"Farewell Oppa"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Your POV)

Oppa left me... and called Nana to came stay with me? Oppa.. you didn't have to tell anyone to stay with me, I can stay alone. I can take care of myself. I don't want to bother Nana.

"Unnie, I'm happy that your awake now. I'm also happy that my neice or nephew is okay." Nana smiled.

"Thank you Nana." I told her.

"Ah, Unnie, do you know how much you scared and worried everyone? Especially Oppa. Oppa even cried! I've never seen Oppa cry before. He was very worried he begged the doctors to save both you and your baby. He never left your side. Oppa didn't get much sleep." Nana laughed.

"You know what Unnie.. your lucky to have Oppa. Even when Unnie didn't wake up, Oppa would go out to buy you food just incase Unnie wakes up. Oppa was scared that Unnie would be hungry. Oppa even brushed your hair, to keep it neat. Oppa wiped your body with a wet clothe to keep you clean. Oppa really cares about you Unnie. Oppa really loves you." Nana said lovingly. Did Oppa really do all that for me? I thought about it and felt butterflies in my stomach. I was happy and it brought a smile across my face.

"Really?" I asked Nana. Nana nodded yes.

"Nana... do you know that I really love your Oppa too. Oppa's a very good person. Oppa deserves that best. Oppa and his parents have given me so much.." I told her.

"Unnie, what do you mean?" I asked her.

"Nothing really Nana. Unnie's just happy that Unnie met you and Oppa and everyone." I told her.

"Unnie, are you okay?" Nana asked me.

"Yes, I'm okay." I told her.

"Nana, you can go home and rest. Unnie is fine. Unnie wants to be alone right now.." I begged her.

"But Unnie, I can't leave Unnie alone. Oppa will kill me!" Nana whined.

"Plus I'm worried about Unnie." She told me.

"No Oppa wont get mad at you. Thank you, Unnie's okay." I told her. Nana had a hard time leaving me, but she finally agreed and left. I was finally alone now. I couldn't help but wonder where Oppa is.. or where Oppa went. Soon the door started to open again. I thought it was Nana. She might of forgotten something.

"Nana, did you forget something?" I asked her with a smile. But as I turned around to see her, I found out that it wasn't her. It was Ahlis. Ahlis was wearing a tight black dress. She was holding a basket of fruits.

"Ahlis.." I said.

"What do you want now?" I asked her. I was afraid of her.

"Hunni.. I came to say sorry. I didn't know that you were pregnant." She said.

(Ahlis's POV)

"That girl! Hunni! She's pregnant! Agh! I can't believe it! How can they? He's mine... that baby should be mine. Not hers!!! She took everything away from me!" I yelled out loud when I got to my hotel room. I won't lose to her! She's a nobody. She has nothing to lose. I'll still get Oppa back. He doesn't love her anyways! I came up with a new plan. I went to the market and bought fruits. I am going to go visit that brat. I went to the counter where the nurses were working to ask for her room.

"Hi, can you tell me where a paitent by the name of Kim Hunni is?" I asked her nicely.

"Who are you to the patient?" She asked me.

"I'm her sister." I lied to the nurse.

"Okay, her room is 118." She told me and I thanked her. I walked into the room and right away, I heard her voice.

"Nana, did you forget something?" She asked. When she saw me, her smile dropped. She's alone. This is going to be a piece of cake!

"Ahlis. What do you want now?" She asked me.

"Hunni, I came to say sorry. I didn't know that you were pregnant." I told her with a fake sad face.

"Is the baby okay?" I asked her and stepped closer to her. She backed away and held onto her stomach.

"My baby is fine." She said coldly.

"I brought you fruits. It's healty for you and the baby." I told her. She didnt even look at me. God! She was pissing me off.

"Hunni.. Oppa and I talked about it." I started.

"About what?" She asked.

"Well, Oppa said that after you give birth, Oppa will take the baby. I will be the baby's mom and he will be the dad. He'll give you 80 grand if you give up the baby to us and leave us alone. After you give birth to the baby, you will no longer have anything to do with us." I told her. Hunni looked at me and she began to cry.

"No.. this is my baby. I wouldnt trade anything for my baby. I'm not going to give up my baby to anyone!" She yelled at me.

"Hunni please, please do this for me and Yukwon Oppa.. He'll be really happy. If we have that baby, we would be one perfect family. Me Oppa and the baby. I promise that I'll take good care of the baby. I promise that I'll love that baby like my own. Please. Hunni, do this for us.. You already know that Oppa doesn't love you. You know that Oppa loves me. Just give up already Hunni! You lose. Oppa just doesn't love you. You even got pregnant, if thats your way of trying to make him stay with you, well Hunni. I'm sorry to say this but, it isn't going to work! Seriously, just give up. Give us the kid, then get lost!" I yelled in her face.

"Just leave me alone! Get out! You or Yukwon Oppa will never take my baby away from me!" Hunni cried. Seeing her cry makes me so happy. I wish I would get this on tape! I laughed as she cried.

"Go ahead and cry your heart out! Oppa isn't going to care! Your just one of his little toys that he can play with when ever he's bored. Unlike me.. I'm the love of his life!" I laughed and walked out of her hospital room. God, I'm good. I was happy with myself. But I'm dissapointed that she didn't lose that baby!

(Your POV)

"Oppa you really want me out of your life dont you?" I said silently.

"Fine.. I'll leave you with Ahlis. I can't take it anymore. It hurts." I cried.

"You can live with Ahlis, you can have Ahlis and Ahlis can have you. But you won't take my baby away from me. No matter what." I told myself. I took out my phone and called Umma.

"Hello Hunni? How are you doing?" Umma asked happily over the other end.

"Umma, Umma. I miss you. Can I go see you? I miss being home. I miss Yunah. I miss Appa." I said over the phone trying not to make it sound like I was crying.

"Oh, what about Yukwon? Is he coming too? What happened?" Umma asked me.

"Nothing happened Umma. I just really miss you guys. I've been away for too long. Please Umma, can you get me home?

"Okay. Umma will. Umma promise. When do you want to be home?" Umma asked me.

"Is it possible that I can be home tomorrow?" I asked Umma.

"Neh, Umma will try." Umma said.

"Thank you Umma. Thank you so much!" I thanked Umma.

"Anything for you dear. Umma loves you. Get some rest. Umma will send you a message of the plan tomorrow." Umma said and I thanked her.

"Take care dear. See you soon." Umma said and I almost let out my cries. I covered my mouth.

"Neh, thank you Umma. I love you too." I said and we hung up. I ened the phone call. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. The tears fell uncontrolably. I waited for Umma's message. After 20 mintues, my phone vibrated. It was the message from Umma.

The message read: "Sweetie, you'll have to get up bright and early. Your boat will be waiting for you at 5:00 am. Yong will be bringing you back. Get some rest. We all love you." Love Umma.

I put my phone down after reading the message. I hope Yong doesnt tell anyone. Oppa, I'm sorry to leave you like this. I'm sorry that I can't even say goodbye. But I can't face you anymore. It hurts too much. Knowing that you dont love me and only want my baby, kills me deeply. I won't stay beside you anymore and get in your way. I hope you live a happy life without me Oppa. I thought to myself. I'm doing everyone a big favor and getting out of Oppa's life. Just like what Oppa and Ahlis wanted. After tomrrow, I will no longer see Oppa. I know Oppa doesn't want to see me anyways. Oppa's going to be very happy. I thought and cried.

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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)