"Baby... Appa's Sorry"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Yukwon's POV)

Today, I woke up bright and early to go help out at my garden/field. I knew that Hunni probably didn't want to see my face, so I'll try to avoid her today. Everyone at the field were kind and welcomed me. They even said that I was lucky to have such a wonderful wife. A lady came up to me and told me about how Hunni saved her daughter, Sayna the other day. That made me smile, Hunni is nice.

"Mrs. Kim would make the best mom in this world!" The lady told me. I just smiled. I bet she would also be a good mom as well, I thought to myself. As soon the lady walked off of of the gardener's ran up to me.

"Mr. Kim!! Mrs. Kim is in trouble!!!" He yelled out to me while trying to catch his breath.

"Hunni.." I said and followed the gardener to where my wife was.

"People saw that your wife has fallen. There was also someone there with her, but that person ran off." The gardener explained as we were running. Please don't let anything happen to Hunni. Please let her be okay.. I prayed silently to myself. As we were running to where she was, Nana, Uncle Teuk, Yong, and Aunt Sira were also running to the same location.

"Oppa! Unnie...!" Nana said.

"I know.." I told her.

"Let's hurry up and go find her!" Uncle Teuk said.

"It's not good for her to be out like that alone." Aunt Sira said as we were running. When we finally got to Hunni, I saw her on the ground, no one was around. Hunni was holding onto her stomach and she was pale. My heart stopped and I rushed over to her side. I threw her arms around my neck and carried her in my arms.

"Hunni!!" I screamed her name.

"O..Oppa..~ Help" She said softly.

"Who did this to you!" Uncle Teuk asked.

"Unnie! Hang in there!" Nana told Hunni.

"Hunni.. please stay awake!!" I told her. I looked down and I saw blood coming out from beneath her. What is this? Why is there blood? Why is she bleeding? I asked myself. My eyes burned seeing Hunni like this.

"O-Oppa, baby... our baby.." She said softly.

"Our baby?" I thought then my eyes widened. Hunni.. she's carrying my baby.. our baby.. I was happy and I was scared at the same time. I was happy that I was going to be a dad but I'm scared that I'm going to lose my wife.. and our baby.. I can't let that happen. I don't want to lose any of them. They mean the world to me. I don't think I can live without them... The tears that I tried to hold back began to fall. Everyone was crying. Yong was hugging Nana and trying to comfort her while Uncle Teuk was holding onto his wife.

"Jagiya! Stay awake, please... don't close your eyes." I begged her. I hugged her tightly and my tears were now running like water. I picked Hunni up and walked as fast as I could to the car. Everyone ran after us. Yong drove the car and I sat in the back seat with Hunni. I was holding onto her hands tightly and I wasn't planning on letting them go. Uncle Teuk, Aunt Sira and Nana drove in their car.

"Hunni.. please don't leave me."

"Wake up Hunni.."

"Hang in there.."

"You can't do this to me.. not now. I love you... can you hear me?" I told Hunni hoping that she could hear me. I kissed her forehead. When we finally arrived to the hospital I carried my wife inside and nurses and doctors came rushing to her side.

"Doctor, please save my wife and our baby! Please. I'm willing to do anything. Please treat them well." I begged the doctor.

"Mr. Kim, we'll do the best we can." The doctor said. Soon they wheeled my wife and our baby in the hospital bed into the ICU room.

"Family members and friends please wait outside in the waiting room." The nurse said as she closed the door infront of us. I watched as they nurses and doctor took my wife in the dark room. I ran to the door, hoping I can still see my wife, but I wouldn't.. the curtains were covering the way. I stood alone the wall for balance, but my knees felt so week. I slid on the floor and began to cry. Nana and everyone came rushing to my side.

"Yukwon-ah.. everything will be okay. Hunni is a good person, the heavens will protect her and your baby." Uncle Teuk told me as he patted my shoulder.

"Neh.. Auntie believes so too." Aunt Sira said through her cries.

"Oppa, please be strong, you have to be strong for both your baby and Unnie.." Nana told me. All this time, I didn't know that my wife was pregnant.. I treated her so badly... I yelled at her, I made her cry.. I didn't keep my words.. She must of suffered so much.. Who would do such a thing to her?! I thought to myself. I blame myself for everything.. I wasn't careful with her and I was too harsh..

(Your POV)

I was wearing a white dress and I was inside a big mansion. I heard the sound of a baby's cry, I knew that it was my baby. I tried to find where the baby was crying from. I looked everywhere in the mansion, but the rooms were endless.. There was too many rooms. I began to feel tired.

"Baby, where are you?" I asked out loud. I heard my baby cry again.

"Baby, please don't scare Umma like this.. come back to Umma." I cried. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I wanted to drop on the ground, but I know I couldn't. I can't stop now. I can't give up.. I have to get my baby back.

"Baby.. please... don't leave Umma.. Umma promises that Umma will be careful. Umma loves you sweetie.. Please don't leave. Stay with Umma. Umma promise that Umma will protect you with Umma's life." I said. My baby kept crying and I got closer to the cries. I came upon a white door, I opened it and it was a nursery. I saw my Umma and Appa inside there too. Umma was carrying my little baby.

"Umma.. Appa.." I cried as I ran to them.

"Hunni.. this is your baby." Umma said. Umma and Appa was protecting my baby. They kept the baby safe.

"Umma.. Appa.. I really miss you.." I cried.

"We miss you too dear. Now please take good care of our grandchild and yourself. We really love you both." Umma said as she handed me my baby back. I held onto my baby tightly yet very gently. I was so happy to have my baby in my arms. He was so cute.. As soon as he was in my arms, he was fast asleep. I was cryin tears of happiness.

"Take care Hunni, Umma and Appa will always be watching over you." Appa told me as they began to dissapear.

"Umma! Appa wait!" I said, but I was too late. They were gone. Soon, I began to hear sounds of many machines beeping. I could also hear all the people talking in one room. I could hear everything, but I can't see anything, I can't open my eyes. It was a dream...

(Yukwon's POV)

"What is taking the doctors so long?!" Nana asked getting impatient.

"Dear it takes time.." Aunt Sira told her. Soon the doctor came out of the ICU room. I ran up to the doctor as soon as he came out.

"Doctor, how's my wife and our baby?" I asked him. He removed his mask and scrubs.

"You are very lucky Mr. Kim. Mrs. Kim and your baby are both safe and out of danger now. But we really have no saying of when she will wake up, but I give her a week to wake up. If you brought your wife in a little bit later than you did, your baby wouldn't have made it.. there must be something watching over your wife and your baby." The doctor said with a smile and left. I felt as if a thousand pounds has just lifted off of me. I was happy that my wife and baby are both okay.. but hearing that it will take a wekk for her to wake up, worrys me. I thanked the doctor and went to see my wife. I heard the others saying thanks to the doctor too and they followed me inside her room. I saw my wife connected to machines that were keeping track of her beating heart and our baby's beating heart. Hunni's heart was beating at a slow rate, but our baby's heart was beating a little bit faster than hers. I smiled tears a happiness and took my wife's hand in mine.

"Hunni, you and our baby are safe now.." I told Hunni as if she could hear me.

"I'm happy to know that both Hunni and my baby neice or nephew are both good now." Uncle Teuk said.

"Now my heart isn't going to break.." Aunt Sira said as she smiled while wiping her tears.

"Oppa.. you better take good care of Unnie." Nana warned me. I nodded.

"Yes I promise I will.." I told Nana. She nodded.

"Good. If anything happens to my Unnie and my niece or nephew... you'll hear it from me!" Nana said.

"Yah! Stop acting tough... I think Yukwon's had enough today.. Let's let his wife and baby and him rest. They will need it." Yong said and everybody agreed. Nana punched Yong for making a smart comment.

"Umma can I stay over night with Unnie? I'm worried about them.." Nana asked her mom.

"Yukwon's here.. he can take good care of his wife.."Aunt Sira said..

"Let's not ruin their lovely family moment.." Aunt Sira whispered to Nana." Oh... Nana said and caught onto the picture.

"Okay, Yukwon. We'll be leaving now. If you need anything, just give us a call." Uncle Teuk said.

"I do have one favor to ask you..." I told Uncle Teuk and they all looked at me.

"What is is?" He asked.

"Can you help me find out who was the person that Hunni was with when this happened to her? I know that this isn't an accident." I told them as my hands formed into a fist.

"Okay. I was just going to go do that. You didn't even need to tell me. Who ever messes with my family, won't get away from it!" Uncle Teuk said. I thanked everyone and they all left. Now I was finally alone with my wife and our baby. I watched as Hunni's chest heaved slowly up and down. I placed my hand on her stomach.

"Baby.. it's Appa. Can you hear Appa? Appa is such a bad person. I caused you and Umma to get hurt. Baby.. please forgive Appa. Appa promise to be a better person for you and Umma. Appa is sorry that Appa got you and Umma hurt.. Appa didn't know.. I'm sorry Baby.. Thank you for staying with Umma and Appa. Umma and Appa loves you a lot, you know?" I said to our baby. I kissed her stomach and I held onto her hands.

"Hunni.. I'm sorry I didn't know anything.. I promise you... that I'll take good care of you and our baby. I love you Hunni.. please don't ever do this to me ever again.. I swear, I can't live without you. If anything happens to you or our baby, I can't live. Please forgive you bad Oppa..." I told her as my tears began to fall again. I really do love Hunni.. why was I trying to lie to myself? Why was I telling myself not to love me? I questioned myself and became angry at myself.

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187 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)