. But he was seeing improvement, as one of them was slowly opening up themselves to their new family. Cheonsa noticed Kris and sent him a confused look, in turn the leader nodded signalling her to say ‘yes’ to Suho. She turned back to her ‘brother’ and smiled, “Of course, we can” He smiled and offered a hand to pull her up. They went outside the apartment and sat together on a bench near the lamppost.

“So, uhm. I want to say …” Suho began.

“Sorry” they both said at the same time. Suho chuckled and Cheonsa as well.

“You remind me so much of my sister,” he continued. Cheonsa gulped as she saw that the conversation was going to become serious.

“She died a few months before our planet was destroyed” Cheonsa gasped for air, but she remained quiet so as to let Suho continue.

“I can’t tell you everything yet, because the others may not be comfortable about you seeing their vulnerable sides yet, but I just wanted to say sorry because I kind of used you to fill this hole in my heart,” she swore she could see tears in his eyes.

All of a sudden she found her hands cupping Suho’s cheeks.

“I’ve… always wanted a brother,” she said and Suho turned to look at her.

“I’ve always believed that brothers were amazing people. I’ve always wanted to know how it felt to have one – a protector, a friend…” she chuckled.

Suho’s face softened and held her gaze. “You can treat me like a real sister. I won’t complain anymore. Although I’m sorry because I can’t be…”

“Minkyung. That’s her name,” he smiled. “And I.. I can be like the real brother you never had,” he offered.

They both smiled at each other.


Suho looked at her in confusion.

“Please, really, don’t shower me with your face early in the morning. I really can get heart attacks. Do you want me to die in shock?” she joked.

“I can’t promise that” he laughed whole-heartedly as Cheonsa rolled her eyes.


Everyone was now eating dinner and Baekhyun raised his eyebrow at Suho and Cheonsa who seemed to have become sweeter than ever. The young woman now allowed Suho’s skinship attempts such as cuddling and hugging and the others almost puked at his grandpa aegyo.

“What the hell is this?!” Baekhyun couldn’t take it any longer. Everyone laughed.

“What? Are you jealous?” Suho stood up and placed his hands on his hips. “I will not allow anyone here to hit on my baby,” he exclaimed as if he owned Cheonsa. The young woman who was the subject just rolled her eyes and turned to her right as she felt a penetrating gaze on her. Apparently, Kris was the one sitting beside her.

“Looks like he’s finally loosening up” he said.

“I feel so pressured now” Kris could only widen his eyes on what Cheonsa said.

“I don’t want to rush you guys, I respect your decisions. But am I right that there’s something else more than what I had imagined about your situation?” as soon as she said that, she regretted it and shunned the thoughts away. “Never mind me” she finished.

Cheonsa stood up and clapped her hands. “Alright my lovely protective brother and my potential suitor, enough of that! Why don’t we play something?” she exclaimed as Baekhyun blushed like there was no tomorrow. Cheonsa felt guilty and placed a hand on his shoulder, “It was a joke; sorry for making you feel uncomfortable” she sincerely said. Baekhyun’s expression changed and became dim.

Cheonsa went upstairs to her room to get something they could play with. After a few minutes, she went down carrying a huge box and Lay helped her.

As curiosity got the best of them, the twelve aliens peeked over Cheonsa’s shoulder as she pulled out a board game. Tao was the first one to ask what the game was.

“Listen guys, this game is called ‘Snakes and Ladders’,” they nodded their heads at her while they settled themselves on the floor, forming a big circle around the board game. Cheonsa resumed, “You see these colourful tokens? This will represent you in the game. We take turns in rolling this dice over here, and depending on what you’ll get you’ll move several steps or several blocks,” she said while pointing at the green and white squares on the board game. “The challenge is, some blocks have snake heads, meaning when you land on that block, you’ll get eaten and you’ll end up on the block where it’s tail is located. It’s the same with ladders, but unlike snake heads, they can also bring you up to another block” Tao and Sehun were staring at her with such cute eyes that she couldn’t help but stop and ruffle their hair. Tao, as usual flushed pink while Sehun smiled like a child. She continued, “The first one who reaches this block over here,” she pointed at the ‘finish’ block, “Wins the game!” she exclaimed with a happy tone that the males pumped up with energy.

“A game isn’t a game without rewards,” Kai pointed out. Sometimes, Cheonsa wanted to hit him in the head for being so witty and quirky. He didn’t think like his age.

Suho tapped his chin, “How about a kiss from angel?” he suggested, confident enough that he would win.

Cheonsa’s eyes widened in horror, “Why would you want a kiss from me? I thought you wanted a sister, not a girlfriend?”

“Can’t a brother kiss his sister?” Surely he had a point.

“But what if you lose?” Cheonsa was looking for a way for Suho to retract his suggestion

“I won’t, baby” he cheekily replied. Cheonsa sighed and turned to the others for help, “Guys, you’d surely want food rather than a kiss, right?” But she gasped as she saw everyone, well almost as Kris didn’t join them, smirking at her.

“Aww come on angel, it wouldn’t hurt to give a kiss?” Xiumin pointed out.

“I got myself into some . JUST GO BACK TO ARGUING BAEKHYUN AND SUHO!” she exclaimed, regretting she started all of these. Anyway, she was confident in board games, so she won’t lose, at least she hopes not to. After all, she was up against 12. Even if she won’t win, she surely hoped the sane ones do – like Lay, Chen, D.O., Tao, Lu Han or Kris.

She could only hope.

Half an hour in the game and no one was winning yet. Cheonsa’s ears were already hurting from all the shouting and cursing.

“Damn it, can I just fry this snake??” Chanyeol exclaimed as he got eaten by a snake for the nth time. He wasn’t a very lucky guy.

“You’re not lucky with girls, that’s why,” Kai smirked at him as he went up another ladder.

“WHY YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BRAT!” Chanyeol grabbed Kai’s collar and shook him rather violently.

“Calm down you guys, anyway, my turn!” Lay said happily. He rolled the dice and got one. His face fell and Cheonsa patted his back. The guy was too adorable.

Kai and Chanyeol were still bickering, while Suho was deep in thoughts like he was in war developing a strategy. She sighed, “This is going to be a long night”

Little did she know, that someone was about to win, not only the game. 


[A/N: Hohoho I'm such a tease, I cut it right before the real fun starts XD] 

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torixnguyen #1
Chapter 95: I can’t believe I just found this story! It’s sooo good
Chapter 95: This story is awesome! I like it very much and I'm quite sad that it's done T^T
This story is just mindblowing!
It's perfectly beautiful and you make me touched~♡ No denials if this story gets featured, you deserve to be!
Chapter 95: I just finished it two days!authornim, u know, at the first I thought that I'll be spend a week for reading this but no, in the fact I already finished it.
I'm sad because this story ended in here! I'm so fall in love with this story!
authornim jjang~♡
Chapter 95: Finished reading this for the nth time lol
Chapter 37: hello authornim! I just found ur story and started to read it yesterday. I apologize because I can comment now, I hope u forgive me ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I'm became more curious and fall in love with this story ♥
i want to know what happened to kris, and I missed him so much, but i'll always support him
rudelysweetk21 #7
Chapter 95: When I was lookin at how long the fic was..I thought it will take a week for me to finish..but I finished within a day..haha because each chap wasn't that long plus it was interesting story to read so i read this whole day ;)haha but thank was interesting story..enjoyed reading.but wish there was more lovely moment for cheonsa and kris..because their little moments were just sweet haha :D
tatatovar #8
Chapter 95: Waaaaa i read the whole thing in less than a week. It is one if the best stories of exo i have ever read
Plaease continue writting such good fanfics.