Fluffy Clouds and Grass stains

Sehun The Coffee Prince

Chapter 3

Sehun blinked angrily at the blaring rays of the sun. The fluffy white clouds covering some almost ceased to exist and Luhan still lay unconscious with mouth agape near his feet.
sweat tore at the tender skin on the back of his neck on which the stinging rays attacked. He carried Luhans arms while sliding him across the crisp blades of grass. Each blade crushing under the elders drowsy body. He had dropped him after several agonizing minutes of Luhan Labor and decided he'd leave him there. As long as His 'friend' Tao would be there to assist him. 
An hour passed and Sehun sat beside the yet seemingly 'dead' Luhan before him. The shade of the tree inched further as a relief, but Sehun was still concerned that Tao would once again leave him hanging. It was nearing dark and Sehun was not ready to baby sit a 22 year old man whom did not seem to find an access to consciousness. He was very curious as to what the mans reaction would be to all of this as well. 
"yah! I brought a horse and carriage." 
Sehun heard a familiar voice from afar and could indeed tell it was Taos. That boys voice was silent yet utterly annoying. It rang waves of hatred through Sehuns ears, but satisfaction. In fact, Sehun was often debating if he was only using Tao, but he denied the mere thought since 'use' was a disrespectful word to indicate toward His only friend. Also considering the pride in Sehun it was definitely a surprise for him to process such thoughts in his mind.
"a carriage. A carriage? Hyung didn't I ask you to be here before noon?" Sehun asked, a strong and defined line of anger across his forehead. 
Tao twitched. He did this often when afraid of his best friends sudden anger attacks. 
"I had some issuses.." he muttered while walking over to Luhan. He looked at Sehun as he easily propped the elder onto his shoulder and carried him to the carriage. Sehun was very astonished at the boys strength. Once he'd even lifted two calves over his shoulders. He knew well he couldn't even reach the bottom of Tsos strength, but silently day by day he tried and tried and tried.
Sehun turned his attention to Luhan who wobbled as if a lack of limbs occupied his frail body. The man was already small as it was and Watching him in that shape meant a broken figure to Sehun. It didn't matter the size and what Luhan was lacking because Sehun had taken an open opportunity to use him. Use him for his own well being. A slave of sorts, but only for a little while until he's gotten what he has needed. 
The carriage ride back was one of a pheasant level in Sehuns eyes. As soon as they'd reached the cliff they were to cross, it was almost impossible for Sehun to contain his sudden feelings. 
"couldn't you take the longer route?!" he exclaimed, punching Tao mercilessly on his abnormally strong shoulders. 
Tao blinked silently as he sped up on the cliff. He needed to get off of it as quick as possible before something really happened. 
As he sped up Sehun panicked, hoping into the back of the carriage. The dirtied white curtain catching his arm in a long relatively deep cut. Sehun scowled, pulling his shirt off to spot his vision to the bleeding mess covering now his entire arm. 
Sehun was burning. the cover of the carriage had dropped a bucketful of it's glorious germ infested dust. Particles of sand and dead bugs sprinkling over the spewing blood. Sehun couldn't take it anymore. He was on the verge of tears, afraid to touch the blood. Afraid considering his guards were not there to watch over him. This wasn't something he could fight off or escape. This was something seemingly to him, permanent with his life. 
As he continued his uncontrolled shrieks, a rough, but oddly comforting hand squeezed his shoulder. He sighed, once again remembering comfort. Comfort was a feeling he was very unfamiliar to. It has been an eternity since he's last felt the embrace of a hand such as the one on his shoulder. 
Sehun looked up, and another hand wiped away the single tear that lay glistening on his cheek. Sehun should've known. It was obvious. Luhan was the only one in the carriage and it seemed he was awake now. 
Sehuns eyes once again parked themselves into Luhans Coco brown orbs. They seemed happy not frustrated or angered, just simply happy. Sehun couldn't understand, what this boy was up to. He was offstruck by the mans attitude. He was expecting throwing of fists and of voices. Maybe even sequences of threat could take place. 
"you okay Sehun-" he spoke calm, but stopped himself as he tore off a piece of his own shirt and tied it around Sehuns wounded arm. "Why did you bring me here?" he asked, a soft expression on his face. Equally as soft as the peachy tint in his skin. Sehun was obviously intertwined in the mans ravishing beauty thus did not reach an answer to Luhans simple question. He simply could not tell him. 
Luhan pounded a soft fist on Sehuns shoulder. His eyes glistening out of the blue as he traced a small finger down Sehuns neck and twisted it on the Collar of the Youngers shirt. Slowly, Luhan pulled Sehun closer Attaching his body to his broad chest and shoulders. He sighed intimately before blowing a puff of air onto Sehuns lips. 
Sehun closed his eyes and a soft hum vibrated through his throat. He was straight, no doubt Sehun was straight, but it seemed this man was turning him on. Sehun couldn't help it. The feelings brushing pleasure through his body and mind were obviously taking over. 
As Luhan inched closer only to plant his thin wet lips on Sehun's he stopped to whisper. 
"Sehun-ah! We're here!" 
Sehun was confused. Utterly confused as he mind refused to process properly. He blinked as a fizzled blur cowered over his eye sight. A sudden thump on his forehead took the blur away, but Sehun noticed he wasn't in carriage about to Kiss Luhan. 
In fact he was laying in a patch of dewy grass next to a horse which was eager to chew the hair off of his head. Sehun struggled as he pulled himself up from the dirty ground. 
"you fell asleep, I think you were dreaming about your princess. Those kissy faces were pretty evident." Tao muttered, holding a still unconscious Luhan bridal style and standing before a nervous Sehun. 
"shut up! I can't dream about my princess.. remember, she's gonna be a goddess." he scowled as he scanned Luhans face. Even his closed eyes glistened. What was it about this man that always caught Sehuns attention; there was definitely another point. Sehun shook his head in pure disbelief and rushed into the castle; his home. 

Inspiration Quote: 

"If you cannot explain it to a 6 year old; you don't know it well yourself." -anon

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Chapter 5: dun tell me that sehun's gonna use lulu for something then throw him away~ T^T
yuu8713 #2
Chapter 3: kekeke..Sehun fell asleep & had a dream about Luhan while waiting for Tao XD so cute~
yuu8713 #3
Aaaah!! I got it!! (gosh I'm so slow *bangs head*) after reading the 2nd chapter I finally understood about the different world where Luhan is & where Sehun came from.. :D
ooh,naughty Sehun, I luv it!! *smirk*
Luminchi #4
Well, surprisingly, I enjoyed this ^^
yuu8713 #6
this sounds interesting..a bit confusing at first,especially about the different worlds..but I think the plot is interesting :D though I hope you'd explain it in later chapters though.. will be waiting for the upcoming updates..^_^