"It's Our Baby"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Yukwon's POV)

Its been 2 days and Hunni still hasen't waken up yet. Each day, I quickly went out to buy Hunni food incase she wakes up so she wouldn't be hungry. But I never left Hunni alone, I always waited for Nana to come stay with her for a while. For these past few days, I've been staying right by my wife's and baby's side. I would wipe her arms, forehead, legs with a wet clothe to keep her feeling refreshed and clean.

"Oppa, you should go home and catch up on your sleep. You need it. I can stay over night and take care of Unnie." Nana offered. I shook my head.

"No, it's okay Nana. Thank you, but I want to stay with her." I told her. Nana nodded.

"Hm.. okay then. I understand. If Oppa or Unnie needs anything, just tell us okay? I have my phone on 24/7." Nana told me as she patted my shoulder.

"Okay, thank you Nana." I told her. She nodded.

"Oppa, you must take care of yourself too." Nana said.

"I have to take care of my wife and baby first. If anything happens to them, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." I told Nana and held onto Hunni's hand. Nana just nodded and walked out the door. I looked over at Hunni and began to talk to her.

"Hunni.. when are you going to wake up? I miss you.. I miss your voice.. When you wake up, you can yell at me or even beat me to death, I wouldn't care as long as you and our baby is okay. Please, I'm begging you. Wake up.." I begged her and put my head down. After a few seconds of resting my head down beside her, I felt her hands move. I looked up with a smile on my face. Hunni was begining to wake up! My heart was jumping loudly and fast.

(Your POV)

I heard someone talking to me, the voice sounded so familular.

"Hunni.. when are you going to wake up? I miss you.. I miss your voice.." I heard the voice said. That voice, it was the calmest voice I've ever heard from him.. it was Oppa. Oppa sounded sad. His voice woke me up from my deep sleep. I moved my fingers, but someone was holding onto my hands. I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around the room and the first person I saw as Oppa. Oppa was smiling.

"Hunni! You're awake!" Oppa said with a bright smile.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Do you still feel pain?" Oppa asked me as he looked at me with worried eyes.

"O..Oppa.. baby? Wheres my baby? Hows my baby?" I asked him as I placed my hand over my stomach. I felt tears burning my eyes, if anything happens to my baby, I don't know what I would do. The little piece of me that I had left, gone.. Oppa grabbed my hands tightly yet gently.

"Hunni "our" baby is fine. "Our baby is still with us." Oppa said with a smile. I felt relief that my baby was still with us. But I pulled my hands away from Oppa.

"It's not our baby.. its just mine. "My baby." I told Oppa. Oppa frowned.

"No.. Hunni, that baby that your carrying is mine and yours. He or she is our baby." He told me.

"Oppa.. you probably don't want this baby anyways. You never meant for it to be born. Plus, you had no intention of loving me so you probably won't for my baby either." I told him and turned away.

"How would you know that? You wouldn't know if I loved you or not." Oppa said. I looked over to him.

"Oppa, how can you say that you will even love me when you already have someone else in your heart?" I asked him.

"Who?! Who do I have in my heart?" Oppa asked me.

"You have Ahlis. You've always had her. You should continue your life the way it was before you met me. Before I came into your life. You guys love eachother so much.. I ruined your love life Oppa... Go back to her, she still loves you." I told Oppa while trying to hold back my tears. Oppa didn't say a word. Oppa just looked down and slowly turned his back on me. Oppa walked out the door and the door slowly closed behind him.

"Oppa, you're doing the right thing.. go to the person you love. Don't let me and the baby hold you back." I said to myself as the tears ran down my face silently.

(Yukwon's POV)

"Hunni.. how could you even chase me away? Why are you pushing me away? I don't have Ahlis.. I had her. She's not mine anymore. You are... You and our baby are both mine. You didn't ruin my love life... Ahlis did. I'll never go back to her." I said silently to myself. As I was walking out of Hunni's room, I recieved a phone call. It was from Uncle Teuk.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, Yukwon-ah, we found people who saw what happened to Hunni and who she was with. Come over to the field. Everyones waiting for you." Uncle Teuk said.

"Okay, I'm on my way." I said and hung up the phone. I couldn't leave Hunni alone... I took out my phone and called Nana.

"Hello?" Nana said over the phone.

"Nana, it's Oppa. Come over to stay with your Unnie. Oppa's going out for a bit." I told Nana.

"Neh, Oppa, I'm coming now." Nana said and hung up. I stood outside of Hunni's room and waited for Nana to come. As soon as Nana came, I left to the field.

There was two gardeners, Yong, and Uncle Teuk waiting for me at the field.

"Ah, your here." Uncle Teuk said.

"Sit down." he said. We all took a seat.

"You're the people who saw the event happening?" I asked the gardeners.

"Yes sir, my wife and I was taking our daughter to the park and when we got there, we saw that Mrs. Kim was being pushed to the ground by a lady." The husband said.

"Yes, that lady doesn't look like she's from here. She dressed differently. She wore a short red skirt and a back bat-winged shirt. She had medium length hair.

"Yukwon.. the only people that are not really from here are you, Hunni, and that girl that was with you at the market the other day." Yong said. He was right. It had to be her!

"Ahlis..." I said out loud and I stood up. I knew that Ahlis isn't going to stop here.. now that she knows that Hunni is pregnant, she'll come up with something even worse than this. My wife's life and our baby's life are at risk.. I got up and ran back to my car.

"Yukwon! Where are you going?" Yong called after me.

"I'm going to bring my wife home!" I yelled back.

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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)